Heimarian Odyssey

Chapter 262

In the sky, although Odyssey\'s blood red eyes just flashed by, the aborigines who activated the goblin world remembered this cruel sight from the heart.

A fear from the depths of the soul made them tremble.

On the fertile land continent, in Baiming mountain, a thin activated goblin strong man lives in seclusion here. As one of the few three-level strong men in the activated goblin world, this activated goblin looks like a banana and holds a wooden handle in his hand.

The raw material of the wooden handle should be made of the most common trunk. The yellowing oil dirt and rounded edges and corners on it all show that the wooden handle is often held by its original owner.

Arnold, a banana man, is an immortal genius who activated the goblin world 300 years ago. He was promoted to the first level creature at the age of 20 and the second level activated goblin Lord within 100 years. It is considered to be the brightest pearl in the activated goblin world.

Its talent is so high that even the world tree is startled.

When everyone thought that Arnold would be active in the activated goblin world and continue to write his own myth, the genius even announced his seclusion.

This seclusion is two hundred years.

Two hundred years without contact with the outside world, no one knows that he has become a three-level activated goblin. Based on his combat effectiveness alone, he is no worse than that sunflower sacrifice.

But today, the favored son of heaven who activated the goblin world, holding his own weapon and a harmless wooden handle for humans and animals, walked out of Baiming mountain.

Arnold\'s state at this time was very strange. He also saw the huge red eyes flashing in the sky and the growing black crack in the sky.

According to the nature of three-level creatures seeking advantages and avoiding disadvantages, Arnold should run as far as he can, but at this time, he unconsciously rushed directly below the crack.

This is the call of the plane will and the moment when every indigenous people in the world of activating goblins should contribute to the mother world.

With his indomitable fighting spirit in activating the goblin world for 300 years, Arnold rushed to the unknown enemy.

At this moment, countless creatures that have activated the goblin world to level 1 or above, whether in seclusion or in cultivation, have forcibly broken their state, and nothing is more dangerous than the current situation.

In the sky, countless black spots appeared, and the first batch of slave creatures were close to the atmosphere outside the plane barrier.

Most of these slave creatures with strength at the first and second levels dare not even look at the Odyssey knights who open the cracks there. They are burned by the marks engraved in their souls, driving them crazy to the activated goblin world.

Creatures above level 1 can condense a layer of energy shell on their body surface, which is one of their means to resist the plane conflict and isolate the friction and high temperature caused by falling.

Countless colorful lights flickered. The slave creatures who first rushed out of the Space Fortress had passed through the atmosphere, and the green activated goblin world continent below had been opened in their arms.





Most of these slave creatures were captured from the level of slavery in the wizard world, including Warcraft and intelligent creatures, but they had only one identity at this time, that is, slaves.

Slave creatures with crazy colors in their eyes flew to the continent below.

They have felt the weak and trembling aborigines below. In their only reason, these slave creatures thought that their position had been broken by magicians and knights in the wizard world.

These slave creatures could not enjoy the sadness of sentimentality and rabbit death and fox sorrow. They should have no reason. Only by listening to the magicians and knights who have their soul marks can they alleviate the soul burning pain they suffer.

The activated goblin world is too peaceful. The activated goblin planes that have been stable for thousands of years have never had any sense of hardship. Solid plane barriers have helped them avoid the attack of powerful life in countless star worlds.

The small size of the micro world and the erratic space landmarks also make the world unknown in the surrounding universe.

Activated goblins are still a group of species with very low aggression. Their desire is very simple, that is, they have endless soil and sun. It would be better if they could take a bath in the swamp pool a week.

This kind of creature, except for some individuals who are keen on latent cultivation or highly gifted, is expected to reach the level of low-level Knight attendants in the wizard world.

Facing the slave Legion falling from the sky like pouring rain, these weak activated goblins think not of resistance, but of escape.

The idea of malice is common to all of you. No matter how simple the activation goblins are, they also feel deep malice from these strange creatures with ferocious faces and terrible breath.




On the land below the green, countless activated goblins can be seen with the naked eye, escaping from their mushroom houses and tree houses and further away.

Of course, there are exceptions.

A group of activated goblins with a number of 2000 formed a front and did not shrink back in the face of the slave biological Legion getting closer and closer to them.

In addition to this activated goblin force, more and more activated goblins have been organized on the mainland. This is the first level activated goblin City Lord and the second level activated goblin Lord, calling their own subordinates.

The number of these organized activated goblins is not small. After all, the huge population base is there. As long as they are given enough time, it is not difficult to pull out an army far more than the slave biological Legion.

But will magicians and knights give them a chance.

The slave creatures branded with souls, like meteorites hitting the ground, drew countless fireballs in the sky. When they landed, round pits with diameters ranging from 10 meters to 20 meters appeared.

This is an activated goblin force from Shufang City, the mainland of Mori field. The leader is a tomato man with first-class strength.

A cucumber like guard was sent to check the situation. Right in front of them, a huge pit with a diameter of 134 meters appeared.

Cucumber guards are very thin. I don\'t know whether it is genetic factors or malnutrition. The green wooden gun held in both hands looks like its little brother at first glance.

The cucumber guard poked his head into the huge pit. It was surrounded by dust from meteorites hitting the ground. He couldn\'t see anything if he was close.

The dust all over the sky blocked its sight and the coming danger.

Under the huge pit, a Tyrannosaurus Rex with crimson skin suddenly opened its vertical pupils.

The cucumber guard stood upside down with hairs on his skin, as if an unknown natural enemy was staring at it.

Swallowing the saliva in his throat, the cucumber guard clenched the green long gun in his hand and walked inside.


Outside, a team of hundreds of people stopped in front of the huge pit and stopped.

Gaston, a first-class tomato man, scratched his head impatiently. His character was as impatient as his skin color.

"How long has the guard been in?" Gaston asked an activated goblin on his side.

"It\'s already in the fifth pulse." The activation goblin replied.

The minute pulse is a unique timing method to activate the goblin world. The fifth pulse is equivalent to three minutes in the wizard world.

The tomato man was impatient to consider whether to send some more guards down to have a look, but he received the order of Lord Hoss, the great lord of the nearby watermelon City, and asked him to take his hands to support him quickly.

The imperial order of the holy city has been issued, requiring the activated goblins of the three continents to unite and cooperate to tide over the difficulties.

Gaston, the tomato man, did not need to send another man. In the dust, a scream came from the huge pit below.

"Ah ~"


The voice faded away. It was the cucumber guard\'s.

"Alert! Alert!" Gaston shouted. Just at that moment, he felt a strong breath from the huge pit below. The strength of the other party was higher than it.

The tomato man Gaston ordered that the activated goblin team of hundreds of people quickly took action and formed a nondescript circular formation. The first-class tomato man Gaston was in the center.

The dust gradually dispersed. When the light shone under the giant pit, the face in the giant pit finally showed in the eyes of these activated goblins.

A huge red Tyrannosaurus Rex with a height of nearly seven meters appeared in front of them. Under the jagged tusks of Tyrannosaurus Rex, a touch of emerald green liquid cloth was put on it.

It was the blood of the cucumber guard. The blood also revealed fresh fragrance. It was obviously just sprinkled for a short time.

As for the body of the cucumber man guard, it was not found in the whole pit. Several activated Goblins who responded quickly have already focused on the shriveled belly of T-Rex.

The magicians and Knights of the holy tower and the knight palace starved the slave Legion for a week in order to stimulate the beast of the slave Legion to the greatest extent.

Not eating for a week is good for creatures above level 1. It will not cause permanent damage and will not have a great impact on their strength, but it will make them completely crazy.

These hungry beasts will look for anything that can fill their stomachs except magicians and knights.

"You guy!" Gaston, a tomato man, holds his fists angrily. The aborigines in the activated goblin world eat soil. The behavior of eating their kind like T-Rex has aroused the anger of all activated goblins.

Before waiting for the angry activated goblins to do anything, the Tyrannosaurus Rex with a blinking pupil roared and rushed to the more activated goblins, aiming at the tomato man in the center of the activated goblins.

This is an Asian Dragon slave creature with the highest strength among the first-class creatures. Its super strength also gives it good wisdom. Its intuition tells it that only by eating the tomato man with rich energy in front of it can it alleviate the double pain of its soul and stomach.

The killing is going on.