Heimarian Odyssey

Chapter 4498

The price of joining the dimensional war is to lose the qualification of entry.

All Locke needs to do is help the desperate spider mother rob her of a door.

Locke nodded to the request of the desperate spider mother who had helped him many times without hesitation.

Besides, it\'s not certain whether Locke needs to make a move at that time. It\'s not certain that the desperate spider mother has solved her opponent by herself.

And the guy who even the desperate spider mother is vaguely afraid may not happen to like the same door as the desperate spider mother.

"Spider mother, in the history of the development of the civilization of the country of death, has any other top civilization been destroyed before, in addition to the wave of evil souls that eventually encountered in the desperate world?" Locke suddenly said curiously.

For Locke\'s inquiry, the desperate spider mother nodded and said, "yes, according to the dead code, in history, our dead country civilization has swallowed seven top civilizations."

"However, most of those are middle and low-level top civilizations. Without the protection of level 9 creatures, the civilization of the dead country in our heyday is not worth mentioning." The desperate spider mother shook her head.

The answer of the desperate spider mother made Locke clear.

According to the development level of the civilization of the death country, it should be the top civilization at its peak. I\'m afraid the whole star world can\'t find a match.

Such a powerful civilization will not cost much to destroy the top civilizations such as the bright Protoss and the source energy civilization.

Only such a terrible civilization will leave large relics in the desperate world after thousands of years.

I just don\'t know whether there is a similar civilization in the current star world.

What is more fortunate is that there is no sign of similar civilization around the wizard civilization and at the end of the star domain they have explored.

Guangming Protoss and Xianyu are the only top civilizations discovered by the wizard world and actually contacted, and yuanneng civilization is the third.

The more you know, the more you know your smallness.

This also prompted Locke to leave more cards and backhands to the wizard world before trying to enter level 9.


Walnut plane.

In the war here, after the wizard civilization continuously invested in the army and the self domination completely formed the suppression of quantity and power, the hard bones that used to be difficult to bite were gradually controlled by the wizard world and became a springboard to invade the depths of the star domain of false words.

The separation of the seven level masters Yanzu and lingzu was finally cut off by the wing angel safiros and the great king of the dead after their power was exhausted.

For Yanzu, the seven level master, Locke has no deep hatred for it as he used to.

Perhaps this is the reason why the realm is different and the mentality is also different.

Yanzu didn\'t even have the interest to let Locke face it up.

The separation of Yanzu and lingzu was nothing to worry about. What really interested Locke was that Tianxing Zun, the seven level alien master, didn\'t want to wait to die in the walnut plane, and finally did everything to rush out of the medium-sized plane.

Level 7 dark Summoner Lilith has led her two synthetic beasts and level 7 undead master Jing Ning to catch up. She is not willing to let go of this precious experimental specimen.

In fact, for Tianxing Zun, its fate has been determined.

The pursuit from Lilith is nothing. Locke and the desperate spider mother are the real terror.

The end of the starry sky.

The appearance of a boundless translucent white cobweb indicates that Tianxing Zun has no way to escape.

Desperate spider mother and Locke are tired of the game. It\'s time to end it.

At this time, a horn on the forehead of Tianxing Zun had been broken. It was by virtue of the permanent loss of one horn that it could rush out of the walnut plane locked by the desperate spider mother.

However, with the state of Tianxing Zun at this time and the slightly increased prohibition of the desperate spider mother, even if Tianxing Zun sacrificed another horn permanently, it is impossible to rush out of the field here.

It is also the space-time rules and cobweb control field of the desperate spider mother, which reminds Locke of the confinement means before the source energy civilization in the battlefield of the desperate world.

Perhaps the power of the desperate spider mother alone can match the repressive power provided by the whole source energy city of source energy civilization.

This is the real strength of one of the three power holders of the top civilization. It gradually returns to the desperate spider mother in its heyday thousands of years ago. In Locke\'s opinion, it\'s not surprising even to encounter a level 9 creature.

As for why the civilization of the dead country was finally destroyed Locke still can\'t figure it out. After all, according to the results of the dimensional war at that time, the civilization of the country of death was the winner.

The desperate spider mother may have known something, but when Locke asked in time, the spider mother didn\'t say it.

No matter what the specific reason is, since the civilization of the dead country died after the desperate spider mother and others launched the dimensional war, the desperate spider mother, as one of the leaders of the dimensional war, must have unshirkable responsibility.

This should also be a pain in the heart of the desperate spider mother. Although according to the character of the desperate spider mother, she is more inclined to her own detachment than the prosperity of civilization.

"Hum hum, although Lilith has shown great advantages, in order to avoid meaningless consumption and loss of dominant soul, kakarot, go and help." Locke turned and said to kakarot behind him.

For Locke\'s orders, kakarot was not half muddled.

In the face of the desperate state of Tianxing Zun, he didn\'t even have the interest to start the transformation of super Saiya people.

"Your slave\'s blood is especially strong."

"I also see the potential for promotion to level 9 in the future, but its self sharpening and breakthrough process is much longer than the way you promote by absorbing the power of destruction." The desperate spider mother said to Locke.

"This is not necessarily. The fighting talent of Saiya people to win the strong when they meet the strong has surprised me more than once."

"My subordinates may really create miracles." Locke shook his head.

During the chat between Locke and the desperate spider mother, the battle in the starry sky in front of him gradually came to an end.

Kakarot is not a master who is willing to be calm and slowly consume with each other. He trades injury for injury. His unstoppable fighting will is his nature.

Moreover, it was kakarot who did not turn on the Super Saiyan transformation posture, in order to make himself reach the same level as the other party as much as possible and sharpen himself.

But no matter how much you suppress yourself, kakarot\'s level 8 biological essence will not be changed.

Tianxing Zun has recovered his almost fatal injury by dominating the omnipotent soul more than once. On the contrary, there is no heavy injury that really needs to be recovered by the omnipotent soul except for a lot of blood and scars on his body surface.