Heimarian Odyssey

Chapter 261

In the level 4 Knight Odyssey outside the plane, countless fighting spirit poured out of his palm. It has been promoted to the level 4 creature odyssey in your plane. The fighting spirit that can be released is definitely a sea of fighting spirit.

It was this palm print, which was completely composed of fighting spirit ocean, that now pressed against the plane barrier, even made the fourth level Knight feel a strong resistance.

"Well?" Then increase the release of fighting spirit in the hand, and Odyssey has drawn out one sixth of its total fighting spirit.

The black handprint that completely covers a corner of the sky of the activated goblin world seems to be a little deeper. Although the handprint is slow, it continues to press down firmly. As long as he breaks a hole, his task will be completed.

This is a tug of war, the fourth level Knight Odyssey, almost on its own, against the resistance of the whole plane.

As a newborn plane, the micro plane\'s plane consciousness is far less complete than the low-level plane and the middle-level plane. The new resistance generated by its plane barrier, to be honest, is only the plane\'s nature of seeking advantages and avoiding disadvantages. Even the plane itself has found the enemy of the powerful life standing outside her.

But unfortunately, this is only a micro plane. Neither the law nor the growth is perfect. In the face of the arrogant rolling of the level four strong, this new plane will eventually expose everything of itself.

Level 4 creatures can tear even space, not to mention the face barrier.

A diamond shaped crack quietly appeared around Odyssey\'s angry palm print. Although it was small, it was felt by Odyssey himself and some indigenous people who were closely related to the plane will in the activated goblin world.

In pursuit of victory, Odyssey once again increased the intensity of outputting fighting spirit. "Creak", "creak." in the frightened eyes of the indigenous people of the activated goblin world, a huge oval crack was formed directly below the palm print of fighting spirit.

In the star world, countless impurities around poured into this elliptical crack, and the plane barrier itself was doing its best to repair this loophole.

This is a world that is facing its own protective measures and has been broken through the horizontal barriers. It is no different from a soft shelled creature.

The repair speed of the crack is very fast. Both the external star boundary impurities and the internal repair force make the elliptical crack smaller at a very fast speed.

How could the Odyssey watch the plane barrier repair completely under his eyelids, extend his arms forward, grasp a corner of the crack with both hands and try to tear it to both sides.

The reason why level 4 creatures are respected as\' gods\' in some aspects is that they have terrorist powers that ordinary creatures can\'t reach and imagine.

The Odyssey knight, who was originally two meters tall, was instantly taller, ten meters, twenty meters... Fifty meters... One hundred meters, two hundred meters...

Finally, when the Odyssey Knight\'s height was maintained at 500 meters, he no longer grew up.

This is the true face of the Odyssey knight and the real embodiment of his promotion to level 4 life.

Magicians and knights above level 4 rarely look at people with their true face in their standard, because their changes are so great that ordinary humans can\'t accept this kind of freak and even come out of the same race with them.

In addition to being 500 meters tall, the ears of the Odyssey Knight changed into sharp corners at some time, and four canine teeth grew out of his mouth. The most remarkable thing is the flame like eyes of the Odyssey knight.

Seeing those red eyes, the first thing you think of is not blood, not killing, but simple flame.

Those eyes contained anger and war.

"The adult\'s flame bully dog\'s physique has become a little stronger ~"

Not far from the Odyssey Knights whose appearance and physique have changed dramatically, more than a dozen powerful sky Knights look at the Odyssey adults in the star boundary and can\'t help but exclaim.

"Lord Odyssey is the most powerful of the three level four knights on the three western islands ~" another heavenly Knight also complimented.

Not to mention that the level 4 Odyssey has all its firepower open, it is the group of level 3 sky Knights present who release all their strength. Their physique and strength may not be better than that of the Odyssey.

But the change of appearance is enough to shock all ordinary humans and knights below the first level.

The powerful flame was generated from Odyssey\'s arms, and several orange flames gushed around his arms.

Odyssey made an action that surprised all knights and magicians and made the indigenous people in the activated goblin world desperate.

The flame instantly increased by hundreds of hands, reaching tens of thousands of meters. One hand firmly grasped a corner of the plane crack. Odyssey directly opened a channel with a diameter of more than 1000 meters with brute force.

And this channel is still growing.

Odyssey\'s red eyes were low, looked at the trembling activated goblins in the crack, and gave a sneer.

Then he looked at the huge tree directly below the crack, the world tree covering an area close to an island, which attracted the attention of the red eyes of Odyssey flame.

"I didn\'t expect this!" Odyssey\'s big mouth had a purple tongue full of barbs sticking out between the four canine teeth.

When he first broke the level barrier, he felt that there was a resistance gathering the strength of the whole level against him. Now it seems that it is undoubtedly the world tree.

"Attack! Who gives me the heart of that huge tree? I will give him any wish!" When the crack was large enough for the Legion of space fortress to enter, Odyssey roared.

The sound spread all over the interior of the space fortress and every corner of the activated goblin world, and spread farther and farther in the surrounding star world.

The promise of a level 4 knight is not easily made. In other aspects, it is equivalent to divine grace. This sentence is actually said to all level 3 knights and magicians in the space fortress.

Only they can win the world tree whose strength is at the peak of level 3 creatures and is added by plane will.

Without Odyssey\'s order, when the crack was large enough for the space fortress to pass through, the fortress carrying millions of legions rushed to the center of the crack after a light blue column of light.

When approaching the center of the crack, the gates of the Space Fortress have been opened.

Countless slave creatures with strength above level 1 gushed, followed by countless knights.


Thank the readers of "unknowingly ask" and "other people\'s girls" for their 500 vertical and horizontal coins and 1 monthly ticket support, the readers of "sea tiger 888" for their 1500 vertical and horizontal coins and 3 monthly tickets support, and the readers of "your Baijun father and" for their 7 monthly tickets support!

Finally, I paid off what I owed the day before yesterday. The rest is the explosion at the end of the month. I look forward to how many monthly tickets I can finally have this month.