Heimarian Odyssey

Chapter 398

After the count who led the way left, Angelina leaned in Locke\'s ear and whispered, "why don\'t we go to gangze kingdom again?"

The aroma of Angelina\'s mouth and lips breathed on Locke\'s ears, but Locke had no waves in his heart.

Angelina has played these intimate tricks several times a day for a month or two. Locke is used to them.

"It seems that the relationship between gangze Kingdom and us is not good. Is it really OK?" Locke pointed to the garrison troops on both sides of the front, full of gunpowder.

"Just ask brother Wang. I think so." Angelina hugged Locke\'s neck and looked indifferent.

The trilateral border of the kingdom of Hexi, the kingdom of gangze and the kingdom of forstan belongs to the southwest of the kingdom of forstan geographically.

The garrison corps with the title of Kingdom shield is responsible for the Western defense line.

With the great increase of Faustin\'s land area, the troops of the four legions also expanded, from the original five regiments to six regiments.

The garrison Corps stationed only two regiments on the Western defense line, and this border line is one of them.

The commander of the garrison corps, the Marquis of West Asia. Locke had several conversations with the Marquis when he was in the king\'s capital. The West Asian family fully served the royal family. Locke was very fond of the Marquis of West Asia, one of the four marques.

Stationed here is the second infantry regiment of the garrison Corps. The head of the regiment is a brave and capable middle-aged knight, and gold West Asia is his full name.

"Royal Highness, the flame letter from King Du is immediately completed." Gold Garcia stroked his chest and saluted.

"Yes." Holding Locke in one hand, Angelina focused on watching the magicians build a magic array.

Angelina is a magic genius, but in the field of magic communication, her specialty is the plate of transmission distance, and the communication array built in front of her is holographic entity communication.

Inheriting Charlotte\'s magic heritage, Foster\'s domestic magic strength has improved by leaps and bounds in recent years. You, the senior apprentice is no longer only Angelina\'s former mentor, but has broken through to four, and Angelina herself has reached as many as five.

Two of them were former Charlotte magicians. They didn\'t want to leave their hometown, leave the old land, change their nationality and become forstans. They were granted the title of viscount by his Majesty the king.

Soon, above the magic array, the holographic projection of his majesty kensell came. In the flame curtain, kensell\'s facial expression was vivid.

"What? What\'s up?" King kensell was concise.

It\'s very valuable to build a magic array. There are often only three hourglass.

"Brother, we want to go to gangze kingdom!" Angelina jumped out, took Locke\'s hand and smiled.

"Gangze kingdom?" Prince kensell raised his head and looked ahead in a meditative manner.

There, on the border between the two countries, there are more than 10000 soldiers in the two regiments.


When the mission set out again, in order to consider the tense situation between the two countries in recent years, the number of people was greatly reduced.

"Didn\'t your brother say that there were many contradictions with gangze Kingdom recently, and you asked to go to the envoy?" In the carriage, Locke asked Angelina reluctantly.

"Because I like it." Angelina said with a smile.

Locke has always tried his best to avoid trouble. He doesn\'t want to be tripped up by unnecessary trifles.

But since Angelina wants to go, Locke will accompany her.

With Locke\'s current quasi Knight strength, he has not paid attention to the general danger as long as he is not surrounded and suppressed by an organized army.

Don\'t forget, in Angelina\'s magic pet bag, there is also a scorpion dragon of advanced Warcraft level.

In the diplomatic corps, there are not many experts arranged by his majesty kensell. There is only a high-level escort captain.

"It is said that the most famous of gangze kingdom is the \'armored army\'?" Angelina knew what Locke was interested in and took the initiative to start the topic.

"Well, I\'ve heard of it, too." Locke nodded.

The heavy Knights of the League of liquia, the light cavalry of the kingdom of Holland, the armored army of the kingdom of gangze and the jungle wanderers of the kingdom of Karaman are all powerful arms of the countries adjacent to forstan, and their combat power can not be underestimated.

"I don\'t know whether the \'Iron Army\' is stronger or weaker than the \'heavy armor\' of the Marquis of netolida in the League of Lycia?" Locke sighed.

With neat military array, strict discipline and heavy momentum, the iron armored army of gangze Kingdom gave them a threat before the arrival of the diplomatic corps.

Speaking of the contradiction between gangze Kingdom and Faustin, it can be traced back to the time when Charlotte just collapsed. At that time, the overall strength of gangze kingdom was not weaker than Faustin, and wanted to grab a piece of Charlotte\'s distribution problem.

However, the birth of the land Knight Roma, the deterrence of the patriarchal country omore Empire and the strong attitude of the incoming king faustan made the interest dispute come to an end.

In the following years, the contradictions between the two sides were deliberately suppressed by the rulers, but some small frictions were inevitable.

In front of the convoy of the embassy was a mighty Knight wearing a full body armor with a long gun in his hand.

The mission came with the credentials of King faustan. The general, who had the strength of high-ranking attendants, did not dare to neglect, and soon sent someone to spread the news back.

Half a day later, the mission was allowed to enter the country.

Hundreds of people walked on both sides of the high cliffs.

I thought that the mountains in the northwest of the League of Lycia were already very difficult to walk, but I didn\'t expect that gangze kingdom was even worse.

Locke found that the more remote the place, the more tenacious and tough the people living.

More than ten years ago, gangze kingdom was on a par with Faustin, which is also related to the folk customs here.

Unfortunately, the continuous ganuru mountains have blocked the communication and contact between gangze and its eastern countries, making it difficult for gangze to make any progress in the east by using its strong military force.

It must have cost gangze kingdom a lot of logistics to hoard soldiers of a regiment on the border of forstan.

However, everything has its advantages and disadvantages.

Gangze kingdom can have a famous "armored army" of neighboring countries, which depends on the precious minerals buried under the continuous ganuru mountains.

Every year, tens of thousands of miners linger in the ganuru mountains and make great contributions to the steel export of gangze kingdom.

These ores are mainly ordinary iron and copper ores, with few gold and silver veins, and almost zero magic minerals. Therefore, they have not attracted too much attention from forces such as the holy tower and the knight\'s palace.

The exporting countries of these ores are mainly oriented to the foster kingdom in the East, the Dutch kingdom in the south, the Jungar tribal alliance in the north and the selamo mountain people in the northwest.

There is no eternal enemy, only eternal interests.

Although Faustin and gangze Kingdom have constant small frictions and compete with each other every year, they are not affected much in commercial trade.

After all, we haven\'t torn our faces.

"We mainly get in touch with the Marquis of cegsi of gangze kingdom? And then submit our credentials?" In the carriage, Locke asked.

With the popularization of a staff officer, Locke made a general understanding of many common sense and international situations of gangze kingdom.

Marquis chegsi is one of the marquis in charge of military affairs in gangze kingdom. It is reasonable that he is the biggest obstacle to this trip because of the increasingly intensified border relations between the two countries.

"Yes, the Marquis is still a stubborn advocate." Angelina nodded.

"Then we\'ll find him?" Locke was speechless.

"The contradiction between our two countries is nothing at all in the high-level view. What the Marquis peeps at is the andho basin in monstok." Angelina smiled.

Monstok is a small country in the southwest of gangze Kingdom, with a population of more than 1 million, which is only equivalent to that of the liquia Union.

However, this country occupies the rich andho basin, which is not only suitable for growing food, but also a wide variety of magical materials.

Locke nodded to understand that it was controlled by the holy tower and the knight\'s palace. Gangze kingdom wanted to gain control of the andho basin by means of war, which was tantamount to a fool\'s dream.

Unless a number of first-class knights, magicians, or a second-class strong man can emerge in their country in a short time to increase their voice.

Since it cannot be achieved directly by means of war, it requires refined game, strife between various forces, deterrence and seemingly equal transactions.

There are many kinds of battles. The assault and killing of soldiers from the two countries is only one of them. There is also an economic war that Locke has never heard of.

Locke admitted that he was not good at these activities of using his brain. He simply pushed the trivial things that should be paid attention to and completed during his mission to Angelina. He was happy and relaxed and became a tourist.

This kind of indomitable style has attracted Angelina\'s eyes frequently.

After the continuous ganuru mountains, there is a slightly flat plateau. In Locke\'s opinion, the life of the residents here is no different from that of the civilians in the kingdom of faustan. It is unreasonable for some faustans to call gangze kingdom "savage mountain people".

The high-ranking attendant of gangze Kingdom who accompanied them found that Locke had just returned from the plane war.

Locke\'s Quasi Knight level strength and various descriptions of the battle to activate the goblin world have dispelled the "doubts" of the knight of other countries. The real knight is straight hearted, and this powerful general is also one of them.

Before long, I had a good talk with Locke and Angelina.

Knights attach great importance to their companions. No matter how rigid the relationship between the two countries is, in the plane war provoked by the Knights\' palace, there are few cases in which Knights of the hostile two countries pull back from each other.

The knight\'s palace is very harsh on the punishment of such vicious events.

From this, Locke thought of the four Marquis of the kingdom of Faustin.

They are all Knights above high-level attendants, and even official Knights exist. But among the four marques, only one Marquis wood who is far away from the power circle of the royal capital is recognized as a knight by Locke.


If you want a dragon character or want to extend and refine a plot of interest, you can post a message in the book circle of Knight\'s journey. Xiaodou will consider adding it as appropriate.

This chapter is added at the suggestion of a reader friend, but that\'s the most. I can\'t spend too much pen power in this aspect, otherwise I will deviate from the main outline.