Heimarian Odyssey

Chapter 4375

Although the order of the Eternal Lord tangled the shining Lord, what depressed her even more before was that they accidentally let go of the king of level 7 Youying and some survivors of Youying star domain.

In fact, the escape of the king of Youying and some of the remnant families of Youying can be largely attributed to the recall of the Lord of glory and the Lord of Yonghui to the God of light thousands of years ago.

At that time, although the bright Protoss had not completely destroyed and conquered the shadow civilization, it had shown absolute superiority in the whole star battlefield.

And the powerful power of the three dominant creatures also overwhelmed the shadow civilization, which has always been lonely and has few friends.

Taking advantage of the efforts of the Lord of glory and the Lord of eternal glory to return to the light God world to attend the meeting, the king of level 7 dark shadow and his followers arranged a number of dark paths and escape routes in the dark shadow star field.

It has to be said that in the field of frontal confrontation, these indigenous biological races in the shadow star region generally have little characteristics.

But in the fields of escape and concealment, this large world civilization has reached extremes.

The escape of the shadow king is due to his design of more than a dozen escape routes, and a large part of them are used for confusion and inducement.

In addition, his outstanding achievements in the field of space are also an important evidence that the king of the shadow can get rid of the pursuit of the Lord of glory.

The prophecy of world-class secret treasure emits bursts of white fluorescence in the hands of the shining Lord.

In this dark star region with few light sources, the brilliance of the prophecy is extremely eye-catching.

And the direction of the prophecy at this time is the approximate position of the king of the seventh level shadow.

Just because the other party has fled too far, and can easily escape again with the power of the other party\'s law, the effect of the shining Lord\'s pursuit of the past may not be so high.

"Although there are more than 1000 rules and complete beliefs, it\'s quite unpleasant to think of the heretic master who coerces part of the wealth of civilization to escape." Exclaimed the Lord of glory.

Because the king of the shadow and its ethnic groups planned to escape, they even set up a escape route more than a thousand years ago.

Therefore, when the other party fled, the civilization wealth carried by the other party was also amazing.

With the profound heritage of the bright Protoss and the glorious Lord, this wealth is naturally nothing to them, but no one is in a good mood at the thought of the upcoming potato flying like this.

Different from the slightly depressed Lord of light, the Lord of eternal light is a full optimist. The Lord of light is very easy to be satisfied.

After the war of civilization, he will almost have 400 faith planes in his hands.

Now, the strength of the Lord of Yonghui in the bright Protoss is also steadily improving. Although it can not reach the level of the Lord of glory, the strength of the LORD God in the middle of level 7 can not be underestimated.

"The Lord of eternity asked us to support the federal battlefield of galent as soon as possible. What do you think?" Asked the Lord of Yonghui.

For the sake of character, in the small group of the Lord of glory and the Lord of Yonghui, it was never the Lord of Yonghui who made up his mind.

The tangle of the Lord of glory is seen by the Lord of Yonghui.

As a friend, the Lord of Yonghui naturally hopes that the Lord of glory can make decisions according to his heart. At present, the Lord of glory obviously does not want to go to the federal battlefield of galent.

However, as the pursuer of the Lord of glory, the Lord of Yonghui hopes that the Lord of glory can join the federal battlefield of galent and completely draw a line from the wizard civilization.

Due to the same-sex exclusion and Locke\'s close contact with the Lord of glory in recent years, the Lord of Yonghui is increasingly dissatisfied with Locke, the eighth level Knight of wizard civilization.

Especially a thousand years ago, he also knew that Locke had a private communication with the Lord of glory.

It\'s not that there is really something fishy between Locke and the Lord of glory. The idea of the Lord of eternal glory is entirely based on "protecting food" and the rejection of his better existence.

Of course, on the surface, the Lord of Yonghui will not express anything. He will even follow the wishes of the Lord of glory and show a certain favor for the wizard civilization in the open.

Gently shook his head, the Lord of glory said, "the king of the shadow and the remnant led by him can\'t let them leave so easily, I think..."

Before the voice of the Lord of glory fell, another light and shadow message came from far away.

And this light and shadow message came not from the Eternal Lord and others, but from the old opponent of the shining Lord, the shining Lord.

Light and shadow communication was quickly transformed into words and images and appeared in front of the Lord of glory.

I don\'t know what is described in this light and shadow communication. In short, the face of the shining Lord soon became dignified and even gloomy.

Sure enough, the one who knows the Lord of glory best is not the suitor of the Lord of eternal glory, nor Locke, an alien friend, but the old enemy of the Lord of glory.

Seen from the sight of the Lord of glory, the light and shadow picture seen by the Lord of Yonghui is the image of the front line of the battlefield in the star domain of wigwendor. The dead femton opened his huge mouth and swallowed the tide of the death element in front of him.

It seems that the bright Protoss did not act recklessly in their own battlefield. The angel Legion led by the shining Lord clearly fought in the civilization of the rose Dynasty, but it was able to obtain the first-hand information of the galent Federation in the battle field of vigwendor star domain, which had to be thought-provoking.

It can also be seen from here that in fact, the light Protoss has been paying attention to the war between the galent Federation, the wizard world and the silent civilization.

Dead femton didn\'t fall into hell, and it seems that this big guy has had a good life in recent years and has joined the wizard civilization camp.

The emergence of dead femton is definitely bad news for the bright Protoss, because it means that they need another level 8 creature to \'purify\'.

When the Supreme God and the endless Lord leave one after another, Michael, the fighting angel who may stay far in the light God world and is responsible for suppressing the Fallen Angel Lucifer, will also go to the battlefield in the near future.

Compared with the emergence of femton, the Lord of glory cares more about whether it means that Montana, the eye of the blood curse, is not dead since femton did not fall in the destruction of hell.

The book of prophecy in my hand made a "clatter" sound, but unfortunately this time, the book of prophecy did not give any hint to the Lord of glory.

Although the prophecy means of the light Protoss is powerful, this ability is not omnipotent.

The super long space-time distance between the blood curse eye Montana and the shining Lord has brought great difficulty to the great prophecy, not to mention that Montana has been deliberately converging her power in recent tens of thousands of years, and has stayed in the ten thousand flower psychic world all the year round.

In addition to the above, prophecy itself has randomness and contingency.

If everything can be predicted in advance, it is not the means that the light Protoss can master. It may be something that level 9 creatures or \'gods\' can do.