Heimarian Odyssey

Chapter 4304

The battle between dominant creatures often has no concept of time.

Because the life span of dominant creatures is too long, and they can\'t kill their opponents in one day.

The battle of domination in the hinterland of the sea of death lasted about 500 years.

Five hundred years later, it was not the sea of death and Locke that brought the war to an early end, but a magnificent white pillar of light from far away space.

Only level 8 combat power can cause obvious damage to level 8 masters.

The energy beam that traverses many small and medium-sized star regions is the conqueror Titan ship from the galent Federation.

This incomparably turbulent shot not only defeated the last front of the jiluogulian civilization in the cadigan star domain, but also passed through multiple star domains, and sent the final power of the energy beam to the boundary of the jiluogulian star domain.

There is no mistake. Locke and the dead femton are already at the border of the lonely star domain.

Only when we reach the lonely bone convergence star region with extremely strong breath of death element can the sea of death face the great pressure brought to it by Locke and femton.

Although after 500 years of fighting, Locke and femton did not treat the sea of death, and even had great fear of the ability and characteristics of the sea of death.

But as their opponent, the sea of death, these five hundred years are not easy.

The reason why the sea of death promotes the jiluogulian civilization to launch this war is to promote the development of civilization and raise the jiluogulian civilization to another height, not specifically to be beaten.

The joint attack of Locke and femton, a dead descendant, means that the sea of death can only integrate itself into the long tide of death in the lonely star domain, so as to fight against the two masters of the same level.

In other words, once the sea of death leaves the silent bone convergence star domain, it has no power blessing brought by the infinite death attribute environment. In essence, it is just a more difficult eight level element master.

As a dominant creature, it is undoubtedly a very tragic and painful thing that we can\'t leave our star domain and explore a broader star space in our life.

Fortunately, the sea of death, as an element of the undead, is inherently not very active.

Otherwise the pressure on this guy will be heavier.

A shot through many star regions brought to an end the collision between Locke and the rules of the sea of death.

Locke can\'t help being in the sea of death under the shadow of death. Similarly, the sea of death hasn\'t worn away too much defense for Locke\'s twelve products to destroy Black Lotus in recent years.

This is a battle that is doomed to no results in a short time, and the "short time" mentioned here is at least calculated by taking a thousand years as the dividing line.

With the incomparably turbulent doomsday weapon light column running through many star regions, the gray death element tide, which was thick and could not see the end, finally thinned out in Locke\'s dominant vision.

The rarity here only represents the small and medium-sized star field between Locke\'s battlefield and the cardiga star field.

With the passage of time, more and more death elements come from the depths of the silent bone convergence star domain. These originally reduced death elements tides have the sign of rising again.

Looking back at the depths of the endless death cloud, the gray thick death tide covered Locke\'s sight.

Locke can feel the breath of the eight level creature of the sea of death. Similarly, he also has a hunch that the sea of death is quietly looking at himself.

Dead femton should be the most comfortable guy in 500 years. The last time it swallowed the power of death so recklessly, it was during the healing in the silent starfish domain.

It was precisely because of the massive death element factor that swallowed up the silent starfish domain that femton could quickly recover from the seriously injured body of hell\'s war of destruction.

Looking at the master of level 8 death element, which is almost difficult to kill, Locke couldn\'t help but have a problem in his heart.

If you let this guy reach the silent starfish domain, absorb and integrate the silent starfish domain like an endless force of death.

What will eventually become of the sea of death and the lonely civilization it represents?

At the thought of this, even Locke, the late master of level 8, couldn\'t help shaking his body a little.

Of course, this possibility is very small, because the silent civilization may not even know where the silent starfish domain is.

But every time this idea comes into his mind, Locke can\'t help feeling that this may be the closest opportunity for him to witness the birth of a top civilization.

Shaking his head and not thinking about such absurd ideas, Locke said to femton, "let\'s go!"

"Moo!" A heavy muffled hum came out of Timton\'s body. The big guy who had had enough to eat and drink flew with Locke to the star domain of kadiga.

At present, this is also a problem that the galent Federation should consider and deal with.

As a strong man in the wizard world, Locke always thinks about how to destroy this civilization. I\'m afraid it\'s too wide.

In the final analysis, Locke only came to participate in the civilization war at the invitation of the galent Federation.

This is not the battle of life and death of wizard civilization.

If we really get to the situation where no one can do anything, most of the wizard civilization represented by Locke will earn enough wealth of civilization war and choose to return to the home planet domain, leaving this troublesome problem to the galent Federation to solve.

Locke rode on the dead femton and flew towards the war-torn kadiga star domain against the background of the infinite tide of death elements.

At this moment, the sea of death behind Locke is still like an endless ocean of death elements, calm and rolling, but no measures have been taken against Locke.

Watching Locke and femton leave quietly, a pair of lacquered black element light eyes appear in the depths of the boundless cloud of death.

Just as Locke had been thinking about how to deal with the sea of death, the sea of death was also thinking about the transformation of their civilization and the next direction.

How to break through the blockade of galent Federation and his allies and spread the power of death to more surrounding star regions is the primary consideration of the sea of death.


After rushing out of the border of the silent bone convergence star domain, Locke really knew how far he had crossed the space-time distance in the sea of death.

Two medium-sized star domains and three small star domains.

Although Locke is not the largest diameter of the five star domains in a straight line, such a long space distance is enough to see how large the sea of death is when it incarnates the ocean of elements.

Now there are three places in the five star regions where Fierce wars are breaking out.

And observing the situation of galent Federation and his allies all the way, it is only a matter of time to sweep the war into the other two star regions.