Heimarian Odyssey

Chapter 407

The highly corrosive dark energy ball not only melts Naga\'s flesh and blood, but also corrodes the wood on the deck.

A large round pit appears, which is only a little smaller than the wound caused by the magic crystal gun.

The sea poured in and the ship\'s waterline was rising.

"No! Go down and two more people!" The chief mate\'s reaction speed was second only to Locke. Seeing this, he hurriedly ordered the two crew members to go down for maintenance.

Fermo, the scorpion dragon who didn\'t realize his mistake, shook his big tail and paced up and down the ship, as if he was curious about the surrounding sea view.

Using the power of the contract, Locke told Fermo to be honest, and then began to look at his losers.

A long gun with a blood groove was inserted into the fish\'s tail. After a large amount of blood loss, Naga\'s four arms were in a bad state, and her face was pale. If she didn\'t recover, she first had a light blue body color.

Locke is a man with a bottom line. He didn\'t poison his long gun, otherwise the Naga would have fallen down.

Four armed Naga was up and down. Locke\'s most valuable visual inspection was the two weapons in his hand.

In Locke\'s opinion, weapons are just two strange undersea plants. I don\'t know what this orange plant is made of, but it has the hardness of steel.

His long sword is made of cold iron. It has been transformed and added by Santa magician for many times, and has a certain magic power. In this case, it has not been cut down. The value of these two plants needs to be considered.

These two plants will be included in the space ring and included in your own collection.

Locke was not in a hurry to kill the four armed Naga, but turned to look at the horizon, where a dark shadow flew.

At a fixed glance, it was the hat man magician. Looking at his calm flying speed, most of them had solved the dozens of nagas that entangled him.

Locke guessed that the sudden decline of the strength of these nagas on the deck was inseparable from the hat man magician.

When the hat man landed on the deck, the battle had reached the final stage.

Sporadic two or three nagas who stubbornly resisted were exploded one by one by the Douli people and turned into red sand all over the sky.

Knowing what the red sand was, the crew were so frightened that they hurried away from the floor with red tarantula.

"Good." Douli nodded, as if praising the excellent performance of the crew and Locke.

The appearance of scorpion dragon Fermo surprised Douli people a little, but there was not much reaction.

"Clear the deck! Come down with me and two people will repair the cabin!" The chief officer stood up at this time and shouted loudly.

Fermo\'s trouble is enough. Locke takes it back into the piccolo. The deck is now in a mess. With Fermo\'s huge physique, Locke is really worried that it will fall down accidentally.

The hat man didn\'t come back empty handed. He held a blue Naga\'s head in one hand and a walking stick inlaid with huge pearls in the other.

What attracted Locke was the Pearl walking stick. I don\'t know its purpose. Locke looked at it and felt dizzy.

"Light blue Naga? Yes, if you cut off its head, you can exchange a lot of money on the east coast." The Douli man looked at the four armed Naga with a breath on the deck. There was no emotional fluctuation in his voice, just like looking at a dead object.

"Sir, if you are interested, take it away. It\'s no use asking for Naga\'s head." Locke\'s interface.

Money is really not attractive to him. With his current wealth, he is not short of this money.

The magician\'s eyes under the hat were slightly moved. A magician like him didn\'t look so beautiful.

It costs money to do magic experiments, to buy cultivation potions, and to learn new magic knowledge.

A penny can\'t defeat the hero. Some old magicians sometimes struggle for just a few dozen gold coins.

"Well, I won\'t take your things for nothing. The magician pursues the principle of equal exchange." Douli said so.

"You can ask me for a \'white Lang powder\' tomorrow afternoon." With that, a light cyan wind blade shot out, cut the head of Naga with four arms and took it in his hand.

"Yes, my Lord." Locke replied respectfully.

After Douli left, Locke held his chin and thought, "Bai Lang powder? What is it?"

Kicked the headless body next to him, and Locke went to find Christine and them.

Christine and Raffi are now wearing armor and holding long swords. Bloody green blood is dripping on the blade. At their feet, a long dead green Naga lies there.

"Didn\'t you say to hide well? What if you get hurt?" Seeing this, Locke asked angrily.

The strength of the second female middle-level attendants can\'t completely reassure Locke. The general strength of these nagas is in the middle-level, but with their tall and powerful people, the general middle-level attendants are not their opponents.

"I think this guy was seriously injured, so he took Raffi with him. Don\'t worry, brother." Christine didn\'t have any awareness of her mistakes, but showed off her achievements like Locke.

"Is it fierce? It\'s my credit for the fatal blow on its chest." Christine pointed to Naga\'s heart like a treasure.

There, a faint charring trace covered it, which seemed to be caused by Christine\'s magical attack.

Just after a battle, Locke\'s muscles were weak. After his patience encouraged Christine, Locke was ready to lift the head of Naga\'s body and throw it away.

It\'s not far from their room. Locke doesn\'t want to smell the smell of the dead sea creatures when he goes to bed at night.

"Hey, brother, wait!" Christine stopped Locke.

A knuckle length scalpel appeared from Christine\'s hand. "I\'ll take a little Naga\'s blood and study it." Christine is still half a qualified magician, and her enthusiasm for research on new things is worthy of affirmation.

"There is also a four armed Naga. Would you like to bring it to you?" Locke pointed to where he had just fought.

"Of course!" Christine has a scalpel in her hand, and a bottle of fishy green blood has been collected by her. She said excitedly.

When the sun set, the sundries on the ship were almost collected. After losing many partners, the efficiency of the crew remained unchanged.

Patched boards were everywhere, scattered in all corners of the ship.

It looks ugly, but it doesn\'t affect the speed of the ship. It\'s really valuable.

"Sir, the deck on the second floor underground is submerged." The boatswain hurriedly said to the hat man who came out to watch the wind.

The magician didn\'t know what experiment he had just completed. He was covered with an unpleasant pungent smell. The boatswain didn\'t dare to show any abnormal appearance. However, he knew the magician\'s moody character.

Why is he the first mate and the boatswain of the ship? Because the original captain and the first mate were killed by the magician, and he was promoted to the boatswain as the first mate.