Heimarian Odyssey

Chapter 4385

The galent Federation did not say hello to anyone about the implementation of the plan of extermination.

Neither with the rose Dynasty civilization at the same level, nor with the anti light Protoss alliance members.

There are only a few high-level wizards in the world, including Locke, who know this plan.

On the one hand, this happens because of confidentiality. On the other hand, it can also be seen that the galent Federation no longer trusts those members of the anti light Protoss alliance.

The korsin ape world is not the only small and medium-sized world civilization that betrayed the galent Federation in the past millennium.

Under the invasion of the bright Protoss, more and more small and medium-sized world civilizations choose to raise their hands and surrender after finding that they are unable to resist each other.

It can be said that at least half of the avalanche of the anti light Protoss alliance front can be attributed to this.

If those small and medium-sized world civilizations could fight to death, the war situation there would not be so ugly.

What worries the federal leaders of galent even more is that in the face of several small and medium-sized world civilizations that have expressed their sincerity to themselves, Raphael, the twelve winged archangel of the bright Protoss, accepted them peacefully and did not settle the troubles they brought to the bright Protoss in the previous war.

It is this act of the charming Angel Raphael that makes more and more people who are still waiting and waiting ready to move.

The fact that the galent Federation put the world destruction plan on the agenda so quickly and decisively is also related to the avalanche of the anti light Protoss alliance front.

Otherwise, even if the galent Federation has solved the trouble from the silent bone convergence civilization, it will not have much resistance to the light Protoss who have completed their encirclement.


Wigwendor frontier, wizard civilization front.

The noumenon is fighting in the star domain of keitra. I\'m afraid no one would expect Locke to unite a law to separate himself and arrive here.

This is a law containing the soul of Locke Bufei\'s master. Although it is a separation, it can also have level 7 combat power in a short time when it breaks out with all its strength.

The separation of this law is also the key element of Locke\'s cooperation with galent\'s federal plan to destroy the world.

Due to the use of self sealing, the arrival of Locke\'s separation did not attract the attention of the masters of the dead of the silent civilization.

But in the light Protoss, the brilliant Lord who mastered the great prophecy seems to have found something.

"The plan goes on as usual. I wish you all the best!" Inside the conqueror Titan, the five-star general trichi pan baesa, who was far away in the everhill domain, communicated with a group of galent federal generals in the ship.

These federal generals are the real power figures of this conqueror Titan fleet, and they are also the direct lineage of trichi pan baesa.

The first of them was an old general with countless medals on his chest and white beard.

The opponent, named Roz Holman, is an old man who has fought with trichi pan baesa for countless years. He is also the most senior general in the Federal Military.

When trige pan baesa went to command the whole federal war in the everhill domain, the conqueror Titan ship on the border of the wigwendor domain was in the charge of the old general Holman.

And if the plan of extermination is successfully implemented and the death crisis that has plagued the Federation for tens of thousands of years is lifted, it can be predicted that this old general Roz Holman will become another five-star general in the history of the Federation.

Nodded. Roz Holman in the ship didn\'t say much. After casting a firm look at trichi pan baesa in the communication video, the old general ordered the whole fleet to "go!"

As the conqueror Titan ship docked at the border of the wigwendor domain sent out a starting beam, the whole long silent steel front seemed to "live" in an instant.

The bright Protoss is the most responsive force. Although in recent centuries, the angel Legion under the Lord of glory has made great efforts to attack the galent federal front, from the beginning to the end, the bright Protoss is only facing a large number of medium and low-level ships and a Russian lobas war fleet.

The conqueror Titan ship has never moved, which also makes the Lord of glory, as the master of level 7, rarely do it in person in recent years.

Not only the Lord of glory, including the twelve winged blood angel shalil and the Lord of eternal glory, but also did not act rashly under the reminder of the Lord of glory.

Back then, the galent Federation could cause a lord of light to fall without a conqueror Titan.

The Lord of glory doesn\'t want himself and others to run into any nails here.

The transformation of the angel Legion from all-round attack to all-round defense is only an oracle of the Lord of glory. Not only the angels under her seat, but also the angel Legion under the Lord of eternal glory.

It can also be seen from here that the elite of the angel legion of the bright Protoss is also a civilized combat legion, and the dead creature legion of the silent and restrained civilization seems a little noisy and chaotic during this period.

Not even those middle and low-level dead creatures, even the highest level dead masters, did not care about the changes of the galent federal front.

This is determined by the differences of civilizations and the overall strength. Even if standing in the ranks of top civilizations, the bright Protoss is definitely the best among them.

Perhaps compared with those top civilizations that have reached a very deep level, the bright Protoss is indeed "young", but it is undeniable that the development potential and future height of the bright Protoss can not be underestimated.

In contrast, the silent and bone gathering civilizations with thin heritage, even if they really achieve the top civilization, are definitely not of the same order of magnitude as the bright Protoss.

The readiness of the angel Legion and the two Lord gods of light did not lead to the expected outbreak.

Because these federal fleets are not aimed at them.

Not paying too much attention to the light Protoss who have shrunk their defense lines, hundreds of millions of federal ships, led by the conqueror Titan fleet, rushed towards the still ignorant legion of dead creatures.

This is almost 80% of the total forces deployed by the galent Federation in the wigwendor domain.

The sudden and rapid counterattack of the Federation obviously overshadowed the dead creature legion of the silent civilization.

Before these necromancer biological legions come back to life, the front is a longer wizard civilization front, and tens of millions of wizard civilization armies also launch a counterattack against the necromancer biological legions that have lost their bones.

This is a premeditated large-scale counter offensive plan, at least that\'s what the shining Lord of the bright Protoss thinks.

Before the glorious Lord could figure out what the galent Federation and the wizard world were going to do, several violent explosive waves came from the front battlefield.