Heimarian Odyssey

Chapter 4347

"Sorry, our steel Castle world group can\'t join your alliance." In a circular vortex drawn by white straw, the voice of the king of level 7 biological steel was immediately issued.

The king of steel, who is in the state of closing and breaking through, can answer. Obviously, the existence of the other end of the circular vortex is strong enough to stand at the same level as the king of steel.

"Really, that\'s a pity." The voice of level 7 creature Yan Zu came out immediately.

This voice contains a lonely and ethereal illusory feeling. In the field of exploring fate, the ancestor of level seven creatures has indeed reached the level that ordinary creatures and even masters are afraid of.

The king of steel has little contact with Yanzu. Although it recently signed a non aggression treaty with Locke for 100000 years, as the leader of the world group of steel castle, the king of steel still prefers to see that Yanzu and other masters can bring enough trouble to the wizard world.

It would be great if we could inflict a heavy blow on this powerful civilization that is constantly expanding and opening up to the outside world.

So, before hanging up with Yanzu, the king of steel mentioned another thing very vaguely.

"Not long ago, level 8 Knight Locke of the wizard world came to our iron Castle world group, and he knew in advance that you had met with me." Said the king of steel.

After that, the cross satellite communication was interrupted.

Some things only need to be pointed to the end. With the wisdom of the ancestors, it certainly knows what the words of the king of steel mean.

After a while, Yanzu asked a level 6 Scarecrow beside him, "where is the ash master now?"

"I don\'t know, but it last appeared in the Gana planetary domain 276 years ago." The sixth grade Scarecrow replied.

The Qatar star theft group, where the ashes dominate, has always had a bad reputation in this pan star region.

Nearly one third of the plane civilizations have a gap with this insatiable star thief group.

Even the remaining two-thirds of the world\'s civilizations have little to do with Qatar\'s star theft group.

Therefore, in the anti wizard alliance established by the iron tower world and the false word civilization, Yanzu has been deliberately weakening and even concealing the existence of ash domination.

That is, the scarecrow next to him, a level 6 confidant, as a branch derivative of Yanzu, knew this Xinmi.

The Scarecrows of level 5 and 6 of other false words civilization may not know that there is also the Qatar star theft group in the anti wizard alliance.

The answer of the trusted Scarecrow made Yanzu silent.

Although on the surface, Yanzu is not different.

But only Yanzu himself knows that the next comprehensive war against the expansion and conquest of wizard civilization will be more difficult than expected.


The light world.

Not long ago, the Lord of glory, who also communicated with Locke across the star domain, now hurried back to his home star domain at the urging of the great temple of light.

The war in Youying star domain is not over yet. The king of Youying, a level 7 creature, has not been caught by the Lord of glory and others.

This time she was called back together with the Lord of Yonghui, leaving only a level 7 blood angel shalil to stay on the battlefield. I\'m afraid it\'s easy for the king of the shadow to lead the remnant to escape from the siege of the angel army, which frustrates the harvest of the Lord of glory in this civilization war.

Therefore, after stepping into the matriarchal plane, he met the seven level peak master of the sun who rushed to the great bright temple. The master of brilliance couldn\'t help asking whether he had received any news in advance.

"It\'s the meaning of the Supreme God. Next, it seems that our bright Protoss will make some big moves." The Lord of the hot sun replied.

As the confidant of the eighth level Eternal Lord, the Lord of the hot sun should be the most well-informed of all the Lord gods.

After all, the Eternal Lord is the housekeeper of the bright Protoss. Even if the Lord of the rising sun has been promoted to level 8 and has separated many powers from the Eternal Lord, in fact, the vast majority of matters in the bright Protoss are still handled by the Eternal Lord.

Even the answer of the Lord of Yanyang is not very clear, which can only explain that this recall of all the Lord gods is not the meaning of the Eternal Lord.

Considering that he had just communicated with Locke not long ago, the Lord of glory could not help wondering whether he would meet Locke on the battlefield so soon?

While guessing whether the Supreme God will send troops against the light Protoss alliance, he stepped into the great light temple at the same time with the Lord of the sun and the Lord of Yonghui.

The Lord of radiance and others were not the latest to arrive until the Lord of radiance took his seat and waited for a long time. The Lord of rising sun, the Lord of twilight and the Lord of radiance arrived one after another.

At this time, the arrangement of the LORD God in the great bright temple was very interesting. The Lord of the rising sun sat in the fourth place and the Lord of glory sat in the sixth place.

In front of the Lord of glory is the Lord of Yanyang. It doesn\'t mean that the strength and power of the Lord of Yanyang exceed the Lord of glory, but she will show some respect to this kind of old qualified Lord of light before the Lord of glory has entered level 8.

With the Lord of glory and the Lord of glory who has fought openly and secretly for many years, he sat in the seventh place very sullenly.

This is the past position of the Lord of glory. With the Lord of glory rising to the peak of level 7, and the Lord of glory has just reached the later stage of level 7, the ranking between them has been changed.

The Lord of the twilight sat at the bottom. With his seat, three dazzling light gods began to emerge directly above the great light temple.

Soon, the Supreme God, the endless Lord and the Eternal Lord appeared at the same time.

It seems that they have been waiting for a long time.

This is a gathering among all the Lord gods. Therefore, Michael, the Fighting Angel and Gabriel, the angel of death, who have reached level 7 or above, did not attend.

Although the Lord of glory was curious, why did he call all the Lord gods back in such a hurry.

But at this time, she did not ask immediately, but quietly waited for the reply of the Supreme God and others.

Sure enough, the Lord of glory did not keep waiting. The Eternal Lord, who had always been the host of the meeting of the great light temple, did not speak, but the supreme god pondered for a moment and said, "at the end of the hell war, I passed through a special space-time channel, through layers of space-time barriers, and reached a strange space."

"For that strange space, I can\'t see through its essence. Even its internal rules are weird and absurd."

"But in that strange space, I sensed a trace of breath left by the creator." The word of the supreme god startles humanity.

And at the first time, all the LORD God\'s glances and shocked eyes were welcomed.

However, in that strange space, the Supreme God found not only the traces left by the creator God, but also an exaggerated number of top civilization relics.

Without exception, these relics were destroyed in the war and became dilapidated by the special laws of that space.

The purpose of the Supreme God\'s meeting is to mobilize all the forces of the bright Protoss to explore that strange space.

"What\'s the name of that space?" Asked the Lord of glory.

The supreme god shook his head and said, "among the many relics I explored, the top civilizations in the past have different names for that space."

"However, some creatures who accidentally landed in that space called the world \'desperate world\'."