Heimarian Odyssey

Chapter 4515

"War airship?" Locke couldn\'t help but see it.

The emergence of this new type of war equipment is indeed more suitable for the current wizard world.

In addition, the design of war airship is believed to follow many characteristics of scientific and technological civilization.

As for the technical problems mentioned by Sarah law, they can not be solved in a short time.

The investment of hundreds of millions of magic money may only be the initial and medium-term investment of this experiment.

So many magic coins are enough to cause great turbulence in a medium-sized plane within the alliance, but for the exploration of truth and knowledge, it is likely that it can\'t even turn over a splash.

The reason why the senior level of the wizard alliance was allowed to carry out this research and development was not that the alliance had no place to spend more money, but that they saw broader prospects from the idea of war airship.

It has to be said that the contact with the scientific and technological civilization such as the galent Federation and the exploration of the wizard world in the star world are more in-depth. Some specialty creations from different civilizations are also gradually affecting the wizard world.

Especially the young generation of strong people, born in this great and rich era, they are more affected.

Relying solely on the space fortress to invest tens of millions of troops has gradually become unable to adapt to the development of the times.

During the civilization war, many space fortresses crashed, but caused many tragedies. And the bloated and huge space fortress is really not suitable for the war investment of the wizard world in some small and micro planes.

In this way, the war airship with smaller size and not weak individual combat ability is indeed more suitable for the diversified war style of the wizard world in the new era.

As for why not directly replace it with a floating ship, it is mainly that the floating ship is too simple and the size specification is generally small.

If it is to carry out some transportation work, the floating ship is competent.

But if it\'s a civilization war, forget it!

The wizard world has not fallen into the situation of ignoring the life safety of knights and magicians.

The design concept and basic framework of war airship were soon presented to Locke through some channels.

Those parameters and structural details are not what Locke is interested in. Through the multi-dimensional magic model, Locke seems to see that a brand-new war instrument is about to land on the historical stage.

"This is definitely the most valuable magic guiding alchemy instrument for development and research in recent ten thousand years. I am very optimistic about its prospect." Locke turned to the public and said that this is also the general view of the senior leaders in the wizard alliance who know the R & D plan.

In addition to hiding his identity and observing the development of the steel city from the perspective of ordinary level-3 magicians and knights, Locke also saw what the emerging generation of mechanics in the wizard world is like in the underground square of the steel city.

An old man in an egg shaped metal floater floated past Locke.

Despite the isolation of special alloys and some magic guide materials, Locke still learned all the information about the secondary magician inside through the floating device.

Like most casters in the wizard world, mechanics are generally weak.

The hard metal shell only provides them with a layer of visible protection, just like the magic shield that the elemental masters have blessed themselves.

In addition to relying on machinery and magic guide equipment, Locke also found that many of these mechanics had made some modifications to their bodies.

Either replace the eyeball with a mechanical eye, or replace the whole arm with other devices, which is somewhat similar to those black magicians and necromancers who often transform their bodies.

In addition, the composition of blood and cells in the mechanic\'s body is also very different from that of traditional casters.

The elementalization ability possessed by the elementalists above level 2 is basically lost by the machinists, but they have other abilities and strange means to manipulate metals and more mechanical products.

Generally speaking, the development time of mechanics is not as long as that of element division, and the inheritance and development of all aspects have tended to be complete.

Now the highest level mechanic is just a level 5 mechanic.

Moreover, he was originally transferred from the element division, and he was not a strong man who grew up purely from the first stage.

However, the development and growth of any system must undergo the test and baptism of time.

Whether it\'s the current elemental magician or the knight system, it came like this at first.

When browsing to the second half of the steel city, Locke suddenly received the news that Angelina and other daughters were about to return to the wizard world. They also returned with Locke\'s baby granddaughter, Haila.

This should be Hella\'s first arrival in the wizard world. As a descendant of Locke born in the Titan world, Locke needs to let her recognize that the wizard world is also her home.

"Come on, let\'s go back to the western islands." Locke said to the crowd.

Returning to the western islands from the Mamet alliance requires crossing the long West Sea.

Although it is not as rich and prosperous as the endless South China Sea, the west sea of the wizard world has also developed very well in the past 200000 years.

Yizhaohai people inhabit and live here, which is different from the endless South China Sea, where the mermaid family holds the power. Due to the problems of environment and water quality, the number of mermaids in the West Sea is small. The Naga family occupies the real dominant position in the deep ocean here.

Every hundred years, the Naga family will hand over a large amount of resources and interests to the western islands where Locke is located. This has been a tradition for more than 100000 years. In return, the western islands and their surrounding forces will give these marine nagas a certain degree of shelter.

This is the situation of the weak, but compared with the member civilizations at the downstream end of the wizard alliance, or the alien creatures directly conquered by the wizard world, these marine Naga\'s life and situation are more than 100 times better than them.

The last true spirit tower is located in the territory of blood warlock on the west coast. Since it will take some time for Haila and other women to return to the wizard world, Locke and his party also went by the way.

The true spirit tower of daenerys, the dragon mother, is located in the center of volcanoes in the core of the Dragon warlock family.

There is white snow below the mountainside, but above the mountainside and on the top of the mountain, it is full of hot smell and sulfur smell. It is the core birthplace of the Dragon warlock family, and the environment and rules are strange.

With some channels, the Dragon warlock family learned the news of the arrival of Locke and others in advance.

Level 6 Fire Dragon warlock SANOS rushed out of the volcano to meet Locke and others early. This level 6 Fire Dragon warlock Locke did not know and was also a new dragon warlock who had made a breakthrough in recent tens of thousands of years.