Harry Potter And The Hidden Prince

Chapter 3 - A squabble, Cousins, and an owl

" yes, would you move your retched self off of My sit, peasant? And I also believe the cup of tea is mine as well. " Louis\' eyebrows are raised high but still not noticeable by the boy with slight irritation building up, " May I ask your name overly obnoxious, seemingly brainless one? " As soon as those words left his mouth, Louis knew that he was losing his cool at the ghost of a boy, he was about to calm himself when the Ghastly pale silver blonde boy countered, " My name is Draco Malfoy, from the Malfoy family, so unless you do not want anything bad to happen to your family, I suggest you move. " Hearing those words a light turns on in his head at the sudden realisation. \' Ah, the Malfoys. From what I\'ve heard from mom and dad, is that the whole family is obnoxious with their egos inflating their heads due to them being of pure-blood and Lucius Malfoys position in the ministry. \' As Draco smirks at Louis\' facial expression from realising who is In front of him, the smirk quickly turns into a frown when his Attention is caught by the obvious smile shown on the boys face. " Really? So your Draco Malfoy? To be frank I don\'t really care what you say when you cry to your father of your encounter with a \' rude and stubborn boy \' you happened to meet at madam Malkin\'s Robes for all occasions. First of all, you are eleven years old, you are at the age where you can take care of yourself without running to your father for protection every time someone \'offends\' you. Second, you are going to Hogwarts, a school for witches and Wizards from what I just heard from your conversation, the school has Albus-something a wizard granted the first class whatever, who can easily take care of any internal matters the school children have." a thought comes into mind when Louis says these words, \' let\'s be honest here, I have zero care for what goes on in the wizarding world and who\'s powerful enough to earn medals for their strength, I\'d rather be like dad and not care about what they say at all, it\'s better for me anyways \', " And thirdly, what in your right mind thinks that throwing around your family name will Always instill fear in those you see and view as peasants and \' unworthy \' ? Here\'s a question for you, have you ever once thought of what all this \' Bragging \' will do and get you? If you have not, you had better grow up before someone else dark and sinister who has a grudge on you does teach you a lesson you\'ll be sure to remember. " Louis had had enough of Draco\'s insistent bragging of his family which he has no qualms about at all, having heard Louis\' \' talk \' Draco\'s trap was shut but his view of his family did not change, his only thought was \' wait till father hears about this..\' After a few minutes, Louis finished his tea, and madam Malkin\'s came out with Alfred\'s important robe packaged in hand.

Handing the robe over to Louis and collecting the money, Louis thanked the owner and shop for her services, stated that the tea was good then left the shop with the package in hand. As Louis left the shop, it seemed Harry witnessed what went down along with the human giant as well, between Draco and the blue-purple haired boy. Draco being unfaltering decided to give the boy whose name he does not know a lesson, and followed him out the shop, however, The blue- purple haired boy was nowhere to be seen, it was as if he had vanished into thin air with no trace of him ever being at the robe shop.

\' I do hope that Hogwarts will be a lot more fun with Richard and Annie considering the fact of how many snot nosed ego inflated kids will be there \' A shiver crawls up his spine thinking about it. Entering the Leaky cauldron, still invisible, Louis notices his mother and father at a table with food on top of it, and a serious look on their faces. " Hi mom,dad why are you two still here? Nevermind, you two must have had something important to discuss and didn\'t want me to hear it. Oh, by the way I bumped into \' the chosen one \' and that Malfoy boy named Draco at madam Malkin\'s picking Godfathers important occasion robe and I got some new art supplies I\'ve been in the need of lately before going to madam Malkin\'s. Can I order some food? " Both parents stare at their son with wide eyes, before bursting into laughter at the little adventure their son had while exploring diagon alley. As they finish their meal stuffed and ready to go, they head off to flourish & blotts so purchase some new books that caught Louis\' eye through the window. Heading out of the shop soon after with bags in hand, the family of three soon head back to their warm and comfortable home after a long tiring day at diagon alley.

The moment Louis steps foot into the princeton house from the chimney, he beelines for his personal library without hesitation, eager to bury his nose in his newly acquired books from Diagon alley. Justin on the other hand heads off to the family owl, Dewy a northern white-faced owl, at the back of the house enjoying his food he hunted just recently from the family perch. Attaching Alfred\'s robe of importance in the package and a little personal letter with the Princeton crest and it\'s colours blue, caramel, and purple , Justin then sends of Dewy to where Alfred is located at currently, the ministry of magic in New York. Watching as the owl flies off with the package safely secured to Dewy flying off into the horizon to Alfred and his current workplace of importance is, \' All I can do now is wait I guess. \' With a contempt look on his face, Justin turns around and heads back into the kitchen area where his wife currently is sorting out some groceries she bought from Diagon alley before they returned back home.

As night quickly passes and the sun begins to rise, Louis is up and rolls himself out of his bed, and heads off to the shower to begin a brand new day. Heading down to the living room, he greets his mother and father who are on the couch and heads off into the kitchen for some breakfast. " Mom, Dad, since tomorrow is my birthday could we, go to Diagon alley so I can get a pet please? " he asks his parents while at the dining table. Natalia and Justin stare at each other before bursting into a fit of giggles, " Did you forget? " Justin asks in between giggles, " The whole family will be here for your birthday tomorrow, including your cousins! " Louis\' eyes were raised at those words, \' How could I have forgotten! I guess the day at diagon alley made me forget such an \' important \' thing, considering the fact that the acceptance letter from the Hogwarts school of witch craft and wizardry arrives, and my the fleeting sight of freedom too. \' Having his excitement become deflated and realisation of the fact, almost brings a dim to the bright new day ahead. Knowing their son and his line of thinking, the two parents can only attempt to cheer their son up the best way they can, " Ding, dong! " The bell from the front porch goes off, and so does a smile from their parents as they head off to open the door.

Noticing their smiles the boy can only tilt his head in question at his parents, " Louie! We\'re here!! " That was when a familiar high pitched cry came from the hallway from the front door, " Ann, watch it! You don\'t wanna give aunt Nat and uncle Justin even more work do ya? " followed by a scolding from a boy with a slightly deep voice. " It couldn\'t be? Ann, Richy! you\'re here! I thought you two would only come by the house tomorrow?! " Excited by his cousins suddenly unexpected arrival, he runs towards them in the living room from the dining area and crushes them into a tight hug, missing their absence since they last visited. " Well, since tomorrow is the day your Hogwarts letter arrives and how busy is going to be, mom and dad decided we could come earlier this year!! That and we wanted to go shopping with you at diagon alley. " Annie, the younger of the two smiles with her shoulder length hair with the Princeton colours of blue to purple and caramel eyes, though she is shorter than Louis, her stature had however, more masculinity shown than feminity due to her persistent training of the art of the sword per her request to her father, as it had always interested her more than being a lady, hence her clothing style of a red leather jacket, black leather gloves, black jeans pants, and leather boots, and white tee, showcasing her love of leather clothing. Richard who\'s the elder of the two, was more academic inclined who also enjoyed the quidditch sport every now and then, going to the games when they where in town. " The part of Diagon alley is not true, I think, the part of Hogwarts was true and..since you are going to get ya letter tomorrow on your birthday, spending an extra day with us would make things more fun don\'cha think " Escaping from the almost none crushing hug Louis gave and adjusting his clothes that well represented his personality, denim pants, a sky blue hoodie, accompanied by dark blue sneakers, and the signature Princeton hair of blue to purple and caramel eyes followed by his build of lean, slightly muscular build. Though both cousins had the same hair and eye colour as Louis, they were of a darker shade compared to Louis\'.

" Haha, very funny Ann, I do believe I still owe you a sparring match? Considering the last time I beat you so easily in three moves flat, and the fact that you were very grumpy about that. Oh and Richy I managed to find a new formula for the potion we were testing out where we last left off, do you want to take a look later after I beat Ann? " His last words managed to touch a nerve on his younger cousin, as fire seemed to emanate from her as though she was made of it. " What was that dear cousin? Something about beating me again? " Realising his mistake, Louis knowing he had little time hurriedly stated, " I am immensely sorry Ann, I did not mean for my words to come out like that, you know how I am with words and communication with people, I don\'t really know how to control what comes out of my mouth around you guys! Forgive me please? " By the end of his apology, Annie had calmed down somewhat, but was still slightly angry towards Louis. " Alright, alright, Ann, both of us know how Louis can get when he speaks, considering the fact that his friends come from the forest and all, in fact, I am surprised how you have not ended up battered and bruised considering its you we are talking about. " Richard implies, " invisibility works like a charm, " Louis shrugs his shoulders while answering, " that, adding to the fact that I am impossibly hard to find, I am the king of hide and seek after all. " Giving the elder cousin an evil smirk, " You are right about that, anyways, do hurry up with your sparring match with Ann I Simply Cannot wait to take a look at your new notes for the breakthrough on the potion we were working on, since we were last here! " Richard expressed his feelings eagerly rushing toward their usual guest room in the house with his luggage in hand. Soon after Richard is out of sight, " So your cousin\'s get a warm welcome from you, but the rest of your family don\'t? how unfair is that Lyran? " A deep voice enters the room as Lukas enters the Living room with his baggage one hand, followed by his wife, Lyran carrying shopping bags full of souvenirs from other countries. " uncle Lukas! aunt Lyran! your here too! I thought it would just be Richy and Ann plus grandma Marrian this year! " Louis exclaims in delight to his aunt and uncle. " nonsense you silly boy! Your going of to Hogwarts on the first of September, and will be spending mostly seven years there! Why in the world would we miss your birthday my dear boy! " With those words, a lady wearing a royal blue leather jacket with white jeans and army boots, enters the living room, with even more shopping bags then Lyran, " Aunt Georgia?! " Louis exclaims, stunned at his always busy aunts arrival, " your here too! Does that mean that uncle Lukas is here too?! " Louis asks exclaiming, knowing that the couple went almost everywhere together on missions. " You got that right kiddo! Your aunt Georgia and I got you some exclusive souvenirs from our missions abroad as well! " Knowing that souvenirs meant stories and tales of the dangerous and mysterious missions and adventures, made Louis eager for what dangers they knew and how they handled and faced it, calmly. " Okay, you guys have got to tell me all about your daring adventures and dangerous missions since the last time you left! And you cannot leave out any details, it would crush me if you guys left out any exclusive and important details for my \' safety \' as mom would call it. " he quotes the word safety with his fingers to get his point across better.

As the day went by, from a far you would be able to see two kids sparring with a wooden sword, one a boy, the other a girl, a short while after the boy could be seen to have won the match, the girl defeated. The boy would rush back into the house, and only a short while later, a bright light flashes from one of the rooms of the house, accompanied with an explosion, and a puff a smoke. Everything would go quiet in the house for a short a while, only later to be filled with noises of metal clanking and glasses shattering singing followed by silence. Not long after, the house would become quiet, as dinner time soon came. Once dinner was finished, even more noises erupted from the house when compared before dinner time. As midnight was soon coming closer, and the clock struck 12, with the minute hand soon passing 10, an owl could be seen in the distance, a letter attached to it\'s leg, I\'m the letter if one looked closely, the familiar school of Hogwarts crest could be seen sealed onto the envelope. As the owl flew closer to the ground, the direction to where it was heading became obvious, in its path was the one and only Princeton house, flying even closer to the family house, the owl changed its direction from the kitchen window, to the third floor, where a certain blue-purple haired boy with light caramel eyes room was located. And in flew the owl into the boys room.