Heimarian Odyssey

Chapter 4318

Locke didn\'t know that the clever apprentice in front of him had made such a big battle in Xianyu civilization.

But that\'s normal.

With the stubborn character of the golden monkey, at present, only Locke can hold it in the star world.

The golden monkey may listen to the words of Nu Wa sage of the demon family, but Nu Wa sage\'s innate character is more gentle.

She will clean up the mess for the golden monkey and give it enough shelter.

But to reprimand and restrain the golden monkey, only Locke has this ability.

Locke didn\'t know what the golden monkey had done in the fairy kingdom, and even if he knew, he wouldn\'t care too much.

The golden monkey already exists at the dominant level. Many things and results should be decided by itself.

But it was the "younger martial brother" in the golden monkey\'s mouth. Locke shook his head and sighed, "that cow demon has something to do with me. Even when it first came into contact with me, it was still before you."

"But I didn\'t accept him as an apprentice. I can only say that I have the grace to pass on meritorious deeds to him." Locke said.

"By the way, what kind of power is it using now?" Locke said curiously.

As soon as the golden monkey lifted his palm, a battle picture immediately appeared.

In the picture, a blue giant cow with a body size of more than 1000 meters away was seen stepping on the mountains and rivers and roaring upward. The extremely repressive and powerful wave of lacquer black immediately poured in, swallowing everything in the battlefield in front of him.

Only from the scene in the picture, the "lacquer black wave" released by this great luojinxian cattle demon is a shadow of Locke\'s destructive power.

No wonder the golden monkey will believe Li Qingshan\'s words and regard each other as his younger martial brother.

However, the layman watches the excitement and the expert watches the doorway.

Just a very short battle scene, Locke determined that the Bull Demon Li Qingshan had not completely embarked on his road of destruction, but on the "black transformation" ability mastered by Locke in the fourth and fifth levels.

Sure enough, with the golden monkey\'s later explanation, Locke knew that just like the golden monkey has the transformation of the destruction giant ape, the cow demon can also transform again based on its original form. After its transformation, it is filled with black gas, and its combat power can increase nearly three times.

"Blackening transformation ability is actually a power based on the law of emotion, which is also mixed with the crazy mystery I realized in the orc world."

"Frenzy, in essence, is also a means in the field of emotion."

"Those high-level orcs in the orc world need to provoke themselves to enter the crazy state, which is exactly from this."

"This guy seems to have a good understanding if he can triple his strength."

"I didn\'t take him as a disciple at first, but now it seems that he can bear the identity of my registered disciple." Locke nodded.

Maybe it\'s God\'s will.

The three original avenues that Locke himself mastered, the field of wind was inherited by the great disciple meimila, and the field of destruction was inherited by the golden monkey. The emotional Avenue, which was originally difficult to be inherited, was inherited by a fairy cow Demon Under the wrong circumstances.

And according to the different killing nature of the three original roads, there is also an obvious gap in the strength of the three successors.

The golden monkey with destructive power is the strongest and has come to dominate.

The cow demon who master the emotional law takes the second place. At present, it is the level of Da Luo Jinxian.

Meimila, the oldest disciple of Locke, is currently the weakest, only reaching level 5 Knight class.

Now, Locke has made a great reputation in the star world, and his reputation has spread in many surrounding star regions.

And with the passage of time, Locke\'s prestige and the strength of wizard civilization will spread for a longer time.

Under this premise, Locke\'s three original roads have successors, which can not bury his power.


The golden monkey arrived at the front line of the battlefield of the jiluogulian civilization, which undoubtedly brought heavy pressure to the undead masters of the jiluogulian civilization.

The long stagnant front-line offensive situation ushered in a wave of extremely obvious victory and promotion.

In terms of battle madness, the golden monkey is not much less than kakarot.

Having such two dominant combat forces is not only a pleasure for Locke, but also sometimes makes him feel helpless.

Because these two are desperate guys, Locke is worried that they will die on the battlefield one day.

Therefore, for golden monkeys and kakarot, sometimes Locke clearly wants to give them some autonomy, but he has to manage them.

"If a war crisis breaks out in the wizard civilization, you can fight like this."

"But if you just accept employment to participate in a war of civilizations, you are stupid to fight like this." Locke was in the space fortress and spoke to kakarot and golden monkey more than once.

"But... I can\'t help it." The golden monkey held his sea setting needle and said to God.

Although kakarot didn\'t say anything, Locke also roughly guessed what he thought by observing the full war spirit in his eyes.

He shook his head. Locke asked directly in a commanding tone, "in the next civilized war, unless there is my oral instruction, you two will be honest with me."

"Even if you have to work hard, you have to wait until we have made a major breakthrough in the transformation technology of the holy tower in the wizard world. Master Douglas came some good news not long ago." Locke said as soon as his tone slowed down.

Kakarot and monkey Goku obviously don\'t know what Locke means by "Santa reconstruction technology".

However, some senior leaders above level 6 of the wizard world, including Locke, know that this is a civilization core technology that is likely to change the wizard civilization and bring a major breakthrough to the wizard world!


Seven hundred years later.

It has been nearly two thousand years since Locke led the wizard civilization army to join the civilization war.

Over the past two thousand years, the war between the galent Federation and the jiluogulian civilization only pushed the front line of the war from the border to nearly one-third of the depths of the jiluogulian star domain.

Moreover, it was not until 213 years ago that the galent Federation first explored the specific coordinates of the parent plane of the jiluogulian civilization, including the estimation of the approximate area of the jiluogulian star domain and the drawing of the star map.

Is the galent Federation too weak?

No, it\'s a lonely civilization. It\'s too cunning and slow!

And we have to admit that this kind of death attribute world civilization is indeed a more difficult world in the star world.

Even Locke wanted to ask the desperate spider mother how to fight this type of world civilization.

Moreover, there is a large part of the reason why the war of silent and bone gathering civilizations is so stuck and the progress is so slow. It is because many strong foreign civilizations and coalition forces, including Locke, have not done everything to fight.

Although Locke won\'t admit it.