Heimarian Odyssey

Chapter 4494

The defeat of the walnut world soon spread to locker. Even Locke had to pay attention to it because it involved the body of a level 6 Witch and the heavy damage of another level 6 witch.

"The dragon mother danilis and the sword Saint Carlyle are still in charge of the tower star domain. The war on the medium plane is blocked. Why don\'t you solve it?" In the Space Fortress, Locke said to Lilith in front of him.

The medium plane is the plane that most dominant creatures do not want to appear. For example, Locke was besieged by the seventh level brain eater kilaya, which happened in a medium plane.

Because the inside information of the medium-sized plane has just reached the arrival standard of domination, the vast majority of masters can feel a deep sense of depression and suffocation when they enter it.

Even the seven level masters are like this, then the eight level masters will be more affected.

In addition, the walnut world is still in the hands of vain civilization. The price of Locke\'s forced entry is to confront the whole plane alone.

The walnut world is the last gateway to the depths of the false word civilization. Conquering this world basically means disintegrating most of the resistance of the false word civilization outside the mother plane.

Although the wizard civilization Corps has just suffered a big defeat in walnut, it is only a rare event.

Looking at the entire civilized battlefield, the wizard civilization Corps is still making rapid progress, and it is vain to say that the civilized Scarecrow can only carry out some "small fight" counter attacks and so-called victories in a very few positions based on unique rules.

With Lilith\'s strength, personally appearing in a medium-sized plane can naturally easily solve the decline there.

And part of the reason why Locke didn\'t make a move was that civilization couldn\'t help waiting for vain words.

If the false word civilization really prepared any conspiracy on the walnut plane, Locke\'s power would be enough to rescue Lilith in time and counter it.

"Oh, but your destruction army has to lend me a part." Lilith nodded.

"No problem." Locke said.

"I want the winged angel safiros and the destruction angels." Lilith went on.

This time, Locke pondered for a long time before he replied, "OK."


Just ushered in a big victory, the walnut plane Aboriginal creatures and the scarecrow corps had not had time to celebrate, and an invasion far worse than the previous rules came again.

This is the sadness of weak and low creatures.

They think they have defeated strong enemies and are the so-called "winners", but they simply do not know what enemies they are facing.

Perhaps the real strength of the so-called "strong enemy" in their eyes is less than one tenth of the total forces invested by Wizard civilization in this theater.

Even the powerful and deep-rooted iron tower world eventually fell into the hands of wizard civilization. Just a walnut plane will not stop the wizard civilization from attacking for too long.

"Well, this medium-sized plane looks smaller than the wizard world in those days."

"In the intelligence, there is only one native level 6 creature in this medium-sized plane, and the other is a level 6 Scarecrow from the false word civilization."

"Just two level-6 creatures leading some mobs can seriously damage the elite legion of the northern witch organization. It seems that there is something strange." At the gap of the plane barrier, Lilith, a level 7 dark summoner, opens the element real body and is struggling to squeeze into the plane.

Even Lilith is so difficult to enter. I\'m afraid Locke will directly burst this weak medium-sized plane.

Below the real body of Lilith\'s painted black element, countless are pouring into this plane like a burst flood. There are two torrents of black and gray.

The black is the destruction Corps under Locke, and the gray is the undead biological Corps directly belonging to Lilith.

Although the number of destruction legions is relatively small, the top ones are all elite. Nearly 3 million destruction legions pour into this medium-sized plane. Extremely strong destruction factors even bring small-scale rule catastrophe to this plant plane full of life.

Locke\'s destruction Legion is indeed more elite than Lilith\'s undead legion, but Lilith\'s undead Legion is not bad.

Don\'t think that these undead creatures are the most common skeletons or rotten corpses. These undead creatures are the elite specially selected by Lilith in the middle and late stage of the silent bone convergence star domain war.

What Lilith can see is also the first level of life, not to mention the dead Lord of the sixth level of life.

Such a strong overall combat power also marks the determination of the wizard civilization to win the walnut plane.

The only surprise is that Lilith\'s famous six level peak king of the dead did not show up. Since the end of the war in the star domain, it is about to enter the dominant realm, absorbing some of the original power of the dead emperor.

The undead world, under the command of another wizard civilization, has the potential to promote the vassal level of large-scale level, which is much more low-key than the Titan world level most of the time.

It may also be that Lilith has been addicted to experiments for many years and has never considered fighting for any rights and interests for the dead world attached to her.

Before Lilith completely entered the walnut plane, the destruction corps and the undead Corps spread in all directions.

The local creatures and Scarecrow corps, who have just ushered in a great victory in walnut, simply can\'t face up to these elite legions.

The one-sided massacre was staged in the whole plane. In the process, Lilith entered the walnut plane and gradually realized why the elite legion of the northern witch organization had suffered a great defeat.

"This can happen when two seemingly ordinary mysterious forces are combined."

"No wonder the northern witches who are good at the power of mystery will suddenly suffer heavy losses. In addition, this plane is still..." In the real body of the element, the painted black eyes have looked to the deepest part of the walnut plane, which is full of wisdom and calm.


"Do you want to start at once? It seems that the witch world female mage has found us." The walnut plane belongs to the core of the scarecrow controlled area. A wisp of will incarnation of the seventh level master Tianxing Zun said to the two nearby.

In addition to Tianxing Zun, Yanzu and lingzu also have a separate body here.

As the master of foreign aid, Tianxing Zun has not jumped off the sinking ship so far. He doesn\'t know whether to say he is righteous or stupid.

Of course, maybe tianxingzun had the idea of leaving the battlefield, but the wizard civilization seemed unwilling to let it go.

For the will locking of Tianxing Zun, the masters of the wizard world do not invest less than Yanzu.