Heimarian Odyssey

Chapter 374

Thousands of light spots in the sky fell rapidly, and the attack tide on the ground also kicked off.

Like two sharp knives, the two semi divine Knights plunged into the camp of activating goblins.

While causing countless chaos, the other slaves and knight legions that followed collided with the activated Goblins who died in the holy city.

This is a protracted war. The battle levels of both sides are not at the same level. The average strength is higher than the slave creatures and knights who activate goblins. They can easily kill the enemies in front of them.

However, there are too many activated goblins. After the call of the holy city, the indigenous people of the whole activated goblins world began to gather here in a steady stream. All over the mountains and fields, they are crowded with activated goblins.

Some of these activated goblins have no power, but they stand up when the race perishes and the position is seriously damaged.

Their function is very small. They are half a meter high and have less strength than ordinary humans. They are reluctant to call them stumbling blocks.

It is this "meat wall" composed of countless ordinary activated goblins that has deeply blocked the progress of slave creatures and knight legions.

Thousands of magnificent magic were released in the rear. When they fell, they set off a tide of flesh and blood on the battlefield.

Magic is a sharp tool for harvesting life.

The activation goblins huddle together, which is the best target.

Every magician mu zujin threw out his proud magic. Those who can participate in the battle in theater 1 are basically the best in the holy tower.

Not to mention the large-scale covering magic of magicians above level 1 who destroy heaven and earth, they are the lowest level magic apprentices. They can also hit dozens of hundreds of activated goblins with their eyes closed.

The battle outside the holy city is spectacular. Tens of millions of activated goblins have been active here outside the city that has stood in the activated goblins world for many years.

How many magicians and knights are there? Apart from fighting in other parts of the activated goblin world, there are less than 400000 Knights gathered in theater 1 today. There are fewer magicians, just in their early 2000s.

There are the most slave creatures, about 600000.

One million enemies are ten million. Magicians and knights are showing their strength with their achievements at the moment.

At the moment, Locke, who is in a corner on the edge of the battlefield, is hard to kill the activated goblins in front of him.

These activated goblins are crazy. In the face of enemies countless times stronger than themselves, they still rush up bravely and fearlessly.

Many ants kill elephants. Locke finally realized what this sentence meant.

The scorpion Dragon Lord is not far away. He is entangled with an activated goblin city master. Locke can\'t get involved in the battle between first-class creatures.

The aftermath of the battle alone was enough to make him such a strong quasi Knight seriously injured.

The roar of the scorpion dragon echoed in my ears from time to time. This was the voice of the quasi rank scorpion dragon. With one hand waving a long sword and the other stabbing a long gun, Locke moved to the roar of the scorpion dragon.

Unlike the handsome and ferocious appearance in the past, these scorpion dragons are very embarrassed today.

The activated goblins were slaughtered to this share, which aroused their final blood. They went crazy no less than the slave biological Legion.

The scorpion dragon in front of Locke was covered with viscous liquid, including mucus sprayed by activated goblins and plasma of various creatures.

The hard scales softened at this time. After receiving an unknown number of attacks, the defense of the quasi level scorpion dragon was also broken.

Countless activated goblins climb onto the scorpion dragon\'s back and use all their available means to cause damage to the scorpion dragon.

Scorpion dragon\'s huge claws can kill dozens of activated goblins, but the dead ones will be added soon.

"Roar!" It\'s another roar, but this time it\'s weaker than last time.

Without thinking too much, he waved his long sword and Locke rushed up.

This is just a corner of the battlefield. The activated goblins use their own number to temporarily block the footsteps of the invaders.

In the holy city, the branches and leaves of the world tree are still shaking.

The withered and yellow leaves fall, as if in one day, the evergreen world tree came to autumn.

Activated goblins sacrifice gold seriously injured. At present, there are only 11 level-3 activated goblins with the power of World War I, and this number is still decreasing.

The heavenly Knights of the knight palace recognized these three-level activated goblins. The three-level activated Goblins who had slept under the holy city for many years did not have the power of their heyday.

High level combat power is not only unequal in quantity, but also rarely at one level.

The knight\'s attack is less to say. The magic that caused the third level activated goblins to fall one after another is mainly those defenseless magic.

There are different ways to deal with different enemies.

When slaughtering activated goblin soldiers, magicians use a wide range of strike magic. When dealing with these secondary and tertiary activated goblins, single attack magic is even more difficult to prevent.

Spear of lightning, death gaze, petrification...... The endless magic attacks have taught these ignorant ectopic aborigines a good lesson.

Activating goblins to sacrifice gold is dying. The semi divine magician Mister spends his whole body magic to summon the northern corona meteor shower coming from the nearby meteorite belt, which is the limit magic that level 3 magicians can use.

This is close to the power that can only be created by level 4 magicians. According to unofficial statistics, in the second world war area, master Meester\'s magic, light devoured and killed millions of low-level activated goblins.

Needless to say, there were two three-level activated goblins killed on the spot, and the activated goblins were seriously injured in sacrificial gold.

With equal emphasis on power and scope, master Meester perfectly explained the reason why the magician was so strong in the nearby areas.

Argus and Ogan, both of whom are semi gods, can also attack on a large scale with massive fighting spirit, but the killing is definitely not as direct and ferocious as that of Mister.

What makes the world tree tremble so much is not the battlefield front line with death all the time, nor the sharp reduction in the number of high-level activated goblins, but a strong man who also brings deep pressure to it outside the plane.

The world of activating goblins has come to an end. This world tree that has lived for millions of years and has extraordinary wisdom thinks of it.

Since it was born as a small sapling, the world tree has been based on this land.

It is like a bystander, witnessing the growth of the activated goblin world.

With roots covering one third of the wild land of Mori and a height of more than kilometers, this world tree has reached the limit of biological evolution.

Unfortunately, its ten thousand year foundation is about to be destroyed.

An aggressive Legion led by a level 4 strong man is enough to activate the goblin world into life and death, not to mention two.

The closer to level 4, the more the world tree can understand the power of that level.