Harry Potter's Book of Sin

Chapter 159

According to the old habit, most Hogwarts students go to breakfast very late. However, everyone can't wait to get up early today.

When Harry, Ron and Hermione went downstairs to the hall, they saw more than twenty people gathered there. Several students still have bread in their mouths. They are all looking at the Goblet of fire carefully.

The cup was placed in the middle of the hall on the stool where the branch hat was placed every year. A thin gold line was drawn on the floor, ten feet long on each side, enclosing the cup in the middle.

"Did anyone put their names in?" Ron asked a third grade girl eagerly.

"Yes, all the representatives of demstrom," she replied, "except McLean... Oh, I mean, if he can get through that golden line."

"Did anyone vote in our school?" Ron asked again.

"Someone must have dropped your name while we were sleeping last night," said Harry. "If it were me, I would do it... I don't want everyone to see it. What a shame if the cup crumpled your name and threw it out!"

Someone behind Harry laughed. He looked back and saw Fred, George and Lee Jordan hurried down the stairs. All three looked very excited.

"It's done," Fred whispered to Harry, Ron and Hermione in a proud tone. "Just drank it."

"What?" asked Ron.

"Age enhancer, fool," said Fred.


When Maka came to the hall, he happened to hear a hissing sound.

Then the Weasley twins suddenly flew towards him from the center of the hall and fell painfully on the cold stone ground ten feet away.

With a loud crash as like as two peas, two people had the same white beard on their chin.

For a moment, the little wizards around kept laughing. Even Fred and George got up and couldn't help laughing when they saw each other's white beard.

"I reminded you."

A low, smiling voice suddenly sounded behind Maka. Everyone turned around and saw Professor Dumbledore coming in through the door.

He looked at Fred and George with a twinkle in his eyes. "I suggest you both go to Mrs. Pomfrey. She is already nursing Miss Fawcett of Ravenclaw and Mr. summers of hutchpatch, and they are also determined to increase their age."

"But I must say that their beards are far less beautiful than yours."

Everyone laughed louder because of Dumbledore's words.

However, at this time, Maka came to the golden thread. He squatted down and gently clicked with his wand.

"Another rule..."

Obviously Dumbledore also knew the rules and could even apply them more skillfully. Maka was not surprised.

Rather, Dumbledore's unfathomable magic power would surprise him if he hadn't touched on the study of rules.

Unfortunately, Maka still doesn't have the ability to "see" magic by herself, and he can't quickly analyze the rules contained in it.

But for him, it is not necessary to analyze the rules. Maka has already prepared for how to pass it.

Fundamentally speaking, if you want to prevent a little wizard under the age of 17 from passing through the golden thread, the first thing must be to find out the age of the entrant.

Despite the difficulty in applying the rules, what Maka has to do is very simple, that is to block all the exploration of his body and soul.

Using rules to deal with rules is simple, direct but effective.

The next moment, in the surprised eyes of the little wizards, Maka stepped into the scope of the golden thread.

However, the situation is not as simple as Maka thought.

When he reached the second step, the familiar hissing sound sounded again, and he immediately saw that the surrounding space seemed slightly distorted.

He understood that it was not the distortion of space, but the collision between the discovery rule and the blocking rule he prepared.

Just this morning, he drew a rune array composed of Phoenician magic words on his arm, but it is obvious that Dumbledore's rule power is purer and more powerful than his.

He could even clearly feel that the rune array on his left arm was constantly consuming the magic in his body. The gradual loss of physical strength at the moment is the best proof.

Maka immediately accelerated her movements, quickly went to the Goblet of fire, and hurriedly threw the note in her hand into the rising blue and white flame in the Goblet of fire.

The Goblet of fire accepted his registration, and the note was quickly swallowed by the flame.

After completing the task, Maka immediately turned away from the area designated by the golden line, stood outside and gently breathed out. Then he looked up and looked calmly at Dumbledore.

At this time, Dumbledore was looking at this side equally calmly, and a sharp light appeared in the pale blue pupil behind his half moon lens.

Different from the two parties, the other students present all opened their mouths in surprise. No one expected that students under the age of 17 could pass the golden line drawn by Dumbledore himself.

Everyone couldn't help whispering and wondering how Maka passed; From time to time, they also sent a look of admiration or surprise to Maka.

After a while, the students looked back at Dumbledore to see what explanation he would make. I'm afraid it's a very difficult choice whether to approve or veto.

"Mr. McLean crossed the age line I set with his magic knowledge. I have to say that I didn't expect it..." Dumbledore said, "Although I personally want to applaud him, Mr. McLean's behavior violates the rules of the top three competition. I have to discuss with other members of the jury to decide whether Mr. McLean's registration is valid."

"What do you think, Mr. McLean?"

Dumbledore made a good point, and Marca naturally had no reason to object. He nodded and expressed his willingness to wait for the deliberation and vote of the jury.

At this time, other students who wanted to sign up came here one after another, and the surroundings suddenly became a lot more lively.

"... McLean."

Maka, who was about to leave the hall, turned around and found that it was Cedric Digory, his former senior, the prefect of hatch patch college.

"McLean, you..." he hesitated, with a embarrassed expression on his handsome face. "Do you really have to leave Hogwarts?"

"Oh, I think so." Maka nodded casually and gave a positive answer.

"But --" Digory's voice suddenly became louder, "but I don't think you should leave here! You should not leave here!"

Ignoring the surprised eyes from the students around him, he continued: "I still remember the graduation farewell party you held for the seniors. I still remember you personally telling everyone the beauty of school life. I still remember... Everyone shouted 'we are all Hogwarts'!"

"But it was you who led us to understand the beauty of campus life, and you who led us to shout 'we are all Hogwarts', but -"

Maka calmly looked at Digory with an angry face and suddenly reached out and patted him on the shoulder.

"Then use the facts to prove to me that my choice is wrong; make Hogwarts better and let me regret my previous decision."

Digory clenched his fist and shouted, "I'll prove it to you!"

After that, he walked quickly to the Goblet of fire, threw the parchment note with his name into the fire, and then left without looking back.

The busbarton students who were coming in from the outside had to dodge aside and let the angry Digory through the door.

Mrs. Maxim followed her students into the hall. She frowned at Diggory who left quickly and ordered the students to line up.

Busbarton's students crossed the age line one by one, throwing their parchment into the blue and white flame in an orderly manner.

When the hibiscus Delacour with Meiwa blood passed by Maka, she smiled gracefully and said, "why don't you come to busbarton?"

Maka's breaking the age line soon spread among the students of the three colleges, and many people were waiting for the voting result of the jury.

In fact, many people don't want to see Maka successfully sign up.

As early as the beginning of this semester, Maka's strength was spread through the newspapers of the magic world in various countries - as the most influential prophet daily in the British magic world, its headlines have been reprinted by magic newspapers in many countries, and Maka's deeds have long become a hot spot.

After all, no one wants to see this long lost top three competition become a stage show for Maka alone.

Of course, there are always pros and cons of one thing. Some students are happy to see Maka become one of the three warriors. Most of these students belong to demstrom college.

Before Maka enrolled in demstrom, Krum was naturally the most popular in the school; now Maka has firmly occupied this position.

In any case, demstrom's warriors are no more than these two.

When there is no possibility of being selected, everyone will naturally be more inclined to see a game won by the warriors of their own school.

To everyone's disappointment, the jury's voting results have not been announced yet.

At the same time, a girl who doesn't care about these things is hiding in her room, beating a picture hanging in the air with her wand, pursing her lips and whispering.

"... tell you to talk about nothing! Tell you to talk tomorrow! Make you sleepy... Tell you to talk about nothing..."