Harry Potter: Super Magic God

Chapter 780: Forbidden Forest Rules

If it weren\'t for the giants\' intention to take refuge in Voldemort, he wouldn\'t be able to slaughter giants all over the world just because the giants cannibalized.

There are so many things in the world that he can only care about what he can see.

Hagrid\'s younger brother, since he would not take refuge in Voldemort, he would not threaten others, nor would he be unable to tolerate a giant at all.

As long as it is brainwashed and reformed, even if this giant stays in the forbidden forest, there will be no trouble.

Listening to George\'s words, Hagrid\'s suspended heart finally fell.

He refreshed and patted his chest, "Glop is still young, he is a good giant, he doesn\'t eat people."

Hagrid promised with a package ticket, "I\'m teaching him English, teaching him politeness, and he will be a good giant, just like me."

George smiled disapprovingly. The group of eight-eyed giant spiders raised by Hagrid were eating people and hunting in the forbidden forest. His assurance was not convincing at all. As for his ability to educate giants, that is even more nonsense.

George didn\'t believe in Hagrid\'s guarantee, but he did have control over the giant, so he didn\'t care about it.

George looked up and looked at the ugly giant. "He can live in the forbidden forest. As long as he follows the rules of the school, giants can be allowed in the forbidden forest."

He turned his head again and looked at the horsemen. "The same goes for horsemen. The forbidden forest is Hogwarts\' forbidden forest. If the horsemen follow the school\'s rules, horsemen can also be allowed in the forbidden forest."

"This is the rule after the Forbidden Forest. You need to understand this." George snapped his fingers and released the magic that controls the horseman.

He was very satisfied with the effect of the new magic. The shadow magic obtained from Voldemort, when dealing with these weak opponents, was simply a request, and life and death were completely under his control.

Those horsemen who were pressed the pause button suddenly came back to life.

At this time, they no longer had the ferocity and impulse they had just now. They seemed to have experienced a fierce fight and collapsed to the ground weakly.

The horseman hit by Hagrid had already swallowed his last breath, lying quietly on the ground like a pool of rotten meat.

The horsemen looked at George together, with boundless fear in their eyes, they did not dare to speak. This person is like a terrible devil, how can a wizard be so powerful.

In silence, more than forty of them were completely controlled by a curse. Lost the control of the body and the ability to resist, just like the livestock waiting to be slaughtered on the cutting board.

The horsemen have lived in Hogwarts for many years. They have seen Hagrid, Dumbledore, and Voldemort.

Whether facing Dumbledore or Voldemort, the horseman has his own arrogance.

Horsemen are never afraid of wizards, and they even look down on wizards, so they would rather be divided into beasts by the Ministry of Magic rather than dealing with wizards.

At this moment, they really saw the horror of wizards and the horror of magic.

Such a method, no matter where you are a wizard, is like a devil.

A black body, a bearded horseman said in a bitter voice, "If the horseman can\'t abide by the Hogwarts school rules, what will happen?"

George said lightly, "If you can\'t abide by the rules of Hogwarts, you are not eligible to stay in the forbidden forest."

The horse people\'s faces were indignant, they wanted to argue, they wanted to resist. But as long as they touched George\'s terrible black eyes, they swallowed all the words and resistance.

George said in an unquestionable tone, "The future forbidden forest will serve as the back garden of Hogwarts, where students will carry out extracurricular activities. Only creatures that can comply with Hogwarts school regulations are allowed to stay safely In the forbidden forest."

The development of the forbidden forest has always been a plan prepared by George.

From any perspective, as a normal magic academy, the Forbidden Forest surrounding Hogwarts should not become a dangerous extra-legal place.

The Forbidden Forest should not become a breeding ground for dangerous creatures, or a hiding place for dark wizards.

The former principal was not able to control the forbidden forest, but he has this ability. As an outpost of Hogwarts, the Forbidden Forest will inevitably be under his firm control.

For a long time, none of the horsemen could breathe from George\'s words.

Facing the reality of no choice, those horsemen lost all their strength as if their bones were removed. They looked at each other dejectedly, exchanged opinions with their eyes, and reached a deadlock.

Ron walked cautiously to George. He touched the back of his head and said embarrassingly, "George, I have been persuading Hagrid recently to let him tell you about the giant."

For these days, he had been persuading Hagrid, hoping that Hagrid would tell George about the giant.

He knew that only George could use magic ~www.novelhall.com~ to make those giants learn common sense. Only when giants can learn common sense can they be allowed to live in the forbidden forest.

It\'s a pity that Hagrid has always been a deadhead, as long as he mentioned it to George. Hagrid would immediately think that the giants who had taken refuge in Voldemort had all been killed by George.

Thinking of this, Hagrid naturally refused to tell George about the giant. He always thought that George would kill Glop just like the other giants.

Every time Ron was about to say something about the giant, Hagrid wailed like a shameless child. With such a picture, Ron has been unable to find a solution.

Ron continued, "Today, I planned to let Harry and Hermione together persuade Hagrid."

He turned his head and looked at the horsemen, "Unexpectedly, we just came over and saw them clashed."

Harry and Hermione also stepped forward, and they nodded in embarrassment, "We don\'t know what happened, and it\'s not easy to take action. These horsemen didn\'t attack us. They only targeted this giant."

If they were fighting with all their strength, they wouldn\'t be so embarrassed. But the Horseman did not attack them, and the Horseman did not even attack Hagrid.

This made Harry and the others embarrassed. They didn\'t know how to play with Giants either. At this time, they could only pull sideways, but for a while, it didn\'t help much.

A grey horseman with deep wrinkles on his face, with a panic expression, stammered, "This giant hunts in the forbidden forest and destroys plants."

He pointed to the broken trees in the distance and said, "Those are all destroyed by giants, and there are many other places like this, all destroyed by giants."

"He also snatched our prey, and trampled on our companions. We have warned Hagrid many times. He didn\'t listen to advice, so we wanted to drive the giant out of the forbidden forest."