Heimarian Odyssey

Chapter 4495

The incarnation of will is not the same as the separation of master. This is a unique ability of the mother plane of Tianxing Zun - Wanhua Tianzun world.

There are some unusual close connections between avatar and ontology, and even the exchange of avatar and ontology can be completed when necessary.

This is an extremely rare and unexpected means. For example, at this time, Tianxing Zun can make the noumenon far away from the plane of false words come over in an instant, and the separation can be used as a substitute to stay in the plane of false words.

In the original plan, Tianxing Zun wanted to join hands with two masters of false word civilization to inflict heavy damage on each other before the master of wizard civilization completely came.

A genuine level 7 master plus two masters are separated. If it can be done, even if the opponent is a level 8 creature, it will definitely suffer a big loss by virtue of the special rule blessing and suppression effect of walnut plane.

Originally, this trap was prepared by Tianxing Zun for Locke in the wizard world, but unexpectedly, Locke didn\'t wait, but another level 7 master of wizard civilization came.

By this time, their prophecy means were useless, whether it was the speech ancestor or the spirit ancestor.

For the masters of the same level, the role of prophecy itself is relatively small.

Moreover, the means of prophecy was not a means of battle. To predict and peep at creatures of the same level or even higher level requires not only a lot of preconditions, but also a lot of time.

According to the plan, after the opponent is hit hard, Tianxing Zun will re adjust the noumenon and avatar with a secret method, so as to get rid of the pursuit of the dominant creatures of wizard civilization.

At the cost of one avatar and a few masters of two omnipotent souls, it is a profitable result to severely damage a wizard civilization master.

Similarly, this is also an effective counterattack that only a few people can do when the overall civilization war situation is unfavorable to themselves.

Of course, because it was Lilith, not Locke, who came this time, the Tianxing Zun had more courage.

It not only wants to hit its opponent, but also tries to kill him.

"There is darkness in the picture presented to me by prophecy, which may not give us an accurate answer, or it itself is the answer."

"But for the civilization of false words, this is the last effective resistance before the invasion of the mother plane. Anyway, we must try." Said lingzu.

Since the original life straw was destroyed, even the whole civilization fell into the mire because of its own decision-making, Yanzu had doubts about his own path and was in a trance about fate.

At this time, on the contrary, lingzu took up the banner in time and led the scarecrow army commanding the civilization of false words to carry out a series of deployment arrangements.

Lingzu\'s answer made Tianxing Zun nod.

With the stimulation of the special mark, the dominant power of Tianxing Zun alone fluctuated and began to burst out on the walnut plane.

A central battlefield far away.

The winged angel safiros, who has just led the destruction Angel Legion under his command, looks into the distance with a dignified face.

Although he is very close to the realm of domination, it is still a big challenge for him to face domination with a six-level peak.

However, in this level of civilization war, it is impossible for the speech and spirit ancestors of Tianxing Zun and vain speech civilization to pay too much attention to their six level peak creatures.

One before and two after that, three dominant beams of light crossed the sky and looked at their forward direction, just like Lilith stuck at the barrier of the plane.

"Chris, you continue to lead the army forward. I need to return to the level barrier to help Lord Lilith." The winged angel said to his deputy.

The fallen angel who has reached the eight wing level replied, "yes."

Then it turned into a black streamer, and the winged angel safiros flew after the three dominant breath.


Violent explosion and energy shock wave soon broke out near the plane barrier.

Visible to the naked eye, Lilith\'s element is greatly shaken.

However, in the face of the fierce attack of a master of the same level and two masters, Lilith, who was stuck at the face barrier, was not too alarmed.

The eyes showed such a look, and the painted black element gradually became virtual in Lilith\'s spell singing.

As the first level-7 Summoner in the wizard world, Lilith\'s achievements in the field of summoning rules have long reached the unimaginable level of ordinary creatures and even foreign masters.

It\'s just that Lilith didn\'t show too many unique methods of summoners before. People\'s attention mostly focused on Lilith\'s understanding of the power of death and her achievements in the field of corpse training synthetic animals.

For Lilith\'s Summoner identity, it seems that she only thinks she has many powerful summoners.

But facts have proved that the strength of the summoner does not only depend on the summoner.

The exchange of noumenon and incarnation of Tianxing Zun is a divine ability in the eyes of ordinary masters, which has even been applied to many fields such as space, soul, energy and so on.

Unfortunately, Lilith has a similar means.

This ability is not unique to the Wanhua heavenly world, but comes from the wisdom of the caster in the wizard world.

Without waiting for the next wave of attacks from Tianxing Zun, Yanzu and lingzu, the real body of Lilith element gradually disappeared like water mist. In the unbelievable stunned eyes of Tianxing Zun, it was replaced by the shock of the master of level 7 undead.

In addition to the mysteries in the field of summoning, the most fundamental principle to follow in the exchange of summoners and summoners is the principle of equivalence in the star world.

For example, Lilith, as a master caster, only seven levels of undead master Jing Ning can exchange with her.

In some extreme cases, this is a life-saving trick.

Level 7 undead master Jing Ning can, but the two master level combat power synthetic beasts who practice corpse synthetic beast identity can\'t.

Because the synthetic beast is only a dead thing after all. It is not a real master, and there is no omnipotent soul.

Naturally, it can\'t be exchanged with Lilith.

The seven level undead master Jing Ning, who suddenly took the place of the battlefield, was obviously a little confused.

Her master Lilith didn\'t seem to have introduced her to this ability in advance.

Violent energy fluctuations and domination means completely engulfed the level 7 undead masters at the first time.

However, soon, a burst of scream and death power through the soul broke out from the shock of the level 7 undead master.

Although Jing Ning, the master of the dead, is a woman, as a master of the core "law of the bone", she has achieved no worse in the field of defense than those seven level masters in the world of the iron tower.

It is precisely because of this strong defense that Jing Ning may have picked up his life from the edge of the big explosion in the silent bone convergence star domain.