Heimarian Odyssey

Chapter 4319

"We hope you can send two level seven masters to support B20 battlefield." In the Space Fortress, the federal five-star general trichi pan baesa talked with Locke through long-distance communication.

"Two masters? Isn\'t kakarot on the front battlefield now? I can only support a level 7 combat force in the past." Locke shook his head.

Then, under Locke\'s order, the golden monkey, who was already ready, stepped on an auspicious cloud and rushed to the target star domain.

The two masters referred to by the five-star general trichi pan baesa actually include the seventh level dark Summoner Lilith.

Unfortunately, Lilith is in the state of in-depth experimental research at this time, not to mention the request of trichi pan baesa. Even Locke may not be able to see each other at the moment.

172 years ago, the first dominant creature finally fell on the battlefield of jingluogulian civilization.

It was a dead Master with heavy iron armor all over, with level 7 medium-term strength.

According to the truth, it should be difficult for such a master of the dead with good strength to fall.

In jiluogulian civilization, there are three level seven creatures weaker than the iron armor ghost master.

Unfortunately, in this level of civilization scuffle, sometimes luck is more important than strength.

Compared with other undead masters, the weakness of iron armored ghost is that its speed is too slow.

Those who worked together to kill the iron armored ghost were Lilith, the seventh level dark summoner, moraya, the seventh level Nian, and two subsequent federal orobas war fleets.

In terms of high-level combat power, it reached 4:1, and an endless army of federal warships surrounded and blocked the back road. In only 500 years or so, this powerful undead master was smashed by Lilith.

Only an empty shell armor containing a high value and a certain omnipotent soul remains.

For more than 100 years, Lilith has been working on her own new body training synthetic animal.

The set of navy blue armor left by the iron armor ghost obviously brought her a lot of inspiration.

And because galent Federation did not sign any employment contract with Lilith, five-star general trichi pan baesa could not send Lilith to fight from the perspective of employment.

Just now, when he communicated with Locke, he expressed his attitude of asking Lilith to fight in a tone of request.

B20 battlefield is an important offensive node on the front line at present. Galent Federation has sent a Russian lobas class war fleet and several class I war fleets to occupy the target star domain.

However, it is obvious that the silent and bone gathering civilization does not want to give up there easily, although these dead creatures are losing their legions on the front battlefield and cannot fight with the multi civilization coalition.

But according to the galent Federation, a dead Master has been there.

The idea of silence and convergence of civilization is very simple. Since it is unable to reverse the overall war situation, it will delay as much time as possible.

When a dead Master joins the battlefield, it is bound to slow down the offensive rhythm of galent Federation on B20 battlefield.

If the time is delayed for another two or three hundred years, it will fall into the arms of a lonely civilization.

More than two thousand years have passed since the civilization war. Under such a disparity of strength between the two sides, the galent Federation has advanced to a depth of one-third of the silent bone convergence star domain.

And time is so little dragged away by the masters of the dead and the endless army of the dead.

When the golden monkey went to support the B20 battlefield, Locke was not idle.

Femton, a dead descendant, now sits at the forefront of the civilized battlefield all year round, and his biggest role is not to contain the sea of death of level 8 creatures, but to swallow and absorb almost endless death elements in the lonely bone convergence star domain.

On average, every 500 years, femton, a dead descendant, will withdraw from the front line for a period of time at Locke\'s request.

It is also in this short time that the Zerg worker bees will collect countless finished dead crystals from femton.

With the increase of collection times, Locke also found that the large-scale collection of dead spars would not have much negative impact on femton itself.

But after each collection, without those massive dead spars in his body, femton will fall into a state of hunger.

At that time, it was time for femton to return to the front.

Turning into a destructive storm, Locke flew straight in the direction of femton.

In addition to the place with the strongest tide of death elements on the front line, it is also the place with the strongest power of the sea of death of level 8 creatures.

Only level 8 creatures can fight level 8 creatures.

Although femton has always been lazy after arriving in the silent bone convergence star domain.

In fact, its role in this civilized battlefield is higher than that of any alliance dominant level.

The force of the rules of the sea that led to the death of level 8 creatures, which is the same characteristic of death, has no great effect on the rough and fleshy femton.

Similarly, the existence of femton greatly weakens the concentration of the tide of death elements at the forefront of the civilized battlefield.

For the galent Federation, dead femton is a living, movable giant black hole.

Wherever it goes, a large number of death element factors are swallowed by it.

Although it is not as effective as the direct fixed-point blasting of death planets by the galent Federation, the fixed-point blasting of death planets can only reduce the concentration of death elements in a certain range around the death planet, and the radiation range of femton is obviously wider.

When Locke arrived at this front battlefield, femton had been here for almost 300 years.

A large amount of dead spar recondensed inside femton\'s body, and Locke found that this guy seemed to be a little bigger than in the past.

Sure enough, only in this environment with abundant death elements can femton\'s body grow heartily.

At this time, femton seems to be a plane of another "form".

Also when he arrived at the forefront of the battlefield, Locke heard the voice of the sea of death.

"The powerful master of wizard civilization, give up. You can\'t do anything like this. We can\'t keep our civilization quiet."

"Obviously, we are your better allies than the weak galent Federation!" The sound of the sea of death hovered in the nearby starry sky.

Not only Locke heard it, but presumably the galent federal fleet, which was also in the nearby battlefield, also caught the sound signal.

In the face of the sea of death\'s solicitation and provocation again, Locke shook his head.

"Compared with more than a thousand years ago, you seem to be more anxious at this time."

"Don\'t rush to deny, because I have mastered the law of emotional origin. Although you are an Elemental creature, you can\'t get rid of seven emotions and six desires."

"Hum hum, from this point of view, your lonely civilization is not as indifferent as it is now." Locke analyzed.