Heimarian Odyssey

Chapter 4452

Smooth and warm skin like milk, long bright silver hair and tall figure.

Haila, who is still less than 4000 years old, shows her youth and beauty.

It\'s not too much to call her the darling of the star world. In addition to her natural strong talent and terrorist potential, her background and popularity alone are enough to crush hundreds of millions of creatures in the star world.

After all, not any creature can have a grandfather with level 8 peak power level.

Yamongad, the earthly Python spitting snake letters, was reduced to a small pocket snake less than 20 cm, curled up and coiled on the Dragon horn above Haila\'s head as a modest decoration.

If you weren\'t a person familiar with the matter, I\'m afraid no one would have thought that this seemingly decorative silver ribbon was a terrible giant with six levels of peak power level after complete explosion Things.

Even if it was her father who appeared in front of Haila at this time, the stern and unsmiling God of the gods, it was difficult to hold his daughter in the field of personal combat power.

At the same time, this also led to the young Haila gradually developing a bit of unruly temperament. In addition to her own grandmother Hera, who could teach and control her, no one in the wizard alliance could hold her down.

Because in addition to a grandfather who dotes on her without reason, Haila also has a group of grandmothers who dote on her without reason.

The joy of family in the Titan world made Locke, who had just returned from the battlefield of the desperate world, smile for a rare long time on his cold face.

Haila, the granddaughter in her arms, didn\'t give too much face to Locke, the master of Zhiqiang knight. After making that request to Locke again, she broke away from Locke\'s arms, greeted a painted black wolf in the temple, and then jumped away from the holy mountain temple.

The painted black wolf has the blood of three hell dogs, Cerberus. At present, it has level 4 strength. It is also an important playmate for Haila to accompany her growth before she obtains yemenggad.

Three hell dogs, Cerberus, died in 1700. The giant wolf named fenril is also the only blood left by it.

Along with three hellhounds, Cerberus, who died in the alien battlefield, there is Hades, the sixth level God of the Titan world.

He is the only level 6 Titan God who fell in the Titan world since modern times. Because his status is too high, he is even higher than the divine king Odin in terms of seniority. His fall also directly led to the chaos of the Pluto system, which occupies great power in the Titan world.

God King Odin himself issued an order to incorporate the members of the Pluto system into his direct command, which ended the chaos of the Pluto system for hundreds of years at that time.

Another familiar old man fell. When Locke learned about the situation, he just sighed.

"It\'s really hard for you during my absence." Seeing his granddaughter Haila leave the temple, Locke turned and said to the girls around him.

The women in front of us are the wives who have accompanied Locke through the long years. Among them are Angelina, Christine, Hera, Joaquin, Raffi and Vivien Leigh.

ASAR returned to the wizard world 100 years ago. It is said that when an experiment reaches a critical period, he must go to the city of the sky and complete it with the help of high-precision magic guidance instruments there.

Kayla, one of Locke\'s oldest wives, is not in the Titan world at present. She also left here not long ago to go to the steel city, which has become famous in the wizard world in recent ten thousand years, to help her daughter Bev deal with some things.

Locke was full of apologetic words, and the women present shook their heads gently.

It\'s not that Locke doesn\'t care about them, but with the significant improvement of Locke\'s life level and the great changes and rapid development background of the whole wizard civilization in recent 100000 years, Locke really doesn\'t have much time to stay in the wizard world and accompany his family.

And the life gap, which is getting wider and wider from Locke, also makes these spell casters who generally reach the life level above level 5 see that it is so difficult to continue to chase Locke\'s footsteps.

Perhaps it is also clear that several Locke wives represented by Angelina gradually did not devote all their energy to magic experiments as in the past, but chose to spend part of their energy and time with Haila, Bev, Lisa and others.

Among the women in front of him, the aging degree is the most serious. Locke\'s weak childhood is the most important to him. She is also the only Angelina who has held a formal wedding.

Although there were some obvious wrinkles on his face and skin, Locke did not dislike each other, but always held each other\'s hands tightly.

This is also a message from Locke. Angelina is her own wife. Even if her cultivation progress can\'t keep up with Locke, she hasn\'t given birth to a son and a daughter to Locke.

Apart from Angelina, Christine and Raffi have the slowest aging process because of the knight system.

Because for knights, abundant physical strength and vitality are synonymous with their strength.

When one day the knight\'s body appears obvious aging and weakening, it basically marks that the knight is about to come to the end of his life.

The reason why Qiao Jin and Vivien Li are better than Angelina is that they are on the road of blood Warlock.

With the same strong physique, blood warlocks have a physique that normal casters can\'t imagine.

In Angelina\'s slightly self deprecating words not long ago, I\'m afraid that among several old wives, Christine, Raffi, Joaquin and Vivien Leigh are the only ones who can sleep with Locke.

Not only Angelina and Kayla, but also asal and sarafa, who have reached level 6.

The weak physique of the caster makes them unable to bear Locke\'s dominant Knight physique.

However, after living for so many years, Locke is basically indifferent to those instincts based on life reproduction. Compared with the temporary pleasure caused by the senses, Locke enjoys the atmosphere of getting along with his loved ones.

"By the way, what do you think of the request made by the child Haila just now?" Hera asked Locke in front of her.

"Although I also want to keep her around all the time, the world should be left to young people after all, and she should also get her own growth." Said Hera.

Hella\'s "request" is to lead an army of titans to the front of the civilized battlefield.

It may be that there is a relationship of Locke Knight blood in her blood. This little girl, who was born only about 4000 years ago, is more interested in fighting than expected.