Harry Potter: Super Magic God

Chapter 133: Compound decoction

Chapter 133

Lockhart took Harry on the stage and danced, using the handy and easy-to-use Harry card props as he pleased.

"Harry, that\'s it, then call out. Yes, yes, a bit taller. The expression is a bit richer, good."

"Then the hair and sharp fangs on his body disappeared. He became an ordinary person. I saved him. I saved the village. This village will always remember me as the hero who saved them. They were saved from the terrible fate of being attacked by werewolves every month."

Finally, in the middle of Harry\'s life, the school bell finally rang.

Lockhart continued, "But this requires high strength. Only a powerful wizard like me can do it. Don\'t try to imitate it."

"Finally, it\'s homework. You need to write a hymn based on my victory over the werewolf Voga. If you write it well, you can get my autographed "Magic Me"! Well, thanks for my generosity, you earn Big." Lockhart showed his signature smile, showing shiny white teeth.

The classmates left, and Harry walked to the back of the classroom, where Ron and Hermione were waiting.

"Sure," Harry whispered, encouraging Hermione.

Hermione looked around, "Wait for everyone to go a little further." Then she cheered herself up, "Okay."

She walked toward Lockhart at the station w√ww.cf≦wx.n↑et to talk ≡ long ≡ wind ≡ literary studies, holding a note tightly in her hand, shaking slightly, Ron And Harry followed behind her.

"Professor Lockhart." Hermione stammered, "I think I want to borrow a book from the library and learn some background knowledge from the book."

She raised the note in her hand, desperately controlling her hand not to tremble too much, "However, this book is stored in the forbidden book area of ​​the library, and the teacher\'s signature is required before it can be borrowed. I believe that I borrowed this book. The book allows me to better understand the lurking poison you wrote in "Walking with the Ghouls."

"Ah, it\'s the "Walk with the Ghoul"!" Lockhart took the note from Hermione, with an enthusiastic smile and shiny white teeth. "This may be my most satisfying one. The book is out, do you like it?"

"Oh, of course I like it." Hermione said enthusiastically, and smiled more on her face. "You use the filter to catch the last ghoul, it\'s really amazing."

Listening to Hermione’s praise and listening to the wonderful passages in the book, Lockhart smiled more happily, "Well, I believe, there is no reason to object, I will provide a little bit for the best students Extra help." He drew out a beautiful and gorgeous peacock brush and signed his name with beautiful swashes.

"Yeah, it\'s beautiful, very good." Lockhart has a happy smile on his face. "I usually only use it when I sign a book."

Hermione hurriedly folded the note and put it in her backpack.

Lockhart turned his gaze to Harry and continued, "Harry, tomorrow is the first Quidditch game of the season. Gryffindor Academy will play against Slytherin. I heard that you are a very good one. Golfer, that’s awesome, just like when I was young."

"I was also the most powerful seeker at the time, and they wanted me to join the national team. But I refused. I would rather use my life experience to eliminate evil. However, if you need some national team masters Guidance, I can start a small stove for you. You can come to me. I am happy to pass on my experience to young people. This will make you very rewarding."

Harry grunted vaguely and hurriedly left the classroom behind Hermione and Ron.

"I can\'t believe it." When the trio carefully examined the signature on the note, Harry had an incredible face, "He didn\'t even see what book we wanted to borrow."

"Because he is an idiot and has no brains at all." Ron was annoyed. He would rather not have this than borrow this book. Anyway, they all have big cock, don\'t worry about the basilisk.

"This is because I used a good method, and naturally I can get what we want." Hermione said with a relaxed face, completely forgetting her panic and nervousness.

"Follow him, he has everything he needs anyway." Ron followed them to the library disapprovingly.

When they walked into the quiet and dull library, they lowered their voices unconsciously. Mrs. Pince in the library was not a good person to get along with.

To be precise, she is a very grumpy, thin, shrewd woman, she is like a malnourished vulture, and all the students look at the prey.

""Powerful Potion"?" she said suspiciously, and grabbed the note from Hermione.

Mrs. Pins held the note aloft and shot it against the light, finally determined that it was not forged. She swaggered into the tall bookshelf, and after a few minutes, she walked back, holding a thick musty book in her hand.

Hermione carefully put the book in her backpack, quietly counting her steps, avoiding walking too fast and revealing her uneasiness.

Ten minutes later, they arrived at the dilapidated bathroom where the crying Myrtle was staying. Since Myrtle tortured all the girls who came here to go to the bathroom, almost no one came here.

Ron didn\'t want to enter the women\'s bathroom at all, but his objection was useless. Hermione naturally pointed out that it is because people with normal minds would not want to come here, so this place is the safest.

In this way, their actions will not be discovered by others~www.novelhall.com~ As for the crying Myrtle, if she cries and calls her, just ignore her. They don\'t need to stay here long.

Hermione opened the "Powerful Potion" cautiously, and the three of them leaned their heads together, looking at the densely packed text and illustrations.

No wonder this book is classified as a banned book. Some of the potions in the book are really terrible. I can hardly imagine how a wizard would think of such a potion.

In one of the horrible illustrations, a person was turned inside out, completely exposed, terrible and disgusting. What\'s more terrifying, a witch\'s head has a lot of arms, which is more like a monster than a monster.

Hermione didn\'t dare to look at the terrible potions. She quickly searched for the compound decoction, and muttered, "The compound compound is here." She said excitedly, pointing her finger at the words of the recurring decoction.

Harry couldn\'t get happy. He followed Hermione\'s fingers and saw the little people on the illustration. They were becoming other people. But there was an expression of extreme pain on his face, Harry didn\'t think it was just to make it look good.

(To be continued.)