Heimarian Odyssey

Chapter 4303

The endless tide of death elements around Locke has brought a lot of pressure.

He had advanced quite a long time and space distance with the dead femton, and Locke even guessed that he had left the cadigan realm and reached another strange realm.

Compared with the concentration of death elements in the kadiga domain, it is obvious that the death elements here are more abundant.

This is also the core of the sea of death.

Any Elemental creature has its power heart core.

For example, after the fall, the dominant elements of the purple Temple inflammatory soul world that Locke once killed all have a dominant power heart core.

These crystal nuclei are the source of strength of elemental creatures, and can also be regarded as the only noumenon in their illusory elements.

In the deepest part of the sea of death, Locke did not see where the crystal core of this eighth level creature was. There were only endless tides of death elements and countless strange death species.

It can be seen that the sea of death, as an eight level master, still has something in common with femton.

In the past, femton unconsciously raised a large number of parasites in his body, and as Locke approached the depths of the sea of death, countless undead species rushed from all directions.

Locke did not know whether these undead creatures were born to live in the sea of death, or came from other places with Locke\'s deepening.

In short, even if there are hundreds of millions of undead creatures, it still brings Locke a lot of trouble and a certain visual impact.

At this moment, the cavity doors of the dead femton\'s abdomen were all open.

More than five million Zerg troops poured out of all channels and gaps in femton\'s body.

These Zerg armies are new varieties created by Locke\'s daughter Lisa combined with Zerg physique and the smell of death elements.

In addition to having stronger physique, it can also have better adaptability to the death attribute environment.

The collision between millions of Zerg troops and hundreds of millions of dead creatures is definitely a rare picture of bloody fighting and fierce war in the star world.

Both sides are cold fighting weapons that are not afraid of death. It is not so much a war as a grand war without fear and other psychological changes.

Obviously, the war is extremely fierce, but the psychology of both sides is "calm" and frightening.

From the overall macro perspective, although Locke\'s Zerg Legion is a little more elite than those undead creatures, it is also extremely limited.

And in the past, quantity has always been the advantage of Zerg, but at this moment, this advantage is deprived by the dead creatures of the lonely civilization.

The endless ocean of undead creatures completely surrounded the Zerg legions, just as Locke and dead femton clearly had incomparably strong strength and body shape, but they were also in a broader and huge sea of death.

"This guy is really difficult. How could such an extreme individual be born in the star world." Deep in the sea of death, Locke couldn\'t help complaining.

Not to mention him now, I\'m afraid even the rebirth of Tongtian cult leader, or other eight level masters such as cassoro and Saint Lao Tzu, can hardly effectively kill eight level creatures such as the sea of death.

Of course, milt, the Holy See\'s eighth level strongman, is an exception.

The power of the holy light has a miraculous effect on creatures with attributes such as death and darkness.

It\'s a pity that milt has died with the leader of Tongtian cult. If Locke wants to seek restraint in the field of elements and rules, he must go to the bright Protoss.

"No, the strength of the sea of death is not that it is invincible, but that it borrows the death power of the whole silent civilization."

"I have never seen such an opponent who combines dominance with the characteristics of this civilization before."

"Rather than fighting the sea of death, I am fighting the death power of the whole silent civilization."

"So what kind of way should I choose for this opponent?" Being in the deep sea of death, Locke mused while resisting the strong impact of death rules from all directions.

Destroying the heart core of the sea of death is a way, but the size of the sea of death is so huge that it is obviously not easy for Locke to find its original core.

Including hundreds of millions of undead creatures around Locke and femton at this time, which is also a cover used by the sea of death.

With so many undead creatures as a cover, Locke is even more difficult to grasp the specific orientation of the heart core of the sea of death.

And as the master of elements, the sea of death can easily move its own heart core, which makes it more difficult for Locke to destroy each other\'s heart core.

A silent battle broke out and deadlocked here.

The fall of countless undead creatures and Zerg cannon fodder did not make Locke and the sea of death on both sides of the war have any emotional fluctuations.

Femton, a dead descendant, is still swallowing the strong death element factors in the nearby battlefield, but at the moment, with the energy of dead descendant, it is still impossible to absorb the death attribute energy of the whole vast and large star domain.

As for the final outcome of the war, there is no clue at all.

Because no matter Locke, femton, or the sea of death, they don\'t have much consumption of the soul of domination.

This is a battle that no one can do, but if the indefinite stalemate continues, the sea of death will laugh to the end.

Because Locke is only a person, and the sea of death is backed by the whole lonely star domain.

As for the dead femton, Locke didn\'t know whether this guy would eventually support himself by swallowing countless death element factors.

But judging from the current performance, femton\'s appetite is still very good, and its speed of swallowing the power of death has not slowed down.


Cadigan domain.

The stalemate between Locke and the sea of death does not mean that the battle in the cadigan domain will be the same.

After all, this is a large-scale world civilization facing a large-scale exchange war of many large and medium-sized world civilizations at the same time.

Although the jingluogulian civilization has shown great potential to promote the top civilization, it is not as strong as the bright Protoss after all.

When Locke and femton involved all the energy of the sea of death, there were only seven level seven masters of the lonely civilization in and around the battlefield of the entire cardiga star domain.

The Russian lobas class war fleet of the galent Federation, kakarot and moraya, the seventh class Nian, have broken through the solid front of the lonely civilization that has been stuck to for thousands of years.

The most striking goal in this civilized battle is the one shot that ran through many small and medium-sized star regions in the middle and late period of the kadija star region war.

The doomsday weapon of the conqueror Titan is activated - the instrument of destruction, launch!