Heimarian Odyssey

Chapter 4374

Therefore, the original scheme is only the original scheme, which is far from being able to be finally implemented.

And at this stage γ Level crystal cannot be copied. The Federation has and only has this opportunity.

If you can\'t ensure γ The first-class crystal detonated in the depths of the silent bone convergence star domain. This thing still has little practical value.

"The federal scientific research team has begun to solve this problem. This time, the military even agreed to cooperate with these federal scientists to conduct live fire rehearsals with the conqueror Titan ship on the vigwindor border."

"Maybe in a few hundred years, γ The maturity of the first-class crystal detonation technology is the moment when the star domain crisis is lifted. "

"At least there is no silent bone convergence civilization. With the support of our Wizard civilization, the galent Federation and the anti light Protoss alliance will not fall easily." Beside Locke, the sixth level light magician sharafa said.

Sharafa arrived in the galent federal battlefield not long ago. As soon as she came to this battlefield, such good news came from the federal experimental base.

The civilized legion of members of the wizard alliance, led by sharafa, arrived in this battlefield. She is also the person with the highest status in wizard civilization under Locke.

Even other wizards, including the queen of fire, Garley and others, world level 6 knights and magicians, are not as high as Sarah in the field of prestige and actual power.

"Hundreds of years... I\'m afraid this is the darkest moment before dawn, and a more fierce war storm is brewing."

"Those dead creatures that have been silent for more than 500 years have been silent in Mesopotamia. I have a feeling that they are about to launch an all-round impact on the vigwendor border, and this impact will be stronger than before."

"On the battlefield of the bright Protoss, I heard that two small and medium-sized star domains have fallen?" Locke shook his head and said.

"Yes, one is a medium-sized molten lizard civilization attached to the rose imperial civilization, and the other is a small scientific and technological civilization attached to the galent Federation." Said sharafa.

Although the galent Federation has withstood most of the pressure given by the light Protoss, the civilization of the rose Dynasty and other small and medium-sized anti light Protoss alliance members have a hard time.

A large number of middle and low-level world civilizations were swallowed up by the light Protoss like an avalanche.

At this time, the galent Federation and the rose dynasty did not have much power to support those small and medium-sized world civilizations.

That\'s why the Federation and the wizard world are eager to see γ The reason why the first-class crystal detonated in the depths of the silent bone convergence star domain.

"I hope you can hold on."

"By the way, what\'s the progress of wizard civilization in that Pan star battlefield during this period? Is there any change in civilizations such as the iron tower world?" Locke asked Sarah law next to him.

"The overall conquest process of the pan star region is fairly stable. Our wizard world is the active party, and the wizard alliance has also grown rapidly in recent 1000 years. It has received many medium, small and micro worlds."

"As for the iron tower world, we have collided with each other more than ten times, including three major wars." Sarah replied.

From the perspective of the relatively long space-time distance between the wizard civilization and the native land of the tower world, the tower world has fought with the wizard civilization for more than ten times due to the loss of cross satellite warfare, which is enough to prove that the tower world can\'t sit still under the continuous expansion and promotion of the wizard alliance.

The emergence of three large-scale wars means that dominant creatures participated in these three battles.

And it\'s not a simple confrontation so far, but really angry.

Wizard civilization is Locke\'s basic plate. Therefore, after hearing that there have been three large-scale battles, Locke quickly asked, "how about our losses? Do you need me to transfer strength back?"

"Each has its own victory or defeat. The fire master of zicha yanhun world performed well. On the premise that we took out hundreds of element planes, it was the most active in the war."

"The phantom Riel has also helped us share the pressure from the civilization of false words. She has made Yanzu return without success many times."

"The most outstanding one should be kakarot. He even defeated the king of the world of the iron tower alone. Danilis, the dragon mother, told me that kakarot is likely to break through level 8 in this civilized war." Sharafa sighed.

The amazing potential of super Saiya kakarot has long been experienced in time and countless wars.

Therefore, after listening to Sara FA\'s emotion, Locke\'s heart didn\'t have much waves.

"That guy fought his life and ignored his own life. I\'m sure he must have paid several times more than the king of the world." Locke shook his head.

The difference in strength between the seven level masters and the eight level masters with eternal soul is one factor, and the other factor is the varying degrees of loss of the dominant soul.

For the king of the world of the iron tower, although it\'s not easy to be defeated by a level 7 master, this guy should be more acceptable in his heart.

After all, with kakarot\'s combat power, the seven masters of the iron tower world and false words of civilization, they are not kakarot\'s opponents at all.

Only the king of the iron tower, the king of the world, can hold kakarot

Sharafa won\'t stay in this battlefield for a long time, so Locke told her to watch kakarot in the future war.

Kakarot could not listen to other people\'s orders, but Locke could not disobey them.

The restoration of the dominant soul of wizard civilization does not apply to kakarot. Only local knights and magicians such as Locke, Douglas and dragon mother danilis can enjoy it.

Therefore, for kakarot, his best practice is to go to the golden mother flower of the ten thousand flower psychic world to cultivate for a while after each war.

For example, the blood curse eye Montana from hell civilization, this woman has basically lived in the ten thousand flower psychic world in recent years, and others can\'t drive her away.

The war on the wizard civilization was smooth as a whole, so Locke was relieved after communicating with sharafa.

But what Locke didn\'t know was that it was also at this time that the glorious Lord far away in the shadow star domain basically ended her conquest of this large star domain with about 1000 regular complete planes.

At this time, the glorious Lord who has completed the conquest of the shadow star domain has a question in front of her, that is, whether to rush to the federal battlefield of galent.

The order from the Eternal Lord entangles the glorious Lord a little.