Heimarian Odyssey

Chapter 4497

"Looking at the concept of \'door\' and the way of dimensional war you put forward, I think the latter is more suitable for my growth and peeping into the realm of level 9." Locke replied.

Hearing this, the desperate spider mother was silent for a moment, then slowly nodded her head and said, "you can draw strength from destruction, which I didn\'t expect before."

"Perhaps your way of promotion and transformation is not only related to the source of destruction, but also related to the world in your body." Said the desperate spider mother.

"The world inside?" Locke was surprised, and then looked at the bloody ring of Paradise Lost worn on his wrist.

"The ring is just an appearance. In fact, the internal space of that world is closely related to you."

"Although you can lend the ring for others to use temporarily and open the internal channel, only you can really achieve the state of integration and mutual supply." Replied the desperate spider mother.

"It is the emergence of this inner world that gives you the possibility of unlimited absorption of destructive power and promotion."

"Otherwise, if it is other creatures, even in my long life, I have seen many unimaginable strong people, but there is no way to absorb the power of destruction and promote like you."

"Because if other creatures do this, the only end is to burst themselves." The desperate spider mother shook her head and said.

The words of the desperate spider mother really aroused Locke\'s meditation.

Think about it carefully. Locke has lent paradise lost many times over the years. Both Locke\'s women and super Saiya kakarot have used it.

Due to their limited strength, Locke\'s women can not develop all the power of paradise lost, but simply regard it as a small mobile world for Legion scheduling or resource supply.

The level of super Saiya kakarot is higher. He can use the huge life energy in the paradise lost for replenishment.

However, only Locke, the owner of the paradise lost, can feed the paradise lost and expand the internal rules and area of the paradise lost with infinite destruction, including driving the transformation of the paradise lost by his own promotion.

If we say that the regular and complete planes in the star world similar to the wizard world are cultivated by countless knights and magician legions to plunder the resources of other planes and expand their own bodies.

Then Locke\'s paradise lost is growing through the symbiotic relationship closely related to Locke and taking Locke as the medium.

The inexhaustible destructive power absorbed by Locke in the past, indeed, the larger impurities and hard to absorb parts are filtered and purified through paradise lost.

This characteristic of unlimited growth and growing stronger and stronger makes Locke a kakarot in another form.

However, kakarot became stronger through fighting and constant honing, while Locke used the power of destruction more rudely to advance.

Of course, Locke\'s infinite growth and absorbing the power of destruction are not only completed by paradise lost.

Locke\'s destroyer is also indispensable!

It is so many preconditions that constitute today\'s Locke, and his way of promotion and transformation can hardly be copied in the star world.

Because of despair, the spider mother will have such feelings.

Looking down at the destruction god in front of his chest, Locke did not forget that its predecessor was the disaster grace God obtained from the civilization relics of the dead country.

Remembering the relationship between the past owner of this God and the desperate spider mother, Locke couldn\'t help saying, "I can grow to this point, and you also played a role that can\'t be ignored."

"I heard that the Lord of disaster and grace is your son. Is that true?" Asked Locke.

At this time, the desperate spider mother looked at the divine figure in Locke\'s chest, and her eyes revealed some memories and nostalgia. Then she shook her head and said, "he is indeed my son, but he is just a life body I created, and according to the data at that time, he is a failure."

"But now, you, who inherit his divine personality, tend to be more successful, and even rely on the promotion method of destructive power. You can\'t say you will be promoted to level 9 earlier than me." Desperate spider mother looked at Locke with deep meaning.

The answer of the desperate spider mother made Locke\'s face stagnant.

The creator of disaster and grace?

Somehow, Locke suddenly thought of those corpse training synthetic animals in Lilith\'s hand, which were not also created by Lilith.

However, it can create almost complete life, and the other party has reached the level of seven masters. The level of desperate spider mother is obviously more than Lilith.

This also represents the peak achievement of the civilization of the dead country in this field.

Although it is an artificial life, from the information revealed in the emotional field, Locke can see that the desperate spider mother has some feelings for the Lord of disaster and grace.

Perhaps it is for this reason that the desperate spider mother takes care of Locke a lot.

In a sense, Locke should be the only one who has a close relationship with the desperate spider mother, not to mention that the desperate spider mother can be reborn to this era with the help of Locke.

In addition to reminiscing about the past, Locke also discussed some details about the level 8 peak field with the desperate spider mother.

If Locke\'s eight level peak road is composed of power and destruction.

Then the road to the eight level peak of the desperate spider mother is more inclined to rules and control.

Just like at this time, the desperate spider mother just shrinks the seven level master Tianxing in the walnut plane below by adjusting the rules of time and space.

As for the field of control, Locke can probably see some clues and mysteries by observing the translucent regular cobwebs around the desperate spider mother.

At present, only Locke can see these cobwebs. Without the initiative of the desperate spider mother, ordinary low-level creatures and even level seven masters will not know the dangers contained therein.

To say which is stronger or weaker between Locke and the spider mother of despair is not a simple question to answer.

Locke is really good at fighting and destruction, but the space-time rules and control fields of the desperate spider mother are enough to lock Locke and take the initiative in the process of confrontation.

Locke\'s advantage lies in his strong physique and the endless vitality provided by paradise lost, that is, he can spend indefinitely with the desperate spider mother.

This is a comparison without an ending. The desperate spider mother is curious and amazed at Locke\'s way of growth, while Locke has always maintained a faint respect for the desperate spider mother.

They are not opponents, but partners who always stand in the same camp.

"In the past thousands of years, in addition to going to Xianyu to form an alliance with Daozu Hongjun and reach an agreement, I have also explored some information in the desperate world."

"As for the competition for the gate, those ordinary level-8 creatures are not worried, but there is a level-8 peak creature, which may need your help." Said the desperate spider mother.