Heimarian Odyssey

Chapter 4395

As the newly developed exterminating railgun of galent Federation, the power level contained in this dark purple light column undoubtedly represents the peak achievement in the field of federal science and technology.

With just one touch, the dark purple energy light column penetrated the death barrier arranged outside the position plane of the silent bone convergence civilization, and after penetrating the death barrier, the purple light column still continued to shoot towards the position plane barrier of the silent bone convergence plane.

Just like the death barrier that easily ran through just now, the silence did not last long, even the plane barrier of the world.

The strength of the large-scale world plane barrier does not seem to play a good defensive role under the penetration of this dark purple light column.

When the dark purple light column penetrates the plane barrier and the silent bone convergence plane itself causes an impact, destruction and death will come at the same time!

The dead creatures of the lonely civilization are used to bringing death to others and other civilizations. I\'m afraid they won\'t expect a large-scale death to befall them one day.

The plane barrier was broken in an instant, which undoubtedly brought great rule impact and environmental changes, and the purple light column also moved towards the umbilical plane of the silent bone convergence plane under the control of the galent Federation.

Level 8 peak power!

Only the power of level 8 peak can easily break the two barriers provided by the silent bone convergence civilization for the mother plane. After all, even if Locke, who was in the late stage of level 8, came in person, it is difficult for him to break the plane barrier of a large world with one blow.

And what is even more exaggerated is that the charging value of the world destroying railgun has only reached 47%!

When it brought despair to the lonely civilization and shock to Locke, the federal generals in the galent federal fleet had no spare time to rejoice.

Due to the powerful power of the annihilation railgun, after easily tearing the plane barrier of the silent bone convergence world, the dead creatures in the plane rushed out of the mother plane again like crazy.

At the same time, the sea of death and billions of necromancers are speeding back to the mother plane, and more than 4 million ships of the galent Federation will soon face attack from the rear.

In this case, on the contrary, the alarm came from the core hub of the exterminating railgun, and now few people pay attention to it.

The powerful power level was beyond the expectations of federal scientists such as Pavlov when the railgun was charged to 40%. Until the railgun was launched and charged to 47% in an instant, the metal hatch at the whole core hub was completely destroyed.

In addition to the great changes in the core hub, the long railgun carried by the predecessor of the conqueror Titan gradually distorted under the influence of super energy particles.

Fortunately, however, even if the energy tracks of the core hub and the railgun are different, the launch of the whole world killing railgun has not been greatly affected from the appearance.

"The railgun charge must reach more than 60% in order to meet our initial expectations of the war plan!"

"Come on, small maintenance ships and special maintenance personnel driving aircraft armour, go to the energy track and γ Repair at the level 1 crystal core hub! " Orders were conveyed inside the federal conqueror Titan.

A number of federal scientists, including Pavlov, are also doing their best to provide urgent and effective maintenance solutions for those maintenance ships.

But more than repairing ships, Pavlov, the federal chief scientist, paid more attention to γ Level crystal changes and special parameters flashing on the main control screen.

There was no abnormal brain running at full speed. At this time, there was a special spiritual position around Pavlov.

Galent Federation does not advocate the cultivation system, including that Pavlov can have more than four life levels, which is also the result of genetic medicine and life transformation.

But at this time, the brain is running at a high speed, and the knowledge in the field of rules and energy involved in the brain has reached a very high level, but Pavlov has entered a strange state that outsiders can\'t see the depth.

If Locke appeared here, he might find something unusual that surprised him.

But unfortunately, for the galent Federation, which is in chaos and tension, there is no hidden change in Pavlov.

Flesh and blood Particles and cells are metabolizing rapidly in Pavlov\'s body. A little golden light representing pure spiritual power appears from Pavlov\'s forehead.

The first to discover Pavlov\'s abnormality was his inseparable assistant for more than 100000 years.

The female scientist had just ordered two maintenance ships to go to a specific location for maintenance. Looking back, she saw the golden light on Pavlov\'s forehead and the slow disintegration of his body.

In just a moment, a small thumb of Pavlov disappeared, and instead, the golden light on his forehead was more eye-catching.

"Pavlov, what\'s the matter with you!" The exclamation of the female assistant caused the glances of other scientists around.

However, Pavlov himself did not seem to hear the cry of his female assistant, and the high-speed operation of his brain did not stop, including his mouth.

"60.01%, the critical point to fully enter the field of God, when the charge of the annihilation railgun reaches 60.01%!"

"And we are right γ The development limit of grade 1 crystal is 73.22%! " Pavlov\'s voice grew louder and louder, and everyone couldn\'t help looking at him.

But no one expected that what Pavlov said at this time had predicted the end.


In the starry sky, the dark purple beam from the conqueror Titan ship penetrated the light, which attracted Locke\'s great fear.

What is more exaggerated is that the energy released by this terrorist war weapon has continued to become stronger at an amazing speed since the launch of the annihilation railgun!

Climbing from the eighth level peak to a higher level of power, the rules and energy of the whole nearby starry sky also change faintly.

This power beyond Locke\'s control frightened him, but it also excited Locke.

Because he knew that with the continuous improvement of the energy level of the annihilation railgun, its power would soon reach the level of destroying all the surrounding stars.

Not far away, the body of the sea of death has reached the starry battlefield.

The dense cloud of death has collided with the galent federal fleet, but compared with the full efforts of the sea of death, the only four million federal ships on this battlefield are slightly thinner.

"Stop!" The wrath of the sea of death surged in the starry sky with the rolling tide of death.

The late level 8 Death Master was also afraid of the dark purple beam released by the conqueror Titan, but he was more concerned about the safety of his mother\'s plane.