Harry Potter: Super Magic God

Chapter 762: Regretful Ron

Professor McGonagall said bluntly, "This kind of behavior is really bad. The online school has not had such a vicious attack for many years."

She looked at Ron with a hatred of iron and steel, "Principal, such a thing must be dealt with seriously."

"Well, Professor McGonagall, I will deal with it fairly."

George comforted and said, "There will be no shortage of detention, deductions, and notification to parents."

"Now, let me talk to Ron alone for a while."

Professor McGonagall nodded, she looked at Ron disappointedly and turned and left.

When Professor McGonagall reprimanded Ron, Ron had been bowing his head and did not excuse.

After listening to George, he finally raised his head.

"George, can you tell my parents."

There was a trace of regret in his eyes, and when he almost cut Malfoy\'s throat with magic, he already regretted it.

If the opponent is Lucius, he can naturally slit Lucius\' throat without hesitation. But Malfoy was not Lucius after all, and when he saw Malfoy trembling uncontrollably in a pool of blood, he didn\'t feel the joy he had imagined.

He had wanted to beat Malfoy so hard and even crippled him countless times, but when he did this, he couldn\'t help but regret it. He didn\'t know if it was because he didn\'t hate Malfoy enough, or because he was not used to being cruel to others.

"Do you know the seriousness of the matter now?" George asked calmly.

Ron nodded silently.

"Malfoy almost lost his life. He is still in the hospital. Don\'t you think you should bear something? It\'s Christmas and all the students know it. It\'s impossible to hide such a big thing."

George said in an unquestionable tone, "I know you are not a deliberately looking for things, you have your own reasons. But this does not mean that you do not need to bear the consequences after you have done things. Since you have decided to do something, The reasons in your heart should also support you in assuming these responsibilities."

He said solemnly, "You need to be responsible for your actions, Mr. and Mrs. Weasley, they should also know what you did at school."

Although he has a good relationship with Ron, he is now the principal of Hogwarts, and Malfoy is a student of Hogwarts. It was impossible for him to shield Ron and ignore the fact that he attacked Malfoy.

Ron lowered his head and looked at his hands blankly. He did make a very serious mistake. He had just almost killed Malfoy.

George looked at Ron quietly, and from Ron\'s blank expression, he had guessed how things were going.

"When you were at Saint Mungo, what did you hear?"

Apart from these things, he couldn\'t imagine why Ron would kill Malfoy, almost killing Malfoy.

Ron nodded silently and talked about what happened.

When they were in St Mungo that day, Fred and Joe did not simply wait outside after they came out.

They used their own telescopic ears to secretly overhear George and the others after they entered.

They heard that their father was attacked by Lucius and Lucius almost killed their father.

Although their father did not die and was now discharged from the hospital unharmed, their hatred of Lucius was not relieved in the slightest. Their aversion to Malfoy has been getting worse.

Teachers are in charge of class on weekdays. Even if Ron has grievances in his heart, he can\'t vent in class. Malfoy has also been very careful recently, knowing how to avoid them, they have never found a chance to teach Malfoy.

But this time off, the teachers relaxed, and Malfoy also relaxed.

When Ron was in the hallway, seeing Malfoy smiling and talking about the Christmas present his father Lucius gave him, he finally exploded.

Ron used a powerful spell in the battle, almost slitting Malfoy\'s throat. He severely wounded Malfoy and was beaten to death.

Fortunately, the teacher arrived in time and took Malfoy to the hospital.


Hearing this, George only felt a headache. He didn\'t know how to judge such things.

He said helplessly, "In this matter, I can hardly force you to ask you what to do. You have your reasons, and I don\'t want to use my position to interfere with you."

Ron\'s move this time cannot be said to be completely without reason. If it was just the usual disgust, he believed Ron would not kill Malfoy. But Malfoy\'s father Lucius almost killed Ron\'s father, and Lucius was still a Death Eater.

From this standpoint, it cannot be said that Ron\'s actions were completely wrong.

"Thank you, George." Ron said gratefully.

This time, he naturally knew that there was something wrong with him~www.novelhall.com~ He could see that Professor McGonagall had been disappointed in him. He thought that George would completely accuse him, but he did not expect that George would still see his position.

George shook his head, "I can understand your thoughts, but it doesn\'t mean that I agree with your behavior. You have your position, and I have my position. Malfoy is a student in the school, as long as he doesn\'t do anything extraordinary, I have a reason to protect his safety. You really went too far."

"I\'m sorry, George." Ron said sadly. "I don\'t want to trouble you."

He said in a low mood, "I couldn\'t control those negative emotions."


George sighed, "I am also responsible. I should have shown these signs. I let you learn black magic. I should have observed your state more."

Ron said reproachfully, "It\'s all my fault. Your time is already precious. I know you haven\'t been able to go home at Christmas to protect the school. I shouldn\'t be causing you trouble at this time. of."

He suddenly regretted that it was too bad to embarrass his friend for Malfoy.

"I am the principal after all."

George didn\'t shirk his responsibility, "This matter ends here, okay?"

He asked Ron for advice.

Ron hesitated, "If Malfoy doesn\'t provoke me, the matter will end here."

He added, "I will try to go around him." He really didn\'t want George to be embarrassed.

George nodded, "That\'s good, Malfoy won\'t be stupid to provoke you."

"Also," he added, "I hope Fred and Joe can do the same, and don\'t provoke Malfoy."

Ron nodded, "I will tell them, this time it is indeed my fault."