Heimarian Odyssey

Chapter 4251

Indeed, by observing and analyzing the final outcome of Tara, it can be concluded that the Holy See, which has lost a dominant combat power and a considerable number of elite legions, is unable to resist the conquest of the next Xianyu army.

Different from kilaya\'s abandonment of the brain eater, it is the result of this guy\'s own life.

On the occasion of convening the full evacuation of the people in the Holy See, milt, the eighth level strongman of Enze mainland, did not forget to bring those large numbers of believers and ordinary Tera people. In essence, there is an absolute gap between milt and the seventh level brain eaters.

It is not easy to evacuate such a huge star area in an all-round way. I\'m afraid there are billions of people and creatures involved.

This does not include those fixed assets and resource wealth.

Fortunately, the main attention of the Xianyu army is still in the blue fist Wudao star domain and Tara star domain, which will also buy time for the full withdrawal of Enze mainland.

Now is the time to race against time. How many can be withdrawn represents how many seeds of hope the Holy See can continue.

Therefore, when many of the Vatican\'s level 5 and level 6 strongmen on the blue fist martial arts star field sent puzzled and inquired about the leader milt.

Milt didn\'t have the energy to explain too much to them. He just asked them to carry out their orders immediately.

The two leaders of the holy see rarely spoke harshly. Milt\'s request made many strong people in the Holy See nervous.

There is no doubt that there must have been some changes that could affect the entire grace mainland Vatican.

Considering that milch, another Pope, led tens of millions of Vatican troops to fight in Xianyu hundreds of years ago, many promising Vatican strongmen guessed some bad results.

However, there is no doubt about the elite of the Holy See corps and its ability to carry out orders.

As soon as Lord milt\'s order was issued, nearly 20 million Vatican legions still fighting in the blue fist Wudao star domain began to leave the battlefield in an orderly manner and withdraw to the Enze star domain.

The retreat of the Vatican army undoubtedly caused dissatisfaction and panic among the survivors of blue fist martial arts.

With the assistance of the Vatican legion, these blue fist martial arts survivors can barely compete with the immortal region friars.

With the war going on, more and more martial arts survivors have fallen. If the Vatican army withdraws at this time, it will undoubtedly collapse the great situation of the blue fist martial arts survivors in the martial arts star domain.

Level seven master Gongsun xuance wanted to question the leaders of the Vatican Legion in the blue fist martial arts star domain, but at the moment, he was entangled by the Buddhist sage with nine merits and virtues. Obviously, he didn\'t have this opportunity to leave the war.

The withdrawal of the Vatican army also gave a glimmer of dawn to the Buddhist monks who suffered from the bitter fruits of the war.

Due to the limitation of their own strength, these Buddhist monks did not immediately rush out of the defense line to pursue the orderly withdrawal of the Holy See Legion.

However, by observing the eyes of these Buddhist monks, we can see that they will let go of those holy see legions, but they will not let go of these blue fist martial arts survivors who are trying to restore the country.

And not chasing the Vatican Legion is also worried about fraud.

Unless there is a personal order from the original Heavenly Master, these Buddhist monks who gradually adapt to the environment of civilized war will not take reckless measures.

After issuing the withdrawal order to the Vatican army, the eighth level Vatican Lord milt did not immediately return to Enze mainland.

Judging from the current situation, on the side of the blue fist martial arts star domain, the martial arts survivors will delay for them for a long time. At least with the power of one family, it will take a lot of time to solve the chaos of the martial arts survivors.

The only serious threat to the Vatican\'s withdrawal plan is the war in Tara.

Once the demon God cassoro falls, hundreds of millions of immortal armies in Tara will come to grace.

And the large number of dominant creatures is definitely not a thorny existence that milt can deal with alone.

Not only to buy time, but also to complete the agreement with Mirch and reach the war plan they agreed on that year. Mirt turned into a holy pillar of light and flew to the depths of Tara.

This time, milt did not carry any Vatican legions, but went alone.

After all, as early as the beginning of the plan, he and milch left a testamentary arrangement.

On the other side of Enze continent, even if there are no dominant creatures, all retreat plans and backhands will proceed normally.


The central battlefield of Tara.

At this time, in front of Locke, the demon God Casolo\'s body was full of wounds and wounds.

After all, there is a certain gap between the creatures who first entered level 8 and the masters in the middle of level 8 like Locke.

The leader of Tongtian cult, who has the four swords of killing immortals, also has absolute strength to suppress each other.

A strong and deep source of darkness surged from under the surface of Tara and washed away Casolo\'s body.

This is the blessing of Tara\'s original will on Casolo. Under these blessings, Casolo\'s injured body can recover slowly.

However, compared with the recovery of plane will on Casolo\'s injury, its speed is obviously not as fast as that of Locke and Tongtian leader.

The four immortal killing swords are like four sharp blades cutting through the sky, constantly adding new injuries to the demon God kasoro.

Every shot of Locke\'s killer gun can also add an eye-catching scar to Casolo.

The omnipotent soul of the dominant creature is constantly repairing the damage on Casolo, but even if he has the eternal soul, he still doesn\'t see enough in front of the consumption of the dominant soul.

Needless to say, in addition to Locke and the leader of Tongtian cult, the siege not long ago by seven level masters such as super Saiya kakarot, the ancestor of Styx and Nu Wa Saint accelerated the consumption rate of Casolo\'s master soul.

In those days, many masters such as Locke surrounded and killed the ancient crocodile king of Piacenza, a level 8 creature, and now it seems to be staged on Tara again.

This time, however, there was no Lao Tzu holding the Tiandao sword, but there were two other level eight masters Locke and Tongtian cult leader.

In those years, the ancient crocodile king of Piacenza only lasted five or six hundred years in such a large-scale encirclement and suppression.

I don\'t know how long the demon God cassoro can last at this time.

So close to cassoro, Locke seems to have smelled the strong fragrance of destruction on cassoro.

For ordinary creatures and dominant individuals, the power factors such as destruction, phagocytosis and extinction carried by Casolo are the power attributes that make them feel disgusted and excluded.

But for Locke, this is the origin of his tonic law.

Perhaps the attributes of extinction and phagocytosis are indeed not suitable for Locke at this time, but Locke is not picky about food. At most, he only needs to eliminate the origin of those alien laws.

Like staring at a fat cake, Locke\'s Scarlet eyes looked coldly at the demon God cassoro who was still fighting with trapped animals in front of him.

The storm of destruction is roaring.


Do you want to see the outside of Knight\'s journey? I have uploaded several chapters on the public slave number. You can see it after searching "d I love Xiaodou" on the public slave number of Huixin and paying attention to Xiaodou.