Harry Potter's Book of Sin

Chapter 160

Today is October 31. When the elites of the three schools gather, the Halloween party in the evening must be very lively.

What's more, after the banquet, it's time for the announcement ceremony of the candidates for the top three warriors.

Of course, it's too early to say.

While everyone was thinking about the grand occasion tonight, Maka was wandering alone in the dark forbidden forest with a magic wand in her hand.

Today's weather is a little gloomy. The wind is blowing over the forbidden forest, and the leaves are rustling.

Maka walked fast and slow in the forest, as if looking for something. Occasionally he would stop and listen carefully to the movement in the distance, trying to distinguish what was making the noise.

Gradually, he went deeper and deeper, and finally stopped by a pool.

"It should be almost here," he looked around and nodded gently. "Come out, little guys!"

He took out the tin box from his arms and released all the little eight eyed giant spiders inside. Somehow, those spiders seem smaller than last time.

"Get bigger quickly."

Maka nodded one by one at the little spiders crawling around the ground, but saw that they immediately expanded rapidly, almost as big as a washbasin in the blink of an eye.

No way, these little guys grow so fast that Maka has to use a contraction spell on them.

"All ready. I'll teach you how to hunt today."

As she spoke, Maka took out a pair of glasses from her arms and put them on herself - no way. Now he felt a little uncomfortable when he saw these little guys.

Obviously, the blood in their bodies is slowly waking up.

There are many strange and magical creatures in the forbidden forest, but there are also many ordinary creatures in the forest. With a group of nearly 20 baby spiders the size of a washbasin, Maka took the pool as the center and relaxed her steps in search of prey.

Or the eight eyed giant spider is a natural jungle killer! Soon Maka found that she didn't have to teach them at all. They didn't know how to sneak attack those small animals long ago.

In the end, they even killed a strong male deer by relying on the number advantage.

When they were eating, Maka found that he had come to a deep place in the forbidden forest.

Suddenly, a bush in the distance trembled, and it seemed that some creature was approaching.

The little guys who were eating immediately left the crippled deer and moved quickly towards the bush.

Just then a horseman came out from behind the bush.

He was obviously frightened by the larvae of the eight eyed giant spiders. The bow and arrow in his hand was immediately raised, and the bow string had been pulled to the full.

"Come back, boys!" Maka shouted.

The young spiders obviously slowed down when they heard it. They looked at the horse man for a while, and then came back to Maka.

"Sorry, I raised them - can you put away the bows and arrows first?" Marca looked at the horse man and seemed to think of something. "Oh, I seem to remember you... Are you... Ronan? Or ferrenze?"

The horse man hesitated for a moment. He looked at the young spiders crawling back and forth, looked at Maka, and finally put the stringed arrow back into the quiver.

"Yes, I'm Ronan." he nodded. "Who are you?"

"Don't you remember? I'm Marca McClane," Marca said. "One night a few years ago, we saw it in the woods - the time when unicorns were killed in a row."

The Malaysian Ronan immediately nodded and said, "ah, yes, I remember - Mars was very bright that night."

At this time, a horse man ran out from the side, causing another commotion among the little guys around Maka.

"Don't worry, I know them all, not the enemy."

Fortunately, these eight eyed giant spiders with enhanced lineage seem to be more intelligent. Although I can't speak human words yet, I can at least roughly understand the meaning of Maka's words.

"Zoom out quickly."

Maka stretched out her wand and changed the little guys back to the size of rice grains, making them return to the tin box again.

"I took these little guys out to learn hunting today," he said. "It's almost time. It looks like it will rain later. I should go back to the castle."

However, the horse man who appeared later stopped him.

"Wait a minute," asked the horse man, "are you alone?"

"Yes, I think so." makaton stopped and turned back.

"Duvros wants to see you," he raised his head and looked at the sky covered by the canopy, meaning something. "Fate guides our family and you... The evil entangled in blood will disappear in the world..."

"Duvros?" Maka was stunned and suddenly said, "Oh, the head of your tribe?"

There are many tribes of horse people, large and small. There is more than one in this forbidden forest. Small tribes have at most a dozen horsemen, but large tribes sometimes exceed hundreds.

However, regardless of the size of the tribe, each tribe will have a patriarch, and the current patriarch will not change candidates until he dies.

The patriarch of the horse people is usually respected by other horse people as "duvros".

"Human, come with me." the horse man stretched out his hand to Maka.

Maka thought for a moment and then quickly followed.

Horse people are always mysterious and have no good feelings for wizards. This opportunity to visit horse people's tribe is very rare.

Moreover, the horse man's words just now made Maka care a little.

"The sins of blood?" thought Marca. "Are you talking about me? Or about themselves?"

He only knew that in some of his own conditions, if someone said there was something wrong with his blood, he would certainly believe it. In fact, he has been thinking about this for a long time. For example, why did he react so violently when using flyer powder?

Follow the horse people all the way. After walking through the forest for some time, a not small horse people tribe immediately appeared in front of Maka.

Around a huge bonfire surrounded by stones, a large number of simple wooden huts were built against the stone wall. At the outer edge of the tribe near Maka, there is a circle of simple obstacles made of sharpened wood, which can effectively prevent the impact of other creatures.

In the innermost part of the tribe, behind the largest shed, you can vaguely see a huge and deep cave on the stone wall.

At present, many horse people in the tribe are looking here by the campfire. When they see Maka, their faces similar to human beings show some expectation.

"Dufresne is in there, please come with me!" the horse man reached out his hand again and took the lead to the largest shack inside.

Ronan, who came back with them, just nodded to Maka and went back to the woods.

"Did the patriarch of the horse people get any predictions through astrology? What are they going to do with me?" seeing that there seemed to be no malice, Maka couldn't help thinking about it secretly


When Marca was invited to the horse tribe, Harry and the three were chatting in Hagrid's cabin.

Today, Hagrid, with some small thoughts in his heart, put on his best and very ugly clothes - that furry brown suit.

Not only that, he also specially matched a yellow and orange Plaid tie.

However, this is not the worst: he obviously tried to straighten his hair and used a lot of machine lubricant and so on. Now his hair was neatly combed in two bundles - maybe he had planned to wear a ponytail, but he probably found that he had too much hair.

To be honest, this dress really... Um... Doesn't go well with Hagrid.

Hermione stared at him for a moment, and then apparently decided not to comment. She said, "well - where's the fried tail snail?"

"In the pumpkin field outside," said Hagrid happily, "they are very big. Now each must be three feet long! There's only one problem. They're killing each other."

"Oh, that's terrible, isn't it?" said Hermione, giving Ron a stare to stop him from talking.

Ron had been staring at Hagrid's strange hairstyle and just wanted to open his mouth for a comment.

"Yes," said Hagrid sadly, "but it doesn't matter. Now I put them separately in the box. There are only about twenty."

"Ah, fortunately," said Ron. "What about the frober caterpillars last semester?"

"Oh - they're fine, but they're a little too fat and don't move much now." Hagrid said happily. "I have to turn them over every day... You know, they also need to move their muscles and bones from time to time to keep healthy."

Hagrid's cabin had only one room, and a huge bed was placed in a corner, covered with quilts made of rags. In front of the fire stood the same huge wooden tables and chairs, and a lot of pickled ham and dead birds hung from the ceiling above the fire.

Then Hagrid began to make tea, and Harry and they sat down at the table.

Soon he talked about the opening of the top three competition. It can be seen that Hagrid seemed more excited about it than they did.

"You wait," he danced. "You wait and see, you'll see something you've never seen before! The first item is... Ah, I shouldn't say."

"Go on, Hagrid!" urged Harry, Ron and Hermione, but Hagrid shook his head and grinned.

"I don't want to spoil your interest," Hagrid said. "But I'm sure it will be wonderful! Let me tell you, those warriors have something to do... I didn't expect to see the top three recover in my life!"

"I can only tell you that this top three competition must be unprecedented charming!"

After that, Hagrid couldn't help laughing because he couldn't suppress the excitement in his heart.