Heimarian Odyssey

Chapter 4433

The dark blue energy beam is emitted from a heavy metal muzzle and cuts through the dark sky of the desperate world, adding some color to the perennial dead world.

In the sky, countless fighters roared by, and in the middle of these fighters, there are always some source energy civilized soldiers wearing special combat clothes.

The shining Lord of the seventh level peak, like a golden giant, appeared in the frontal battle area of the skeleton continent battlefield.

When a large number of energy rays hit the shining Lord, they will always stir up ripples.

Tens of millions of angel legions have supported the main forces of the middle and bottom battle groups in this dimensional battlefield.

Although angels are more powerful than soldiers of yuanneng civilization in terms of individual strength, yuanneng civilization is always fighting against the bright Protoss relying on their science and technology and strong ships and guns.

And this war has once again proved that angels are not cannon fodder that the Lord gods of light are willing to consume at will.

For example, at this time, the shining Lord who opened the energy body and appeared in the center of the battlefield in the form of a giant of light elements sheltered millions of angel legions on the battlefield with his own light divine power.

At this moment, on the battlefield not far from the shining Lord, two other Lord gods led their angel legions to fight.

One of them is the shining Lord, who has always been in contradiction with the shining Lord. Before that, both parties, including the parties, did not expect that if they look at each other badly, they will one day help each other in the fierce and desperate world war.

As for the other Lord God of light, he is the Lord of dusk, who has broken through the level seven realm for less than 15000 years.

As a new Lord God, the Lord of dusk received a lot of care from the Lord of glory and the Lord of glory on this local battlefield.

The theater he was responsible for was the least intense, and he also received a lot of assistance from the Lord of glory and the Lord of glory in the composition of his angel Legion.

Sure enough, only in the critical period affecting the development of the whole civilization will the forces of the whole civilization come together.

Even the two sworn enemies of the Lord of glory and the Lord of glory can fight side by side. What difficulties can the bright protoss have and can\'t be conquered by strong enemies.

In other war zones far away from the Lord of glory and others, the Lord of dawn, the Lord of rising sun, the Lord of scorching sun, the Lord of infinity and other Lord of light are also doing their best.

Only a few seven level light masters, including the Lord of eternal brightness and the angel Gabriel, have been seriously hurt by the fierce war in recent ten thousand years, so they return to the world of light for a rest.

When Locke arrived at this battlefield, the picture in front of him was that the Lord of glory sealed and suppressed nearly ten million levels of source energy civilization combat legions with the star ring in his hand as the medium.

Innumerable light rays strafed the opponent in the star field, while the nearly ten million source energy civilization Legion was in a stalemate with the shining lord under the protection of a level 7 source energy Lord God and a special master fortress.

From the perspective of level 7 combat power, the Lord of glory is an enemy of two.

In the case of one enemy against two, it can suppress the opponent, as can be seen from the strength of the shining Lord.

And the bright Protoss showed a disadvantage in this stage of the dimensional war, which is only the result of the overall analysis.

In many local battlefields, in fact, the bright Protoss also occupies a greater initiative and certain advantages.

For example, the battlefield of the shining Lord in front of us and the shining Lord next door, and the battlefield of the endless Lord far away.

For the bright Protoss, these three war zones are obviously superior war zones.

Locke\'s arrival did not bring too much impact to the middle and bottom combat legions on the battlefield. On the contrary, many seven level masters, including the Lord of glory, perceived Locke\'s breath.

The Corps of source energy civilization began to retreat in an orderly manner. The source energy civilization with the experience of starvation and wasteland obviously also collected some information about Locke.

A level 8 peak master is enough to dominate the whole battlefield situation. It is far from the time of decisive battle. Yuanneng civilization does not want to compete with the bright Protoss now.

A rhombic energy network launched by the master fortress successfully opened a hole in the star field of the shining Lord, and then a large number of source energy civilization legions began to evacuate in an orderly manner.

The rapid changes in the development of war on the local battlefield did not affect the judgment of the Lord of glory.

Even if she sensed Locke\'s arrival and wanted to come up and say hello to Locke, before that, her task was also rationally assigned to the battle task of her angel legion, and even she joined the pursuit of the retreating source civilization Legion in front of her.

The greater the pressure brought by the Lord of glory to the source civilization, the less the pressure in the theater where the Lord of glory and the Lord of dusk are located.

Especially the latter, as the Lord of twilight fell thousands of years ago, the Lord of glory did not want to see another newly born Lord of light disappear.

Locke saw the pursuit of the Lord of glory and the actions of thousands of angel legions on the whole battlefield.

The angel legion of the bright Protoss is more than those of the source civilization.

Although yuanneng civilization has also allocated some legions for the rear of the temple, it is difficult to stop those crazy and firm angels.

Up to now, Locke has seen more than one round of brilliant white light from angel self explosion.

Even among those self exploding angels, there are many high-level angels with more than six wings.

Since the Lord of glory was busy fighting, Locke was not in a hurry to see her.

The connection between him and the light Protoss is basically on the Lord of glory. Locke is more inclined to help the Lord of glory, whether in terms of interests or personal feelings.

In addition to the intense fighting in the theater where the shining Lord is located, the most exaggerated area of real energy impact on the vast skeleton continent in front of us is still in the deepest part of the battlefield.

There, Locke sensed the power of the endless Lord.

He nodded to the shining Lord who was in the state of chasing and killing people on the battlefield, and Locke flew towards the battlefield where the endless Lord was located.

Because of his sudden appearance and two major losses to the source energy civilization in succession, Locke did not know that he had quietly entered the blacklist that the source energy civilization tried to deal with.

And according to Locke\'s strength and threat level, he is currently in third place.

The two in front of him are the supreme god stronger than the God of source energy and the endless Lord who has destroyed two dominant fortresses.

When Locke arrived at the battlefield of the endless Lord deeper in the skeleton continent, let alone the middle and low-level regiment scuffles, the first thing that came into Locke\'s eyes was that the mighty endless Lord turned into a golden light, and his fists were smashing a giant steel and iron warship with a length of more than 100000 meters.


The official account of Knight\'s journey: D I love beans.