Heimarian Odyssey

Chapter 400

Six months later, in a small forest outside flor.

With a half ton jagged boar on his back, Locke came out slowly in leather armor.

No wonder so many high-ranking attendants and quasi knights are not allowed to enter before they are stuck in the formal knights.

After six months of practice, Locke understood that only actual combat is the breakthrough path suitable for him.

Considering that he didn\'t make much effort to practice when he was sent to several neighboring countries with Angelina last year, but there were still cases of obvious improvement, Locke made up his mind.

"Brother! Aunt told you to go home for dinner!" Christine in an orange dress ran out of the woods and shouted.

A few months ago, Christine broke through the intermediate magic apprentice. Under the guidance of Angelina and grace, she soon learned a variety of practical magic that intermediate apprentices can master.

"High wind skill" is combined with "light body skill" and Christine\'s medium-level attendant strength. Now the wheel speed is fast and slow. Even Locke can hardly catch the girl.

That\'s why grace gave Christine the task of calling Locke home every day.

From the prince\'s residence in flor city to the remote woods outside the city, the little girl enjoys running every day.

"Raffi made snake soup today. Brother, let\'s go back and eat it." As soon as Christine saw Locke, she ran up and said.

"Well, wait until I decompose this prey." Locke said.

In the shape of a jagged boar, Locke\'s space ring can\'t fit it, but Locke has enough space rings. Just dismember it into several pieces.

The life level of this jagged wild boar is about to reach the demonized creature. If Locke doesn\'t kill it and let it grow for a few years, there may be another demonized creature harming one side outside flor.

It\'s just good to go back and cook soup for your parents, Locke thought.

Today\'s dinner table has Christine, a pistachio, and Shaxi, a person who can adjust the atmosphere. As usual, she is very active.

Christine had just shown Locke a piece of jewelry she found in a shop in the city, and then Leah said something that worried Locke.

"I went home to see it today. My father didn\'t recover from the cold he contracted last time, and my mother\'s low back pain happened again." Then Leah\'s eyes turned red.

"Did the doctor in the palace get better?" Angelina asked with concern.

"No." Leah wiped her tears.

The originally pleasant dinner was silent in an instant.

In this world, doctors are not as professional as magicians in saving people. Leah herself is a middle-level apprentice. She has no good way to treat her parents\' diseases. What can those palace doctors do.

This is not a disease, but a series of hidden dangers caused by the depletion of life.

Last year, the two old men were still well. Locke personally entered the fighting spirit and checked it. Although there were a lot of small problems, there was no sign of a serious illness.

The toil of youth has a great impact on old Locke and TIA, so that in old age, they will suddenly collapse without any warning.

At this time, the people were not in the mood to eat. Angelina greeted Locke and took Leah to the courtyard where old Locke lived.

Angelina is Locke\'s only wife in name. As a daughter-in-law at this time, she must go to see old Locke and TIA.

Christine and Xiaxi followed.

Locke sat in his seat, depressed to the extreme.

"Or you go, I support you!" Grace sat next to Locke and put her hand in Locke\'s palm.

Among these women, who knows Locke best is not Angelina who is closest to him, nor Leah who grew up together, but grace, a smart woman.

Her intelligence is not only reflected in her high understanding in magic learning, but also shows Grace\'s exquisite heart by getting along with Angelina, the hostess, and having a high voice among the women in the pro palace.

"But I\'m worried..." As soon as Locke opened her mouth, grace blocked Locke\'s next words.

"Don\'t worry about anything. You should think more about your parents and Xiaxi, shouldn\'t you?" Grace calmly faced Locke, hugged her arm and said, "besides, we can take care of ourselves."

Pondering for a long time, the candles in the living room were beating with smart flames, and Locke finally made his decision.

The next day, Locke told everyone what he thought.

"What? Travel, where?" Angelina asked in surprise.

"We have traveled a lot of places in Messia. I want to go to the other two continents. It would be better if I could go to the wizard continent, the center of our world." Locke said.

In the mainland of Messia, only the native people of the three western islands will say so. From the perspective of the strong with a broader vision outside, this is just an island.

In terms of area ratio, the sum of the three western islands and three continents is less than one tenth of the overall area of the wizard continent in the center of the world.

"I\'ll go with you!" Angelina said without even thinking.

"No." Locke shook his head. "It\'s too difficult for you to make progress after leaving the holy tower here."

Magicians pay attention to learning and knowledge accumulation, and follow Locke to travel. It is true that they will have a lot of insight, but for the most important knowledge of magicians, it can be predicted that they will gain little.

The inheritance of knowledge is private and comes down in one continuous line. Angelina, who has no foundation in other regions, is very difficult to obtain the corresponding knowledge.

That night, Angelina lost her temper with Locke for the first time.

Ignoring Locke\'s call, he ran back to the room alone.

Several women\'s comfort did not have a good effect. It was also that they had just settled down for a year and had to separate. No one could stand it.

Parting represents a better reunion. Locke\'s mind is very clear. He also knows what he is doing. He has a reason why he has to do it.

Old Locke, TIA and Xiaxi are all ordinary people. They don\'t have too high life level, and they don\'t even have physical cultivation. As a result, their life is destined to be like ordinary people.

Angelina\'s father, the dignified old king, with the powerful strength of high-ranking attendants in her youth, only lived for 60 years until her death, which really put a huge stone on Locke\'s heart.

He didn\'t want his parents to die like this, and he didn\'t want Xia Xi to die so early.

In recent months, Shaxi has rarely slept with Locke.

The older Xia Xi is, the more her body can\'t bear the expedition of Locke\'s Warcraft like constitution.

Although he didn\'t say it, Locke could still feel Xia Xi\'s inner sadness.

At the age of 35, even with the cover of all kinds of beauty products and the nourishing effect of Locke\'s amazing activating essence, her aging constitution really exists.

Human beings in this world generally have a short life span. In addition to the extremely poor level of medical and health care, the ubiquitous active energy molecules in the air also play some unknown roles.

Quasi Knight Locke is not worried about his life, nor are Angelina, grace and other women who learn magic. According to their current strength and physical quality, it is easy for them to live to 70 or 80.

But Locke has to think for others.

The quasi knight is facing the end of his life, which has always worn through the eternal problem of human life, and there is no solution.

If you break through to the official Knight level, if you go to a wider world, why can first-class knights and magicians live for hundreds of years? What\'s the secret.

This is what Locke desperately wants to know.

The short-term gathering of relatives and the warm family atmosphere did not paralyze Locke\'s heart. Locke still needs more arduous and lasting struggle if he wants not to be entangled by secular trivia.

The next day, after Angelina adjusted her mood, she found Locke and asked, "when are you leaving?"?

Locke wanted to say a month later. Seeing Angelina\'s tearful cheeks, he changed his mouth and said, "two months later."

Locke finally decided to spend more time with his family. From the time when he returned to foster last winter, it was just a year after two months.

A year is so short that everyone doesn\'t pay attention to the passage of time.

Locke felt that he owed grace and other women the most. During the reign war, he couldn\'t get along with them. Two months later, he had to leave.

Xia Xi and grace are the oldest of several women. Older women need to be more mature than Angelina.

They can only support Locke\'s decision.

Leah grew up watching Locke. She won\'t stop her brother from moving forward. Since she became Locke\'s woman, she has to rise up and catch up with Locke.

"I look after my parents at home. You can rest assured." Leah stood on tiptoe and kissed Locke on the cheek. Thin skinned, she made intimate moves to Locke in front of others for the first time.

Angelina\'s IQ and EQ are also very high. Overnight adjustment makes this woman who is determined to Locke quickly change back to her original appearance.

At night, resting on Locke\'s arm, Angelina said, "maybe I can take grace and them to the Santa tower to study."

"Is that ok?" Locke asked in surprise. As far as he knew, Santa only accepted middle-level apprentices and young high-level apprentices with great potential.

"There are many dead magic apprentices in the plane war. In recent years, the Santa tower will certainly expand the enrollment." Angelina spoke her judgment.

"I really can\'t, so I\'ll go to the magician Ashar for help." Locke told him that if grace and other women could go to the holy tower to practice, he could be very relieved.

"Don\'t worry, I don\'t think I need assar magician. Just my mentor\'s face is enough." Angelina laughed angrily.

As soon as Locke patted his head, he quickly realized that the truth was that master Kaila was the real thigh. Who could ignore the strong senior brother behind her.


Oh, in a flash, four hundred chapters.