Heimarian Odyssey

Chapter 392

"Yes." Keane nodded.

Robbins joined the army with old Blu many years ago. They are brothers of a small team. Old Blu fought fiercely on the battlefield, while Robbins is calm and enterprising.

Seeing this familiar long sword and Robbins with tendons and flesh, standing in place, it seems to recall the original extraordinary years.

Robbins didn\'t speak and Keane didn\'t move. In terms of seniority, Robbins is his uncle. Although he is an adult, Keane still follows the younger generation\'s attitude.

Half a minute later, Robbins woke up from his memory, took the long sword in Keane\'s hand, weighed it and said, "this sword is not heavy. It\'s a pity to integrate farming tools. It can only be sold to those past adventurers."

Keane didn\'t speak and listened respectfully. He knew uncle Robbins wouldn\'t pit him. He was an elder who had a life friendship with old blu.

"His majesty, the new king, has issued an iron restriction order this year. The price of iron ore has increased a lot. Your long sword can sell a lot of money, but it\'s not much. You should be prepared." Said Robbins. "Six silver Deloitte, this is the limit I give."

Keane heard it and grinned, "too much, uncle Robbins, you don\'t have to..."

Robbins waved to interrupt Keane\'s words. "I\'ve been forging iron for so many years and won\'t do business at a loss. Don\'t worry."

With Uncle Robbins in mind, Keane thought to bring uncle Robbins some special products next time he came to town.

Keane\'s original idea of this long sword was to sell five silver Deloitte to the top. Uncle Robbins is definitely a loss making business.

You have never been to the battlefield. You don\'t know how much friendship there is between your comrades in arms. The hardships of life make all the civilians in Shaka town busy making a living. Even during the Spring Festival, they rarely walk around each other.

Only in the annual beer festival, Shaka town and people from six surrounding villages will get together to wish the event.

Also at that time of year, Keane needs to go home with old blue on his back the next morning.

All thirty or forty years old as like as two peas, they are almost as old as they are when they are in the army. They are just like the soldiers who joined the army at the beginning. Hundreds of old men can join up to dry up 1/3 of beer festival.

Keane doesn\'t really understand this so-called comradeship in arms. Now Foster\'s country is peaceful, the people are safe and the national strength is strong. He doesn\'t need redundant young adults to enlist in the army, and Keane doesn\'t have the opportunity to experience his father\'s original life.

"What else do you need? Say it at one breath." Robbins looked at Keane and said. He didn\'t believe that old Blu would sell his sword without warning.

"A silver ring doesn\'t need to be too heavy. Just look good." Keane blushed.

Robbins took a thoughtful look at Keane. "Take these two silver Deloitte. The cost of making the ring is four silver Deloitte." He went back to the house and took two silver coins. Robbins patted Keane\'s hand.

"A week later." With that, Robbins returned to the blacksmith\'s room.

"Dang! Dang! Dang!" The rhythmic voice came out again, accompanied by a rough roar from Robbins, "be good to your wife and let old Blu move his broken leg less!"

The words were rough, but Keane listened with a warm heart. He thanked uncle Robbins in the blacksmith\'s shop again before he left here.

In the blacksmith\'s shop, the heavy hammer beating the iron stopped slowly, and Robbins suddenly missed his son, who was a tailor apprentice in Baron city.

"Go and see him some time. I\'ve been married for two years and haven\'t given me a grandson. It\'s not as good as the cub of the old Blu family." Robbins thought so.

"Dang! Dang! Dang!" A knock followed.

Different people have different ways of living. For the civilians living in the countryside, such as old BLU and Keane, farming every day and eating coarse food that can fill their stomachs is the life they may live for a lifetime.

Maybe there will be ideals. Rural people don\'t know what ideals are. Ideals mean hope. Keane\'s current hope is to buy his wife new cloth and silver rings. Old Blu\'s hope is to live and see his grandchildren grow up.

City people also have the way of life of city people. Today, all the people in flor, king of foster, are very happy.

Their wise and great majesty the king issued a nationwide decree yesterday morning: reduce taxes by 30% in the second half of this year and next year.

30% of the tax revenue is a lot. For Wangdu residents, they pay several silver coins a year less. For rural farmers, they can eat more than a dozen more bread outside the holidays.

People in flor like to inquire about gossip. Why the king made this order is because his Majesty\'s sister returned home. The king was overjoyed and issued this decree.

All the faustans who knew the reason were happy for the princess\'s return.

In the days of national celebration, Angelina, as a party, was not in a happy mood.

On the contrary, since I returned to flor city yesterday morning, I have locked myself in the house. Anyone with a clear eye can see Angelina\'s sadness.

Locke has been advised many times, but Angelina doesn\'t say anything. She just cries with Locke. All Locke can do is to accompany her since yesterday morning.

"Alas!" Outside the princess\'s bedroom, King kensell, who was dressed in beautiful clothes and holding the king\'s scepter, sighed.

It was a great day for my sister to come back, but she was so sad to hear that her father died last year. Together with kensell, she also saw things and missed people, and missed the old king who was strict and paid silently for herself.

"Your Majesty, ministers and nobles are waiting in the side hall." An attendant came up to kensell and whispered.

Adjust your mood, kensell\'s expression returned to calm, "well, let\'s go now."

The high-ranking attendants of the kingdom who had been out for many years returned with the first-class Knights of the two Marquis families. Some family pillars fell in the face of the war, while others greatly improved their strength and brought back all kinds of precious materials. The little kings began to flow secretly. Faustin was not as calm as he looked.

Kencel, who succeeded to the throne for one year, had just consolidated his kingship, and soon ushered in a major challenge.

"Ask the back kitchen to prepare food for the princess and knight Locke, and then send it in." Although it has gone far, kensell\'s words still echo in this bedroom.

Simultaneous interpreting the servants who had been in the palace in the past two years, it is clear that his majesty is indeed as concerned about his sister as he has said.

There was a lot of noise in the side hall. Before we got close, the noise made kensell\'s head ache.

It\'s really not so easy to be a king. It\'s much harder than leading soldiers to fight. Kensell, who succeeded for one year, knows it well.

Seeing his majesty come in, the voice in the side hall was a little weak.

The reason for this is not their respect for the king, but their fear.

When kensell succeeded to the throne last year, several nobles and ministers were personally executed, and few small families were involved in the collapse. The city of flor lasted a month and was filled with blood.

This is an iron handed king, stronger than the last old king.