Harry Potter: Super Magic God

Chapter 763: Visit Malfoy

George said calmly, "In these few holidays, you try to stay in Gryffindor Castle. Heaven\'s "Lai Xiao" said ⒉I don\'t want this incident to cause more things in the school. "

"I will." Ron said in a novel.

George began to arrange punishment for Ron.

"Don\'t go to the Christmas dinner. I will let Harry bring you food. After Christmas, you need to stay in the forbidden forest with Hagrid until a week after school starts. You need to calm down. You and Malfoy\'s course will be discontinued, so don\'t meet each other for now."

Ron nodded, admitting his mistake.

"You go back to the dormitory first, I have to go to the auditorium."

Ron then turned and left and walked towards Gryffindor\'s castle.

George dealt with these matters, separated from Ron and came to the auditorium.

Today’s auditorium is full of voices and lively, just like a school banquet.

George can still hear the names of Ron and Malfoy in the conversation among the students. It seems that the story of the new birth has spread.

Walking calmly to the faculty desk, George motioned for everyone to be quiet.

Wait until the students are quiet.

George said, "In the school, there was just a vicious fighting incident. The two parties involved, one entered the hospital and the other had been confined, and could not return to class until a week after the beginning of school."

The students began to become restless. What happened just now seemed to be as serious as rumored.

George said calmly, "They are bearing the corresponding consequences because of their actions. They can\'t attend the Christmas dinner. The rest of the time belongs to you."

"Okay, let\'s have dinner."

He didn\'t spend too much time on this matter and directly announced the beginning of the dinner party.

George lifted his hand, and the golden plates, silver dishes, and crystal goblet on the dining table suddenly appeared food and drink.

The delicious food has a striking aroma, which makes everyone appetite.

Everyone quickly forgot. The two people who failed to attend the Christmas dinner began to eat happily.

Birds in the sky, beasts on the ground, fish in the water, fruits in the ground. A sumptuous dinner, accompanied by the laughter and joy of the teachers and students, the cups and cups interlaced, and a joyous song was performed.

The hard work of half a semester, at this moment, all turned into appetite.

Worries and sorrows, thoughts about family, worries about the future. At this moment, they all swallowed with the food.

None of this reached Ron and Malfoy\'s ears.

While everyone was enjoying a good dinner, George had already eaten something to fill his stomach.

He left the table and brought some bread and cake. He was going to the school hospital to visit Malfoy.

After all, as the principal, the student was attacked, he should still care about it.

Because he is not a doctor, he did not leave other students to go to the school hospital immediately.

As he passed the faculty desk, he said to Professor McGonagall that Harry and Hermione should bring some food to Ron after the dinner.

There is such a sharp contrast between the noise of Christmas and the desertedness of the school and hospital.

The auditorium is brightly lit, the peak of life, the school hospital is cold candlelight, and the voices are deserted.

When George arrived at the school hospital, he was seeing Gore and Crabbe surrounded by Malfoy\'s bed.

Crabbe and Gore did not attend the Christmas dinner, but were here with Malfoy.

"Master Malfoy, the Weasley kid is too hateful. We can\'t do that this time. We have to find a chance to get back."

Gore said very angrily, "These days, we haven\'t provoke the **** of Gryffindor. But the bad guys of Gryffindor, they don\'t know what is good or bad, they actually shot so hard."

He couldn\'t believe that the **** Weasley had shot Malfoy so hard.

"Down with Weasley!"

Crabbe shouted, with anger and resentment in his tone.

Because Weasley wounded Master Malfoy, he failed to catch up with the Christmas dinner, but had to stay with Master Malfoy here.

He slobbered at the thought of the food at the Christmas dinner, and his anger and resentment towards Weasley grew a little bit more.

"Well, don\'t talk about these things. Weasley is not so easy to deal with. Don\'t make trouble. Now the school is not the same as before."

Malfoy stopped Gore and Crabbe\'s impulse.

Since Voldemort\'s resurrection, he has been cautious.

Because he knows that now is different from the past. He is no longer a member of the noble Malfoy family, and his father is no longer an upper-class figure in the magic world.

The world has changed, the situation has changed, Voldemort is resurrected, the Dark Lord is reborn, and he is defeated by George.

Those who have ties to the Dark Lord have once again become the object of everyone\'s vigilance.

The noble Malfoy family, at this time, was like a mouse crossing the street, being watched closely by people, and his father was in the greatest crisis.

George is not Dumbledore, he is much stronger than Dumbledore ~www.novelhall.com~ and terrible.

Dumbledore was indecisive, never dared to confront Voldemort head-on, and tolerated the Death Eaters. Lucius and Malfoy are not afraid of Dumbledore. Dumbledore can\'t do much.

But George was not even lost to the Malfoy family in terms of utilitarianism, which made them very afraid of the Malfoy family heritage. They know what kind of deterrence an extremely realistic and terrifying powerhouse will have.

That is a monster that anyone with a brain will not provoke.

Even though Weasley took the initiative to attack this time, Malfoy still didn\'t want it, because these things conflicted with George.

Malfoy now is not experiencing conflict. His father could not stand the investigation.

"Master Malfoy, you can\'t forget it. Although we can\'t beat Weasley, we always have other ways. We can think of a way and we can prescribe it."

Gore\'s face showed Zhizhu\'s smile, "When we are unable to fight, we can outwit."

Malfoy rolled his eyes, he was really embarrassed, hitting Gore\'s confidence. Forget Gore\'s strategy.

"Down with Weasley!"

Crabbe continued to shout, the resentment and anger in his heart became louder and louder with his empty stomach.

George had walked from outside the door to the school hospital.

Seeing these people, he still didn\'t even notice his existence, and George coughed.

Crabbe and Gore turned their heads in accordance with the voice, and they were shocked and looked at George in panic.

"...Principal...Why...what are you here..."

They were still talking nonsense just now, talking about how to frame Weasley. They didn\'t notice at all. Someone had already come to them. They did not expect that what they said would be heard by the principal.