Heimarian Odyssey

Chapter 373

Outside the plane, the Odyssey, which maintained the channel open at the crack of the space barrier, looked at a knight in front of him in shock.

"Zekray, why are you here so soon!" Odyssey asked immediately after a brief surprise.

"The battle over the Centaur is almost over. The Panamanian master asked me to come first to support you." Zekray, who was no worse than Odyssey, smiled.

Like the Odyssey, zekray is also one of the four level Knights of the three western islands, controlling the knight palace of the whole continent.

With zekray, there are more than 3000 knights. Without exception, all these knights are knights above level 1, dozens of level 2 knights and four level 3 heavenly knights.

This cavalry force, which stayed outside the throne, was still smelling of blood. It was obvious that it had just left the battle.

Seeing this situation, Odyssey raised his eyebrows. He couldn\'t see that zekley and his knights came directly across space through space transmission.

No one can transmit level 4 knights and such a large number of knights except the master of Panama, the master of Santa tower on the three western islands.

"I didn\'t expect that the Panamanian master would send you here at such a high price." Odyssey chuckled. He has a good relationship with zekley and Gaia. Several level four strong men in the three western islands are famous for their unity in the wizard world.

When an old friend said this, zekley said, "this is because someone already knows that we are facing two worlds."

"Those people on the east coast?" Odyssey frowned. The gap between the three western islands and the east coast of the wizard world has a long history.

Zekray said, "Well!" A cry.

"Then it seems that we really need to speed up." Odyssey said in a deep voice.

As members of the same plane, those magician forces on the east coast who are hostile to the three western islands dare not stab the three western islands directly - other forces and powerful people in the wizard world will not ignore it.

But they will make some small moves in other aspects: send people to infiltrate the three western islands, plunder the resources of the three western islands, or directly go to the holy tower and knight palace of the three western islands to cause damage.

As long as they don\'t die, other forces in the wizard world don\'t bother to take care of it.

These damages will not directly paralyze the three western islands, but will fundamentally damage the inside information and strength of the holy tower and knight palace of the three western islands.

"Does the Panamanian master have a deadline?" Asked Odyssey.

"No, of course, the sooner the better." Zekray replied.

The east coast won\'t start so fast, and they need some time to prepare.

Even if they succeed, Odyssey will not have too many waves in his heart. As early as the beginning of invading and activating the goblin world, the knight palace and holy tower on the three western islands have made various preparations.

The value contained in the activated goblin plane is enough to make up for any loss they suffer.

"Did you force it?" As if he had found something, Zachary frowned and looked at Odyssey\'s right arm.

Ordinary knights and magicians can\'t see it, but he, a level 4 strong man, can easily find that the Odyssey\'s right arm is slightly shaking. It is fed back through his right arm, with the residue of plane will and a strong smell of space debris.

Zekray can judge that Odyssey forcibly squeezed the plane channel not long ago and put one hand into the activated goblin world.

Every world has its own meaning and rules. Rules are a rope running through many planes of the star world. The existence of rules makes the star world more orderly and prosperous.

The micro plane, as a fragile world weaker than the low-level plane, does not have a four-level strong person in itself, and its strength is up to three levels.

This type of plane has solid plane barriers to protect the plane based creatures and is hidden in many planes in the astral world.

Moreover, because of many reasons such as imperfect rules and rules of micro plane, it is difficult for the four level strong to integrate or enter into the micro plane.

The huge energy contained in the level 4 strong is enough to shake the whole micro plane and is in the instinct of protecting itself. Although the plane consciousness does not wake up, it will violently resist such life entering its own body.

Micro plane consciousness will not wake up because it has not grown to the point where it can wake up.

Only low-level planes, such as the Centaur world, will awaken briefly for a few seconds for some special reasons.

If there is an extremely powerful level-4 life body that has to enter a micro plane and successfully breaks through the barrier of the plane, it may usher in the disorder in the micro plane, the outbreak of biological extinction, so that the whole plane is damaged.

Many half planes come from this.

"Azir, go and help them!" Zekray stood outside the activated goblin world and clearly saw the center of the world. At the foot of the world tree, countless knights and magicians were fighting with the activated goblin aborigines.

"Yes, my Lord!" One of the three heavenly Knights replied loudly. A long golden gun appeared in his hand, and the tip of the gun pointed to the activated goblin world.

Thousands of official knights, like the northern corona meteor shower just released by Mister a few months ago, turned into meteors and dived into the activated goblin world.

Among all the "meteors", the sky Knight headed by him is the brightest and most powerful. He is also a demigod knight.

"Don\'t worry, I won\'t rob you of the heart of the world tree." Zekray runs a fight, maintains the space crack with Odyssey, and jokes at leisure.

Zekray was struck by a flash of lightning. It turned out to be a knight cultivating the fighting spirit of the thunder system.

In the world of activated goblins, Argus, who was in front of all the knights, suddenly looked up at the sky.

Thousands of white spots emerge from the sky and become larger and larger.

"Hum! It\'s the Azul guy!" AGUS snorted coldly.

The two level-4 knights are good friends, but their level-3 heaven knights are not. Many still have festivals.

"Hurry up, don\'t let them underestimate!" Said Ogan, not far from Argus.

The grudge between him and Argus is not worth mentioning in front of the palaces of knights in other continents.

Knights are united, at least among the members of the same Knight palace.

Ogan and AGUS don\'t deal with each other, but they won\'t trip each other in battle.

At the beginning, AGUS was surrounded by several third-class creatures in the activated goblin world. He was seriously injured and was on the verge of death. Ogen came to rescue with others.

It\'s not too much to say that Argus owes Ogan half his life.

In fact, these knights who have lived for thousands of years owe their "comrades in arms" a few lives.


Today, tomorrow, four watch, and the day after tomorrow, this is the addition at the end of this month. Thank you for your support.