Harry Potter And The Hidden Prince

Chapter 4 - Owls are annoying and wands are people

As the owl flew in and disturbed Louis\' sleep, he woke up muddled and slightly irritated at the sudden burst in his room, " Gosh! I know it\'s my birthday, I\'m 11 Hurray, do you even realise what time it is? Who in their right mind sends an owl in the middle of the night? Is their head okay? or does it need to get checked? " The messenger owl flinches at Louis\' words of clear irritation showed on his face. Noticing the owl was beginning to feel uncomfortable around him, Louis had to calm his nerves and mind before being able to talk again. " My mistake little guy, I didn\'t mean to offend anyone, honest. It\'s just that sending letters at this time of night kind of makes me mad, you know what I\'m saying? " After apologising, he begins to Scratch the owls head to send his feelings to help the owl understand him better, soon after he detaches the letter attached to the owl. " hoot, hoot! ", \' I know what you mean my friend, sending owls in the middle of the night is one thing, but sending it to kids who are 11 and asleep is another all together! \' the owl responds to Louis through his contact with the owl. " Woah there owl, since when did I have the ability to listen to animal thoughts? If I\'m not mistaken, my power only lets me feel their feelings, not read their tho- " , \' Wait a second, father did say that for the male Princetons, our powers would begin to develop even more at the age of 11, and continue on developing till its supposed final form. Great I get to talk to animals through contact with them then, can life get anymore fun? \' Soon after accepting the fact that his powers would continue to grow without his consent, unaware of the responsibility it had, Louis rips open the hogwarts seal on the letter, and took out its contents.




headmaster: Albus dumbledore

( Order of Merlin, First class, Grand sorc., Chf. Warlock, Supreme Mugwump, International Confed. of wizards)

Dear Mr Princeton,

We are pleased to inform you that you have a place at Hogwarts School Of Witchcraft And Wizardry. Please find enclosed a list of all necessary books and equipment.

Term begins on 1 September, We await your owl no later than 31 July.

Yours sincerely,

Professor McGonagall

Deputy headmistress.


Staring at the letter for a good five minutes, " It\'s ridiculous how they expect me to send an owl to the past. My birthday is on the 2 of August for Merlin\'s sake. Do I look like I have a time machine just lying around? " Sighing at the contents of the letter, Louis decides to head to his parents currently still in the living room.

" Mom, Dad, what is stated in this letter is beyond ridiculous. I mean seriously, how am I supposed to send them an owl back in time? we\'re wizards, not god\'s. " Justin noticing the letter in Louis\' hand, got up from the couch and envelopes his son in a loving hug, " My boy, with already sent the owl on the 31 of July incase you know. *Sigh* I can\'t believe your heading of to Hogwarts in a month time, if your asking me, time flew to fast for my liking. " As Louis was beginning to feel the air in his lungs almost crushed out, he felt it was a good time to inform his father of it, and pat his back. " Dad, your crushing me, seriously I can\'t breath, running out of air down hear. " Dealing his mistake, he quickly releases his son to allow him back his much lacking air. " We do have to go to Diagon alley again and get you your wand, robes and pet that is if you actually even want one? " Natalia reminds her son of their tasks at hand. \' Right, almost forgot about that. Though I can just send letters here through magic, that would make life a lot more easier, I must research this when the time comes.

Entering diagon alley again, the Princeton family firsts stop, is madam Malkin\'s Robes for all occasions. And that is due to the fact that clothings do take more time then wands or books when purchased. Stepping foot into the familiar shop he only entered yesterday, Louis just headed straight for the comfy couch after mummering a soft greeting to madam Malkin again. " I do say young master, you do have quite the balance of muscle and fats from looking at measurements alone! " Not used to such a weird way of praise, Louis can only respond back best he knows how, " Um, Thanks, I guess? " unsure of what one\'s interest are, he can only reply in awkwardness. On the other hand, the two parents are enjoying themselves to their fullest at the sight of their sons awkward conversation.

Going through each wand over and over again, and ollivander taking it out of his hand again and again. Louis was soon becoming annoyed at the fact that like people, the wands were something that he was not comfortable with. A mountain was beginning to form slowly as each wand was tested then tossed away. Until on the last wand were Ollivander was on the verge of giving up, " This is ridiculous if I do say so myself! Almost all the wands in my shop do not match you! Unless....But it is likely. The boy is a Princeton so it could work. " mumbling to himself towards the end, and proceeding to head off towards the far end of the shop. Louis follows the unsuspecting ollivander in tow, \' Eh, I\'m beginning to get bored looking for my wand I might as well follow him. That and he is acting way to suspicious for my liking. \' assuring himself in his mind, Louis watches ollivander as he reveals a magical safe hidden beside a curtain. \' Are you kidding me? A wand maker who is a wizard, hides his important stuff in a safe? How ridiculous is this? \' Surprise was all Louis had finding this secret out. But the safe\'s location was a thing of the past in a blink of an eye the moment ollivander unlocked it and took out a wand box. \' Is that a family seal on it? What kind of people leaves their- " His train of thought was soon cut off when he recognised it. The Princeton family seal was on the box.

" Do I want to even know why you have a wand with my family\'s seal on it? You can\'t lie too, the colours are a tell tale sign it\'s my family crest incase forgot. " Louis begins Questions the wand maker as soon as he was back at the counter top and he dropped he\'s invisibility. " Now my dear boy, I am a wand maker, and this was entrusted to me by my father and from generations before us. I am only doing my duty to protect the wand your ancestors created. " Replies ollivander. A few minutes passed by in an awkward silence as tension filled the air. " I\'m sorry my mind was in it\'s own world for a moment there. I find quite ridiculous on how my family ancestors can be able to make a wand since we are more inclined towards using wands or not, rather then making wands after all. " Louis implies towards the shop keeper shrugging his shoulders to support his statement, but still taking the wand in hand considering it was the last one in the shop as well.

The wand gave Louis a completely different feeling compared to all the other wands, the wands handle, was made just right for his hand and it seemed as if the wand responded to Louis\' body requirements for holding the wand, as it seemingly changed its physical shape to match with his." Cool " was all Louis was say as he stared at the wands magic in amazement. " Unfortunately, my family and I never got to figure out what materials were used for the wand, or the core matter of fact. But I do know this, the core of this wand is a little surprising fellow, rejected anyone not of Princeton blood when my ancestors tried to give it, gave up eventually when it only sort of accepted Princeton blood, but not to this extent though. You my boy, are special in more ways then you could have ever thought. And believe me, considering the fact that I\'ve been in this business for a long time! " Ollivander ended it off with a hearty laugh. Paying for ollivanders services for providing Louis with a wand, his \' family wand \' of sorts, he left the shop and met up with his parents outside awaiting him.

" Do I really need a pet mom? " Louis asks his mother, knowing that he just bring one of his animal friends or make new ones from school if he wanted to send back home something of importance. " Take it this way my boy, having a pet, is like having another member of the family, not a friend, but a family member. Pets are a lifelong partner and family member for wizards, we always treat them equally. And when we lose them, we mourn and grieve for them, they are brought up together with us after all, through the thick and thin, we stick through it all. No one left behind as they say, right my boy? " Thinking it through after hearing his father\'s side of why he should keep a pet, he reluctantly agreed soon after, knowing he\'d be able to have a new family member that was not a human, though he meant no offence when he thought this.

" I do want to choose what pet I have father. Can I have something other than an owl? ", \' I find them cool and all, but they do get annoying at times. \' nodding his head, Louis thanked his father for the approval for getting a different pet. Magical manegerie was the pet shops name, selling pets other then owls which gave Louis some relief. " Hello sir? I\'m here to buy myself a pet if you don\'t mind? " Some time later, Louis exits the shop with a baby niffler in hand, \' Cute little guy. \' " It is weird for you to choose a niffler, but considering you and the little guy stared at each other till ends world, it\'s safe to say his part of the family now. Have you thought up his name yet? ", " Bandit " Natalia and Justin just stare at their son. However, considering it was their son, who has a reason for everything, decided to just let it go. And with that, they headed back to Leaky cauldron to go back home, awaiting the day the first of September would arrive.