Heimarian Odyssey

Chapter 393

Walking into the side hall, dozens of nobles in Chinese clothes were among them.

Seeing that most of them were red faced, kensell could imagine what a noisy scene it was before he came in.

Looking around a week, there are few old faces, and kensell\'s spirit is relaxed.

It is true that among the nobles, the older they are, the stronger they are.

What scares his majesty most is not the small and medium-sized nobles who are like clowns, but the big families who stand at the back and manipulate everything with invisible lines.

The four Marquis families are the strongest backing of the royal family. Kensell won the support of these families before he ascended the throne.

Now it was the nobles at the count level who bothered him and annoyed him.

Hyenas have sharp teeth and healthy physique. If they are used well, they can help male lions hunt. If they are not used well, they will hurt their owners.

With the complete capture of Charlotte, the land area has nearly doubled. The kingdom of faustan is at the strongest moment in history. Kensell doesn\'t want to be a sinner of the royal family. He needs to be careful every step.

Watching his majesty walk into the side hall without saying a word, several active house owners wanted to start a conversation.

The mainstays of these families have returned in the face of war. With the scrupulous observance of the norms of the knight palace, these Knights will not talk much.

But people are old and sophisticated. After turning a corner, they want to understand that most of the high-ranking attendants who haven\'t come back will never come back.

High level combat power is not the only criterion to measure the strength of a family, but it also reflects the most intuitive competitiveness of a family.

A family without the protection of the top strong is like a beast without sharp teeth. It can only be eliminated in the jungle law of natural selection.

In the current form of Faustin, it is impossible to start a foreign war again. No rash disaster is allowed in either the holy tower or the knight\'s palace.

Unless a second-class knight is born in their country again, or stronger, foster can have the ability, or "excuse", to have more territory.

Since it is impossible to obtain benefits from abroad, many people have seen it at home.

Struggle is an eternal topic of contradiction. It is not that you can refuse if you want to refuse, or you can not participate if you want not to participate.

Giving up means being eliminated. No one wants to be replaced by others one day.

Now those families who have lost high-ranking attendants are the Lamb on the table. There are anxious hunters who can\'t wait to share a cake.

However, before enjoying this cake, hyenas need to offer the cake with the largest weight and the most fat. The king is the biggest hunter.

The king enjoyed his heart, and the Marquis scraped the refined meat, and the rest of the vegetable leaves were their staple food.

To tell the truth, kensell was ambitious before becoming king, but when he really stood in this position, he realized that many of them were different from what he imagined.

Several of these forced families were supporters of his original succession to the throne, and two high-ranking attendants who fell in the war on the throne were the heads of his soldiers.

But now, driven by power and class, he needs to cut off the first piece of meat on the chopping board.

Of course, it is not entirely a bad thing.

At least kensell knows that some families can move and some families need to let go.

"The Griffins go to Seth province." During the discussion, the king suddenly said.





Seth province is the northern province in the old land of Charlotte. There are many mountains and stone forests, but there are no valuable minerals. The local residents are quite exclusive, especially those with Faustin descent.

The Griffin family has gone there. For at least two generations, they don\'t want to return to the power core of the royal capital.

The count family, which once had several kings, was reduced to such a state after losing two strong high-ranking attendants. It can be said that the world is desolate.

"Thank you, your majesty!" Old Doug Griffin crawled to thank him.

Being sent to remote areas is a good ending for the Griffin family. At least the Earl\'s title is retained, which means there is still a chance.

Kensell is indeed a brilliant king. Most people think this is to suppress and divide the property of the Griffin family. Only a few people know that his majesty is protecting the Griffin family.

Looking at the nobles below, kensell habitually rubbed his eyebrows when arguing for fur interests.

I envy Marquis wood, kensell thought so.

The contemporary Marquis of wood is the same age as kensell. He is also a close friend with Prince kensell in the military camp. They often go out to hunt together.

When his Majesty was upset in the palace, the Marquis wood, I\'m afraid, was not in the gentle countryside, but had fun in the wild.

Depressing his irritability, kensell stood up and stopped the endless discussion in front of him.

"Eddie\'s family, bossy\'s family and Clive\'s family will not be discussed for the time being. I have my own decision!"

"Well?" The king\'s words attracted the attention of all present.

Eddie and other three families are another topic to be discussed in today\'s parliament. The three families are only Viscount families and are not strong supporters before Prince kensell inherited the throne.

After losing the high-level Knight of the family, it is completely turned into fish on the chopping board, only to be scraped clean.

So that the heads of the three small families were not invited to the palace today.

Obedience to fate is the only idea of the owners of these small families. They can only expect king kensell, the new king, to leave them a way back, just as kensell left the way back for other families.

Blindly depriving and suppressing is not a qualified king, nor can it guarantee that foster will maintain prosperity and balance the forces of all parties. Kensell needs to do. He still has a long way to go on the road of the throne.

"As we all know, my sister is back." Prince kensell said without trace.

Noble ministers listened quietly to see what his majesty did.

"Well, faustan may have another Prince soon." The king\'s words echoed in the side hall.


A week later, the palace was decorated and hung with festive red silk everywhere.

The whole royal city of flor fell into a carnival. The civilians who were happy to reduce taxes a week ago had another chat after dinner a week later.

Their beloved sister of his Majesty the king will come out of the cabinet today.

It was a Viscount named Locke who married the princess. The Viscount seldom heard of it. Hot gossip people tried their best to find out the background of the new prince.

Prince? Viscount?

These days, old Locke and TIA seem to live in a dream.

First, the son and daughter who had been away for more than three years suddenly came back, and then a series of awards from the palace knocked out the hearts of the two old people.

"Madam, do you think this colored silk can be hung here?"

"Sir, this is the tobacco I brought from the south. I don\'t know whether you like it or not."

"Viscount Warren is out with a present and wants to visit."


The original remote and quiet home has been very lively recently.

Countless nobles came to visit in groups, ranging from barons to messengers of the Marquis family, which really made the two old people tired of entertaining.

Today is a day of great joy. The two old people are also dressed in Chinese clothes and look neat. They are ready to start at any time.

After more than ten years of aristocratic life in flor, old Locke and TIA can\'t see that they are of civilian origin.

Luxurious clothes, exquisite food, cumbersome and noble etiquette made them complete the gorgeous transformation.

Only the servants and maids in the mansion can find the difference between them and other nobles from the simplicity and kindness revealed by the two masters.

"I don\'t think brother Locke is not only a Viscount, but also going to marry the princess and become a prince." Said the strong man with arms thicker than ordinary thighs, with a beard full of chin, a straight body and calluses on his hands. Hans, Locke\'s former brother, was specially invited from del province.

"Yes, it\'s incredible." Next to him, Kane, who is thin and has sharp eyes, said.

As Locke\'s most powerful right-hand men on the battlefield, these two must be present when Locke holds a grand wedding.

In addition to them, there are many familiar faces from maple leaf village and mining town in the residence, such as Uncle York and Carl, who just exchanged greetings with old Locke.

These civilians from the countryside led by kaiduoqi heard that the Locke family had developed a long time ago. They not only became aristocrats, but also settled in the king\'s capital.

However, no one knows exactly how developed it is.

Today, they saw that it was the prince\'s family. All the residents of mining town who saw this scene were proud.

"You and your brother didn\'t discuss with me and directly granted me a viscount." Inside, holding Angelina\'s hand, Locke whispered.

"Hum, ask my brother yourself." Angelina raised her head sideways.

After a week\'s adjustment, Angelina has come out of her sadness, and today is the most important moment in her life. She can build her life with her sweetheart. Angelina is in a very happy mood at this time. The old king who must have died also hopes that Angelina can happily marry.

"Well." Locke hesitated at the thought of his Majesty the king, his brother-in-law, who gave him an unfathomable feeling.

Luanjia started a half day people-friendly tour in flor city. Everywhere he went, he was full of flowers and blessings. Then he returned to the palace. More complicated aristocratic ceremonies were still waiting for the two newcomers.

Fortunately, Locke was prepared for this. He gently complained about the cumbersome aristocratic rules, and his face was filled with sunshine and confident smile.

Hundreds of thousands of people in the king\'s city are watching them. Locke can\'t lose his chain at this time.