Heimarian Odyssey

Chapter 4384

The suicide fleet appeared on the iron will front 197 years ago.

At that time, the federal front completely covered by metal and ruins was almost occupied by the light Protoss, and more than 87% of defense facilities and bunker artillery bases were destroyed.

It was also when the federal army was about to be driven out of the steel will front by the bright Protoss, hundreds of federal fleets launched a suicide attack on the abdomen of the bright Protoss Angel Legion.

This is an epic star wars that will go down in federal history.

In this suicide attack, the Federation even used neutron star bombs.

Although it paid a great price, the galent Federation somehow repulsed the light Protoss again and defended this front.

This also means that the front-line combat Corps has won hundreds of years for the persistence of Kanazawa.

And these hundreds of years are also the key to the transformation of the federal war situation.


Forty seven years later, the battle front of keitra star domain.

"What, the galent Federation has completed the right γ "Weaponization transformation of first-class crystal?" Noumenon is still playing with the battle Angel Michael. Locke\'s will to stay in the rear base is separated, but he gets the good news from Lilith.

"Well, I want to release it completely γ The Federation must rely on the conqueror Titan ship for the energy of class I crystal. In the past few decades, those federal scientists have solved this problem. "

"The question now is, how can we move the conqueror Titan fleet to the depths of the lonely star domain."

"The galent federal military has formulated a \'plan to destroy the world\', but many of this plan need to borrow the power of you and our Wizard civilization." Said Lilith.

In this starry battlefield, in addition to the two level 8 light masters, there are the Lord of the scorching sun at the peak of level 7 and the dead angel Gabriel in the middle of level 7.

Therefore, Lilith has been under great pressure from the war in recent years. In addition to obvious fatigue, Lilith also has many hidden wounds left on her.

That\'s why if the galent federation can\'t come up with a solution, Locke will lead the army to withdraw.

"Plan to destroy the world..." Locke pondered for a moment and then said, "show me their plan. If it is really feasible, I will spare no effort to support them."

Locke and wizard civilization spend so much to help the galent Federation, which is not selfless dedication. In fact, they are also profitable.

Not to mention the large amount of war resources that the wizard civilization has earned from the galent Federation, and the massive foreign debt that the Federation still owes to the wizard civilization, it is just γ Level crystal detonates and destroys the destructive tide brought by an entire large star domain, which is enough to pay back the ticket price.

You know, γ The explosion and destruction of level 1 crystal is not an open star domain, but a terrible destruction tide with thousands of regular and complete planes, countless middle and bottom creatures, and even dominant creatures.

Compared with the tide of destruction brought by the collapse of hell at that time, I\'m afraid it can\'t compare with the crystal that will explode in the depths of the silent bone convergence star domain.

"I\'ll inform them. Also, since the galent Federation is about to implement the extermination plan, should we prepare in advance in the wizard world?" Asked Lilith.

Not liking to build and manage forces is not the same as Lilith can\'t.

As a knowledgeable dominant creature, Lilith\'s vision is still very broad. She has even considered detonating in the depths of the lonely star domain γ After the first level crystal, whether the wizard civilization can profit from it.

It\'s just that Lilith is still "new" and not as stable as the world\'s top leaders of old wizards such as Sarah law.

For the suggestion of the level 7 dark summoner, Locke shook his head and said, "don\'t worry, everything will wait γ The first-class crystal really detonated in the depths of the silent bone convergence star domain. Besides, the world destruction plan is not so easy to implement. "

"In addition to finding a way to send the conqueror Titan fleet to the depths of the lonely bone convergence star domain, we also need to consider the war attitude of the follow-up bright Protoss, in which there are still many uncertain factors." Locke said.

Lilith also knew that she was not good at these. She just made suggestions. After receiving Locke\'s answer, she just nodded without making any other representations.

"By the way, don\'t forget what I told you, those federal scientists..." Locke suddenly warned.

"Don\'t worry, I\'m ready." Lilith nodded. Of course she knew what Locke meant.


The death plan of the galent Federation came faster than Locke thought.

This can be attributed to the fact that the Federation has indeed reached the limit of war it can bear. In addition, the avalanche collapse of the civilization of the members of the anti light Protoss alliance hundreds of years ago also accounts for a great part.

The defeat of the anti light Protoss alliance stems from the continuous impact of the charming Angel Raphael and countless Angel legions.

In the past, the civilizations of the members of the anti light Protoss alliance could also get the assistance of the galent Federation and the rose Dynasty, but now, these two large world civilizations are too busy to care about themselves and naturally have no spare time to care about others.

The charming Angel Raphael, who was promoted to dominate the realm, was invincible on the front of the anti light Protoss alliance without the control of seven creatures at the same level.

Those small and medium-sized world civilizations have no means to counter her, and they can\'t expect to be exploited by the galent Federation and the rose Dynasty civilization all the year round to produce creatures comparable to the level of the top despair.

Therefore, the alliance has both advantages and disadvantages.

At least from the perspective of galent Federation and rose Dynasty in the past, they certainly don\'t want a guy who can be on an equal footing with themselves among their little brothers.

In addition to the overwhelming advantage of the charismatic Angel Raphael in the field of high-level combat power, there is a more important reason for the collapse of the anti light Protoss alliance front, that is, the angel Legion fighting in that vast, medium and small star domain is more elite than other angel legions!

The charming Angel Raphael is the angel under the throne of God - the Lord of infinity!

In the past 100000 years, the endless Lord has frequently appeared in which Theater - Hell battlefield!

There is no mistake. The tens of millions of angel legions that appeared and scattered on the anti light Protoss alliance front almost all withdrew from the battlefield of hell.

Especially those angels above level 4, almost every one has fought with the ferocious hell demons.

The power of the charming Angel Raphael is exhausted after all, but what she relies on behind her is not only herself, but also countless Angel legions.

The most elite Angel Legion is against the miscellaneous fish of small and medium-sized world civilizations in the anti light Protoss alliance.

The struggle between different ranks, no wonder that front will usher in an avalanche collapse.