Heimarian Odyssey

Chapter 397

After wandering through dozens of aristocratic territories of the League of Lycia, Locke felt that the lives of residents in different regions were very different.

Especially the farmers who mainly cultivate depend on the policies of the local lords.

Locke once saw the absurdity that the living standards of civilians in two adjacent territories were very different.

"Don\'t the big lords in the alliance have anyone to take care of?" On the carriage, Locke peeled Angelina a grape and asked the attendant outside the carriage curiously.

"Well, the owner has been involved in other things in recent years, so he seldom cares about the small and medium-sized nobles in the alliance." The attendant said awkwardly.

The Marquis of Kent is the principal person jointly elected in the alliance. If he doesn\'t care, it\'s really a mess.

"What about the two remaining Marquis?" Asked Locke.

"The Marquis of torida does not like political affairs, and the Marquis of Valen has little control over the affairs within the alliance since six years ago." The attendants talked freely.

Locke took a deep look at the servant. He was good at flattery, but he was also a sensible man who dared to speak.

"I\'m afraid the Marquis of Kent doesn\'t care, but can\'t care." Angelina giggled and said bluntly.

The Chamberlain pretended not to hear this.

"Where\'s the next stop?" Asked Locke.

"Newra collar, where the specialty dolly sheep is good, and the meat quality is the best in the league." The attendant gushed that his task was to serve Locke and Angelina.

"Well." Locke nodded. The route of the mission was that Locke marked out the general direction, which was led by the attendant and guide.

Newra collar.

Sydney collar.

Sparber collar.

Longyar collar.

Edoril collar.

Ansa collar.

Diego collar.


From the south of the alliance, from west to north, I don\'t know how many aristocratic territories I passed all the way.

Locke also took a relaxing trip to observe and understand the local conditions and customs of different regions.

Unfortunately, to the west of the Lycian union is the kingdom of anador, which has a cold relationship with the kingdom of forstan, and to the East is the cardogo area with many swamp basins, which is not the first choice for travel.

I spent almost a month in the league. The new year was spent in a small town called SATA town. The exotic new year left romantic memories for Locke and Angelina.

Further north, and after a circle, he returned to the territory of the Marquis of Kent.

After receiving the credentials submitted by the Marquis of Kent, Locke reluctantly accepted the space ring hidden at the bottom of the credentials.

I didn\'t expect to have such good things when I went out for a trip. Since it was a bribe given by a marquis, Locke thought the value could not be too low.

As for what the Marquis wants to ask, it should all be in that thin National Certificate.

Through his observation in the League of Lycia, Locke thought that the Marquis was probably deeply involved in something, otherwise he would not lose control of the middle and small nobles in the league.

Without the protection of the heavy cavalry, the team of the mission was significantly reduced, but it was still huge.

Hundreds of people marched north.

This time, instead of going back the same way, they turned west and planned to return to forstan through the kingdom of Holland.

The kingdom of Holland is the weakest country with the lowest comprehensive strength among the countries around Faustin. Its territorial area is only as large as del Province, which is not as deep as the liquia Union.

The small comprehensive strength does not mean that this country is weak. On the contrary, because its rulers intend to forge ahead in their governance strategy, they have the same voice in the surrounding countries as the Lycian alliance.

The hundreds of members of the mission, including 200 armored soldiers, were stopped by the garrison stationed here as soon as they approached the border of the Netherlands kingdom.

Locke did not receive the mission to the kingdom of Holland, but just passed by the road, but it also attracted the attention of the high-level of the kingdom of Holland.

A count of the Kingdom personally led a team of Royal cavalry to the border to negotiate with the envoy group.

The result of the final negotiation is that the kingdom of Holland will send a large group of Royal cavalry to "protect" the security of the mission in its own country.

The Royal cavalry is the trump card of the Dutch kingdom. The number is only one regiment with more than 4000 people. He directly sent a quarter to stare at them. Locke felt that he had a great face.

"This is the light knight as famous as the heavy knight in the League of Lycia." Angelina leaned over the carriage window and pointed to the mighty cavalry outside.

"Yes, there are some ways." Locke nodded. Judging from the fighting intensity of ordinary people, this light cavalry is indeed extraordinary. It comes and goes like the wind. It is a bright iron sword that cuts iron like mud. Its practicability is 30% higher than that of ordinary cavalry.

It\'s not easy to be watched and "protected". Nearly a thousand cavalry surrounded, let alone enjoy the scenery. Even Locke got out of the car and stamped his sour feet, which will arouse the fear and attention of the cavalry of the Dutch kingdom.

Knowing that he would not come, Locke complained that the strength of quasi Knights was not enough for him to do whatever he wanted. In this light cavalry brigade, there was a quasi knight with similar strength as him, and several high-level attendants.

Less than one level, after all, is not divorced from the category of ordinary people. It is better than the quasi Knight level. Even if you can easily kill 100 ordinary soldiers, you can live and die if you are tired.

Not to mention the first level, even the first level official Knights don\'t dare to directly attack the square array of a 10000 person Corps.

Only those earth Knights whose physical strength is extremely powerful, who can get rid of the shackles of plane gravity and fly freely in the sky with their controlled energy, can ignore the dilemma brought by quantity.

Locke was not able to appreciate the overall style of the kingdom of Holland, but Locke was exposed to some details.

Unlike the strong folkway of the kingdom of Faustin, the coexistence of the League of Lycia and the centralization of the omor Empire, this small bullet country is very similar to the destroyed kingdom of Charlotte. Relatively speaking, the residents here are relatively simple.

Simplicity means bullying. If there is not a strong person in power, Locke can hardly imagine how the Dutch kingdom can survive safely in an environment full of strong forces.

"Under the crown of the prince, and further on is the border between your country and your country." The count sent by the high level of the Dutch Kingdom rode to the car and said respectfully.

Ten years ago, when the kingdom of Faustin just annexed Charlotte and the country was unstable, the kingdom of Holland could jump out with the surrounding countries in an attempt to reap some benefits.

But now, in the face of the giant kingdom of Faustin, this country can only choose to bow down and submit.

All the Earls were so respectful that Locke\'s vanity was greatly satisfied.

"Oh? What\'s there?" Locke points to another border line, where a whole regiment is stationed on the periphery, and the stock is close to the kingdom of forstan.

"That\'s the border of gangze kingdom." The count looked up and said.