Harry Potter: Super Magic God

Chapter 779: Forbidden forest dispute

The horsemen ran in circles around the giant, and they shot powerful arrows at the giant.

Harry, Hermione, and Ron were waving their wands and shooting spells, stopping the giant with sharp arrows.

Seeing the scene before him, George immediately guessed the cause of the matter.

Hagrid didn\'t know when he hid a giant in the Forbidden Forest, apparently because of a conflict between the giant and the horseman.

As for the reason why Hagrid didn\'t inform him about the giant, he also immediately thought about it, probably because he was afraid that he would kill the giant.

The conflict between the giant and the horse is not surprising. The giant hides in the forbidden forest, and naturally cannot escape the horses living in the forbidden forest.

Giants have extremely low IQs and cannot communicate. Horse people are arrogant and old-fashioned, with great tempers, and they are also difficult to communicate.

The horsemen’s IQ is higher than that of giants, but they are similar to giants in terms of temper and staidness. They have a natural hostility towards humans, and they even voluntarily asked to be divided into beasts by the Ministry of Magic to avoid dealing with wizards.

"You **** mules... **** mules..."

Hagrid yelled like crazy. He is like a mad bull, with bloodshot eyes, angrily charging towards the horseman. He rammed into the horsemen like a truck.

"Idiot humans, get out of the forbidden forest!" The horse cried out in unison.

Those horsemen have vigorous four hooves, their strides are vigorous, and their speed is surprisingly fast.

They could easily throw Hagrid far away. They ran fast around the giant. While avoiding Hagrid easily, they continued shooting arrows at the giant freely.

Most of the arrows were intercepted by the magic of Harry\'s trio.

But the horsemen in all directions ran fast around the giant. They kept drawing arrows from the quiver hanging on their bodies, drawing their bows and shooting arrows.


The bowstring vibrated, and a sharp arrow shot toward the giant like lightning.

"When, when, when"

The magic collided with the sharp arrow, and the giant waved his slate-like hand to block the sharp arrow.

The few missing arrows shot on the giant\'s rough and thick body, and were immediately pulled out by the giant, leaving a shallow wound. The blood flowed down the wound to the giant\'s body covered with moss and mud.

This giant is big and ugly, his head is like a big round stone, and his facial features are like rough cut out on a big stone ball. The stubby nose is almost out of shape, the mouth is slanted, and it is covered with strange yellow teeth the size of a brick; the eyes are muddy brownish green.

The giant roared loudly and waved to catch the horsemen, but the giant\'s clumsy hands could not catch up with the vigorous horsemen.

The battle has been at a stalemate, and the horseman\'s attack is not painful to the giant, just like a mosquito bite. But the horseman ran around like a fly, and the giant could never catch the horseman.

"Stupid, get out of the forbidden forest." The horseman shouted at the giant while shooting an arrow.

Seeing all this, George didn\'t need to ask, he already knew the reason.

These self-righteous horses seem to regard the Forbidden Forest as their territory. They never thought that this is the site of Hogwarts, they never thought that they are just temporary residents in the Hogwarts Forbidden Forest.

The anger ignited in George\'s heart, and it was these stupid horsemen who interrupted his leisurely vacation and interrupted his appointment.

"Shadow cage!"

The cold voice came from George\'s mouth.

The sound passed through the forbidden forest, overwhelming the roar of the giant and Hagrid, over the roar of the horseman.

The running horsemen suddenly freeze, everything is as if the pause button has been pressed.

In the shadows of those horsemen, black tentacles suddenly appeared. The running and jumping horsemen, like a running horse, were suddenly chained and suddenly hit on the tight chain.

It can also be seen that the horseman was still running and jumping a moment ago, and his bulged muscles were twitching.

Suddenly, the horseman was tightly bound by his own shadow again. The horseman seemed to hit an invisible wall, hit an invisible iron chain, and made a muffled noise.


The horse stopped suddenly, and Hagrid finally seized the opportunity. Like a truck, he ran straight into a horseman with high cheekbones and long black hair.

The huge impact caused the black-haired horseman\'s body to lean slightly. But those black tentacles, like iron chains and pillars, fixed the horseman to the ground.

When he hit the horseman, Hagrid seemed to hit a wall of flesh and was bounced back.

Hagrid stood up from the ground with his hands in his hands, and said cursingly, "Margaret, it\'s comfortable now, you **** mules, your body is really hard enough."

The horseman named Margaret was flushed, blood gushing from his mouth and nose, and soon he was bleeding from his orifices and was dying.

Seeing the blood pouring out of the horse\'s nose, Hagrid discovered the current abnormality.

All horsemen, as if they were frozen.

The horseman\'s shadow turned into a ball of tentacles with teeth and claws, like the devil\'s claws, eerie and terrifying~www.novelhall.com~ Reminiscent of the sound just heard, Hagrid\'s face immediately turned pale.

Cold sweat kept coming out of his forehead. He looked around in a panic and stammered, "Joe...zhi...is...you?"

Harry, Hermione, and Ron were also looking around.

George didn\'t hide his figure, so they all saw George\'s cold and somewhat gloomy face.

Seeing George\'s sullen face, Hagrid became even more alarmed, his teeth trembled, and he stumbled to the giant.

Hagrid stood in front of the giant and said vaguely, "He... is my brother... please... please... don\'t kill him... please... don\'t Kill...Glop..."

Looking at George, who had an ugly face and was in a bad mood, Harry and the three also panicked.

They each calculated their positions, not knowing whether they should support Hagrid, and there was a trace of struggle in their eyes.

In the end, they stood there and said nothing.

"Please...George..." Hagrid begged, "Please...don\'t kill him...don\'t kill Glop..."

Hagrid begged, knocking on Glop\'s knee, trying to make the giant behave kindly. The giant seemed to feel the horror of the person in front of him, and stood quietly on the spot without saying a word.

Hagrid nodded and bowed and said, "Glop... is a good giant... he is... a good boy." As Hagrid said, he forced an ugly smile.

"All right."

George interrupted Hagrid’s pleading, and he said coldly, “I don’t want to pursue the things that I didn’t see. Those cannibal giants were killed by me when I saw them. When I didn’t see them. , Even if they cannibalize people, I will not hunt them all over the world."