Harry Potter: Super Magic God

Chapter 132: Rooster and powerful potion

Chapter 132 The Rooster and the Powerful Potion

Basilisk has deadly fangs and magical eyes, and their stare can cause death. They often prey on spiders and are the natural enemies of spiders, but basilisks are afraid of roosters. They will flee in a hurry when they hear the rooster\'s calls. The rooster\'s calls are deadly to the basilisk.

"Well, I didn\'t expect such a terrible basilisk to be afraid of roosters. Maybe we should buy a lot of **** and throw them into Slytherin." Ron shrugged. Now that he knows how to deal with basilisks, there is nothing to fear Up.

"It\'s said that the stare of the basilisk can cause death. Why is Mrs. Loris being petrified?" Hermione said with some confusion.

"Maybe the basilisk has been hungry for hundreds of years in the secret room and has little energy, or Malfoy just wants to control him and drive the students out of the college?" Harry replied uncertainly.

"That makes sense. Last time we saw Mrs. Lorice attacked and there were spiders running around." Ron hated spiders, so he remembered the scene deeply.

He added, "Then we should find a way to find some rooster."

"Don\'t think about it, George has bought a lot of roosters and shipped them over. The mutual aid club\'s activity room left a few for us. I just ran over in a hurry and didn\'t get them." Harry said with a weird look. , Thinking of carrying a big **** with me in the next few days, the scene is really embarrassing.

∏√长∏√风∏√文∏√Learn, w◇ww.cf↑wx.n◎et "Well, for safety, it’s okay to carry a rooster with you. But let’s just forget it and wait for Deng with peace of mind. Breddo\'s secret plan that no one knows?" Hermione asked a little discouraged and a little unwilling.

Harry scratched his head and said helplessly, "Unless you have a good way."

He went on to say, "Well, I think I should prepare for my Quidditch game, too. The basilisk may be just like George said, not that difficult to deal with."

"Maybe I really have a way." Hermione bit her lip. She didn\'t want to use her own way, but now it seemed that this was the only choice.

"What way?" Ron was very interested in catching Malfoy and driving him away.

"We can walk into the Slytherin common room and ask Malfoy directly. As long as he doesn\'t recognize us, he will easily show off the fact that he is a snake-like voice." Hermione said calmly.

"You\'re kidding." Ron turned his head, which is not funny.

"It\'s not a joke, it\'s true, as long as we use some recurring decoction." Hermione continued to explain, "Snape mentioned it in class a few weeks ago."

"Oh, a few weeks ago?" They looked disbelief, who would remember it so long.

"Although Snape\'s character is very bad, his potion level is very high." Hermione commented honestly.

"Oh!" Harry was noncommittal. There is no comparison who knows. He believed that neither Professor Sprout nor George\'s potions would lose to Snape. Although he can\'t tell the difference at all, he just believes and is willing to believe.

"The compound decoction can turn you into another person, we can become three Slytherin students, so that no one will find out. Then Malfoy will tell everything, maybe he\'s in Slytherin right now. Lettering’s common room is bragging.” Hermione said her way.

Although she didn\'t really want to use this method, George is no longer interested in the secret room, and now there is only this method.

"This matter is a bit suspenseful. I don\'t think the recurrence of the decoction is necessarily reliable." Ron frowned, and said with some worry, "If we become Slytherin and then we can\'t change back, it will be miserable. ." He imagined himself pushing against a stranger\'s body, like Crabbe\'s body, that was too bad.

He shuddered and shook his head immediately, "No way, no way."

"The effect of the medicine will disappear soon. You should trust the expert more." Hermione waved impatiently. Did Ron think she would be happy to be someone else?

She has to deal with everything in this way, which is horribly troublesome. If there is no other way, who wants to use this method.

Hermione glanced sideways at Ron, murmured to herself, "If you can\'t think of a good way, you know you can\'t."

Then she said embarrassingly, "It\'s not easy to get the formula. Snape said that the formula can be found in a book called "Powerful Potion", but it must be in the restricted area."

To borrow books from the banned book zone, you must get a written approval letter signed by a teacher, which is not easy.

"We have no reason to borrow that book." Ron continued to pour cold water, "Neither will we make those potions."

Hermione\'s eyes widened and said vigorously, "As long as we pretend to the teacher that we are interested in this theory, we will have a little hope."

"Come on, the teacher won\'t be fooled so easily." Ron said disapprovingly, "unless they are extremely stupid."

Hermione said unconvincingly, "Look at it, I\'ll get it."

Hermione was furious to get the "Powerful Potion", and this opportunity came soon.

The Defence Against the Dark Arts class, as always, was still a joke. Although Lockhart has never dared to bring living creatures into the classroom since the farce of the elf happened, the class will not become normal because of this.

Lockhart read the stories in his book to the students in large sections in class, and the whole class became his opera stage.

He chanted, sang loudly, danced, and echoed.

But what Harry hates most is ~www.novelhall.com~ Lockhart always performs some weird and dramatic clips. At this time, he was forced to become Lockhart\'s actor and props, and he had to become a villager who was subjected to a bubble spell. For a while, he became a Himalayan snowman who caught a cold, and then became a vampire, or a vampire eating carrots.

Today, he has become a werewolf again. And, in order to make Lockhart happy, he had to cooperate very actively today.


"Good cry, Harry, you are such a cruel beast, you look so alike, that\'s it." Lockhart kept boasting Harry, but it only made Harry feel more ashamed.

He turned his head back and motioned to the student, "But, as long as I leaped over, as long as I fell over like this, I pressed him to the ground and pressed the wand held in my other hand against his throat."

"I wrestled with him, suppressed him, and performed a complex and profound spell that has been lost. He uttered a sad scream."

(To be continued.)