Heimarian Odyssey

Chapter 4396

The incomparably turbulent tide of death just swept up a wave and swallowed hundreds of thousands of federal ships in an instant.

Swallowing these federal warships does not mean that the sea of death "killed" these ships in an instant.

It only forcibly cut off the connection between these ships and the main fleet with its own death force. In a sense, it can be understood that the sea of death involved those federal ships in its own field.

The extremely strong power of death fills the body of death at home and abroad, and there are countless dead creatures hidden in it.

How long can the federal ships involved in the sea of death last? We can\'t expect too much. Perhaps the word "second kill" can also be applied.

The roar and anger of the sea of death can also be understood as its fear.

What it fears is not Locke, a mere seven level master, but the galent federal conqueror Titan, which is spitting out the power level that frightens it.

Just in the narrow time swept over from the distance of the stars, the power level of galent\'s federal conqueror Titan destroyer railgun jumped several levels compared with that just now!

That is the power level that makes the sea of death afraid, because it has always brought death to others, but this time it smelled a trace of death.


When the charging value of the annihilation railgun reached 55%, the solid silent bone convergence surface below the main continent began to disintegrate obviously.

It\'s a pity that Locke hasn\'t seen the actual picture of level 8 peak creatures fighting with all their strength before, but from his feeling at the moment, the power limit of level 8 peak creatures should be just like this.

After reaching 55%, the destruction railgun did not stop growing. It still climbed to a higher field according to the program originally set by federal scientists.


When the main body of the sea of death arrived near the galent federal conqueror Titan, the charge of the annihilation railgun had reached 59%!

To tell the truth, at this power level, even Locke had to choose to retreat to one side under the threat of strong energy.

The sea of death, which can be reached by the body, can continue to advance step by step to the conqueror titan of the galent Federation because it is backed by the power of death in the whole star domain.

And at this time, it is not that the sea of death is sure to stop the pouring of this power level, but that the charging speed of the annihilation railgun is too fast to make an emergency evacuation plan.

Whether to go or stay is not a choice that can be made in such a short time.


The full force of the sea of death caused the whole body of the conqueror Titan to deviate from the side.

In the end, it was the peak Technology warship of the galent Federation, which suffered the full attack of class 8 creatures. The conqueror Titan did not immediately show obvious damage.

As a result of the deviation of the ship\'s hull, the bombardment path of the destroyer railgun at the front of the warship is drawn down.

It was originally a means of fixed-point attack, but now it was to draw an unusually obvious gap directly on the main continent of the silent bone convergence surface.

Mountains and rivers disintegrate, rivers and seas disintegrate, and countless dead creatures suffer from it.

As the initiator of the death sea, although it did not directly face the positive power of destroying the railgun just now, it was only a trace of power from the impact, but also melted the large area of death element energy around the death sea.

The evaporation of particles from the annihilation railgun is much more efficient and faster than the death of femton.

This also makes the sea of death deeply understand that the destruction railgun of the conqueror Titan ship really has the ability to kill it.

At least the life thickness and power level of the sea of death can\'t bear the positive power of the world destroying railgun.

The lateral movement of the galent federal conqueror Titan ship and the full impact of the sea of death occurred only a moment or a moment later, and the charging degree of the annihilation railgun reached 60%.

quiet...... In an instant of silence, the dark purple particle beam turned into a frightening dark. The dark beam seemed to be integrated with the whole star world.

Level nine! This is the real nine level power!

On this black painted energy light column, Locke saw some shadow of Zu Hongjun of Xianyu Dao.

Like Locke, there is the sea of death that has appeared in front of the conqueror Titan.

At this moment, the trembling and fear of this life body in the later stage of level 8 is not limited to its own heart, but actually expressed.

The overall disintegration of the silent bone convergence surface below has begun. Even if the guardian tries his best to use his own rules to repair those wounds, it is no longer a hole that only a guardian can fill in the face of the power attack from level 8 to level 9.

The wave of destruction sweeping the whole large world had begun to brewing, and at this time, the conqueror titan of the galent Federation turned its direction and aimed at the sea of death.

"We\'ve lost our right γ The control of the first-class crystal weapon system, its current autonomous charging is uncontrollable. " A federal general reports to four-star general Roz Holman.

"What about the scientist Pavlov? What did he say?" Asked Rhodes Holman.

"We can\'t reach the Pavlov scientist. The overall communication system of our fleet has been disturbed by powerful forces." The federal general replied.

More than Pavlov, in fact, most of the millions of federal warships inside and outside the conqueror Titan are now in a chaotic mode that is difficult to communicate.

The picture of fighting each other appears in every corner of the starry battlefield.

The legions of dead creatures who returned with the sea of death also fell into chaos because of the level 9 power in the starry sky.

"It\'s time to make a choice." Four star general Roz Holman looked around and said to all his colleagues and middle and low-level non commissioned officers in the flagship.

"I choose the union forever!" The general said, waving his fist.

"The union lasts forever!"

"The galent Union will never fall!" One after another echoed, and then sounded.

The last order issued by the flagship to the conqueror Titan was to ask the conqueror Titan to collide in the direction of the body of the sea of death.

The conqueror Titan, which received the flagship command at close range, and the hundreds of thousands of federal soldiers on and off the ship did not disappoint the federal generals.

The overall collapse of the silent bone convergence surface indicates that the plan of the galent Federation to destroy the world has been half completed.

As for the remaining half, it is the sea of death in the starry sky in front of us, and the Legion of many dead creatures that can\'t be seen at a glance.