Heimarian Odyssey

Chapter 4348

Exploring the world of despair is not something that the Supreme God can decide immediately when his mind is hot.

The recall of all the Lord gods of light is also to discuss this matter in the great temple of light.

The Supreme God has stayed in the desperate world for a long time, but even if he exists so strong, he has stayed in the desperate world for nearly 20000 years, and has not been able to completely travel around the desperate world.

This seems to be a world without end.

So that the Supreme God could not see the details of such a strange world.

Exploring such a strange world is no less difficult than fighting a top civilization.

Moreover, during the 20000 years of exploration in the desperate world, the Supreme God not only came into contact with a large number of top civilization relics, but also found several extremely powerful and terrible existence in that world.

Even one of them is not inferior to the Supreme God.

After listening to the introduction of the Supreme God, the main gods in the temple of great light fell into a period of silence.

Finding the creator God is indeed the goal of every bright Lord God, but from the introduction of the Supreme God, it is obvious that the world is not simple.

The Lord gods are still thinking about the pros and cons of this matter, and the Supreme God continues, "I fought with a level 8 late creature in that world. It seems that the other party also comes from a top civilization called source energy civilization."

"Although I didn\'t kill each other, I hit them hard. The revelation reminds me that the opportunity to find the Father God should be in the world called yuanneng civilization."

The words of the Supreme God once again attracted several main gods in the temple of light to look at each other.

Today, the development momentum of the bright Protoss is still on the rise. According to the implication in the supreme myth, it is to gather the strength of the whole bright Protoss. While exploring the desperate world, we should also be ready to go to war with the top civilization called source energy civilization at any time.

Apocalypse, as one of the most precious treasures of the civilization of the bright Protoss, has played an important role in the development of the bright Protoss.

Unfortunately, this time, the revelation does not explain in detail how to find the creator God.

Just tell the Supreme God to look for the opportunity of the creator God in the desperate world and the source civilization.

"I think it\'s too early to decide whether to send troops to explore the desperate world."

"Even if the clue of the creator God is really in the desperate world and related to the source civilization, we should collect enough information before that." Said the Eternal Lord at this time.

As the housekeeper of the bright Protoss, as early as before the assembly of the great bright temple, the three eight levels of existence, the Eternal Lord, the endless Lord and the Supreme God, passed in advance.

More than other gods, the Eternal Lord knows that this exploration of the desperate world is not easy.

Because at least one third of the top civilization relics he came into contact with during the exploration of the desperate world showed that the top civilization represented by those relics was stronger than the current bright Protoss when fighting in the desperate world.

Even such a powerful civilization is desperate. The Eternal Lord, who is stable and more concerned about the interests of the whole bright Protoss, is obviously not willing to take risks in this regard.

But it is a pity that the Eternal Lord represents only himself. Among the other three eight levels of light lord gods, the powerful endless Lord has been moved by the Supreme God.

For the endless Lord, exploring the world of despair is not as simple as looking for the creator God, but through the description of the Supreme God, the endless Lord has a faint feeling that the opportunity for him to break through the eighth level peak should be in the world of despair.

Because only the strange world and powerful civilization described in the supreme myth can support the endless Lord to vent his power wantonly.

Since the end of the hell war, the endless Lord has been idle for a long time.

This kind of leisure time is unbearable suffering for the endless Lord, so that he regrets killing hell so early.

Although the devil kings of hell have average strength, they can make him have a little fun at least.

Why is the endless Lord so optimistic about the super Saiya kakarot, because in essence, they are actually a kind of people.

In kakarot\'s body, the endless Lord found some shadow of his past.

The will of the eighth level Lord God can easily affect the attitude of the seventh level Lord God.

When the Supreme God and the endless Lord are determined to explore the desperate world, the Eternal Lord looks at the rising sun Lord who has broken through the level 8 realm.

The rising sun Lord did not disappoint the Eternal Lord. He also expressed his reservations about exploring the desperate world.

However, the Lord of the rising sun does not know so much. The reason why he did not immediately respond to the Supreme God is that the Lord of the rising sun has more attachment to the galent Federation and the anti light Protoss alliance with which he has had a long-standing feud for many years than to explore the suddenly emerging desperate world.

"According to the information we have collected, the galent Federation is currently at war with a large world with death attributes."

"This is our opportunity, because more than half of the planes, not only in the Federation, but also in the whole anti light Protoss alliance, are now eroded by the rules of that death attribute world civilization to varying degrees."

"This is the best chance to destroy the galent Federation and the anti light Protoss alliance."

"Although it is not clear what the specific combat situation of their two world civilization frontlines is, as long as our bright Protoss is involved, we will certainly be able to grasp the overwhelming advantage and dominate the civilized battlefield." The Lord of the rising sun vowed.

It can be seen that the Lord of the rising sun did a lot of work before the great light temple rally.

He even condensed an image with a light curtain. The picture is a large cloud of death and some crises of the dead in the federal border and the anti light Protoss alliance.

The innate aversion of the light Protoss to the dead and dark creatures makes those light gods here also have no good feelings for the death world civilization that fought with the galent Federation.

However, as the Lord of the rising sun said, this is the best chance for the light Protoss to destroy the galent Federation and the anti light Protoss alliance.

Four eighth level gods, two intended to explore the desperate world, and one intended to go to war against the galent Federation.

The Eternal Lord is undoubtedly the most troublesome one at this time, because he does not want to explore the desperate world rashly, nor does he want to go to war with the anti light Protoss alliance now.

In the view of the Eternal Lord, isn\'t it good to continue to explore and expand deeper into the star domain and continue to strengthen the power of the light Protoss along the wave of development after the war between the demon world and hell.