Hardcore Chef Dad

Chapter 492: More delicious little secret recipe

Accompanied by the barbecue, Feng Yifan instructed the apprentice and Zhao Daxia to take all the things off the cart and put them in a more suitable place.

   For example, where are all kinds of side dishes, where are all kinds of condiments, and where are all kinds of main ingredients.

  Everything was arranged by Feng Yifan and placed in a very suitable position.

   Following Feng Yifan\'s command and dispatch, Zhao Daxia and Lin Ruifeng placed all kinds of things together. After that, she stood aside and looked at it carefully, and found that after it was set up, the small stall seemed to have the feeling of Su Ji\'s back kitchen.

   I found that Zhao Daxia had looked inside and out several times in earnest.

   Feng Yifan asked a little strangely: "Sister Zhao, what are you looking at?"

   Zhao Daxia stood outside the trolley, standing in front of the window where the trolley was specially set aside for diners to take meals and said: "Boss, your arrangement looks like a back kitchen in a restaurant?"

   Feng Yifan smiled when he heard the words, but Lin Ruifeng immediately became a little curious.

   Then Lin Ruifeng also carefully examined it, and finally discovered this.

   "Master, it really looks like a back kitchen."

   Zhao Daxia smiled and asked, "Boss, do you have a little obsessive-compulsive disorder?"

   Feng Yifan kept smiling and nodded: "Forget it, I really like to put these things in an orderly way, so that they can be kept clean and tidy. I don\'t like the messy look."

   Zhao Daxia sighed: "Sure enough, boss, you really have obsessive-compulsive disorder."

But then she said: "But boss, your obsessive-compulsive disorder is not a bad thing. After you put it like this, it looks very neat and organized, and it is also very hygienic and clean. I believe that the boss will become this small market. The most popular one."

   Feng Yifan smiled and said, "I\'m actually an occupational disease. It\'s a professional habit. I like to keep everything organized and organized."

   chatted for a while, the pork belly in the oven was ready.

   Feng Yifan took out the pork belly, put it in a baking tray and let it cool, and at the same time used scissors to clean the black area on it.

   "These burnt parts are actually delicious, but they don’t look good, so you must remember to clean them up when you sell them later."

   Lin Ruifeng watched Master clean up beside him, nodded earnestly and wrote it down.

   And Zhao Daxia smelled the smell, and ran into the makeshift kitchen enclosed by the cart from the outside.

   Sniffing the strong smell of barbecue, she couldn’t help but sigh: “It’s so fragrant. It feels like I can hold a whole piece and eat it. It should be very enjoyable.”

   Feng Yifan said with a smile: "This can\'t be eaten like that, this one must be eaten with it."

   After cleaning up the charred part, Feng Yifan put honey on the roasted meat again? Put it aside and wait for the honey to hang up. Then hang the char siu.

   At this time, the temperature of the oven has risen to 250 degrees? Feng Yifan put the prepared geese and ducks in it.

When putting it in? Feng Yifan told his apprentice: "You must pay attention when putting it in later, not too tight? Keep a certain gap, and you must pay attention to these geese and ducks during the roasting process? The first is 250 degrees. Bake for 40 minutes? After that, reduce the temperature to 200 degrees, and braise for another 30 minutes."

   After closing the lid of the oven, the next time is to wait, and at the same time Feng Yifan begins to prepare other things.

  The inner part of the cart is for three areas? On the far left is the stove for the soup pot? It is used to add the soup, and next to it is the stove for the bottom bar.

The middle part of    is an iron plate, specially used for making iron plate fried rice.

The rightmost part of    is where the cutting board is placed, and is used for cutting and chopping.

   Feng Yifan put the soup pot on the stove first? But he didn\'t open the fire directly.

   "Remember, you have to estimate the approximate opening time? Don\'t cook the soup in advance, which will consume the soup? It will also consume the qi you bring, so you have to reheat it when you start to cook it.

   After Feng Yifan finished speaking, first turn on the stove under the middle iron plate? Heat the iron plate.

   After preheating? Feng Yifan first pours a lot of oil on it? Then put some fat meat on it to refine the oil.

   "This is similar to the process of buying a new iron pot to raise a pot in your house. After you come every morning, remember to do this step and let the iron plate be fed with oil first."

   Fatty pork on the iron plate made a sound of "sizzling", accompanied by the rich smell of meat, which instantly attracted the attention of the surrounding stall owners.

   "Well, it smells good, Chef Feng made it so early?"

   "Wow, I really smell it, I really want to eat Chef Feng\'s meal now."

   "Gosh, I\'m really hungry. Chef Feng, your house has opened so early? Can you give me a bowl of fried rice first? I\'m hungry."

   "I want it too, I want it too."

   "That\'s right, Chef Feng, let\'s all open your house."


   Hearing a group of stall owners yelling that they wanted to open a show for Feng Yifan today, Zhao Daxia couldn\'t help but stealthily.

   "What help you open, it\'s just greedy yourself."

   Feng Yifan heard the old neighbors on the ancient street and smiled and said: "Wait a minute, it\'s less than ten o\'clock, you haven\'t digested your breakfast yet? Or wait until noon is near to eat."

   Hearing this, everyone was a little bit disappointed, and at the same time they were looking forward to lunch.

   While Feng Yifan kept frying fat, let alone the bosses around him, even Lin Ruifeng couldn\'t help swallowing.

   Zhao Daxia finally couldn\'t stand it, and said loudly: "No, I\'m going out and around, and I will come back later, this is too fragrant, I really can\'t stand it."

   Seeing Zhao Daxia leave with a look of indignation, Feng Yifan couldn\'t help but laugh.

   However, Feng Yifan is still very stable. Every step is carried out in an orderly manner. After the fat refining is completed, the oil is also cleaned up and placed in a small bowl.

   "Remember the secret I told you?"

  Some distracted Lin Ruifeng was awakened by Master\'s words. He was taken aback for a moment. He glanced at the oil that Master had poured out with a spatula, and immediately understood what Master meant.

   "Well, remember, the best fried rice is dihe oil."

Feng Yifan nodded: "Yes, this is the key to the fragrant flavor of fried rice. Our sizzling fried rice is similar to normal fried rice, but it tastes a little bit heavier, but we also want to make everyone satisfied. It should not be too greasy. You know that What to do?"

  Master asked questions one after another, and it can be said that he has been testing Lin Ruifeng all the time.

   This time Lin Ruifeng thought about it seriously and wanted to answer: "Master, you can add some sour plums when steaming the rice to neutralize the greasiness with the sourness."

   Feng Yifan said, "Well, this is a way. Then our rice is already steamed, what should we do?"

   Lin Ruifeng thought a lot, but all felt that it didn’t seem to be very effective in reducing greasiness.

Feng Yifan saw that the apprentice couldn’t answer, so he smiled and said, “It’s actually very simple. You can add some onions and some lemon juice during the cooking process to relieve the greasy feeling. Of course, Master has a secret weapon here. Better to solve it in one step."

   Lin Ruifeng is still a little strange? He looked at the master incomprehensibly. Remember in one second [щщщ.78zщм] Wonderful novels are free to read without pop-up windows!

   Then, I saw that Master took out a glass jar from the cart.

   Seeing the contents of the glass jar, Lin Ruifeng immediately understood what Master meant.

   There is nothing else in the glass jar, but plum sauce to relieve the greasiness of roasted goose and roasted duck.

   Lin Ruifeng remembered at this time that when the master used goose soup for her daughter to fry rice yesterday, he also added plum sauce during the fried rice, so the little girls would not get bored when they ate.

   Feng Yifan said to his apprentice earnestly: "This is a secret recipe, which must not be passed down. Don\'t put too much when you are cooking rice. Just put it a little bit. It can effectively relieve greasiness."

   After listening to Master\'s words, Lin Ruifeng understood that Master was telling him the secret recipe at the bottom of the pressure box.

   Lin Ruifeng is naturally very grateful: "Thank you, Master, I will definitely do it well."

   Feng Yifan smiled and patted his apprentice: "It opens on the first day today. We will definitely have to do a good job. I will give you a good start. You will have to work harder in the future."

   Lin Ruifeng nodded and agreed.

   Time passed quickly. The geese and ducks in the oven were roasted for forty minutes. Feng Yifan also opened the bottom and the skylight to start cooling down, and observed the color of the geese and ducks inside.

   "You must remember, you must pay attention to observation. If the goose and duck inside are heated on one side, you must change the position slightly. You can\'t just roast one side. That way, the color will be uneven, understand?"

   Lin Ruifeng watched carefully, nodded earnestly to write down these details.

   After the oven temperature is lowered, it needs to bake for another half an hour.

   During this process, Feng Yifan continued to talk to his apprentice a lot about the details of the relationship, and taught him some little secrets on how to adjust the taste.

"Usually some sizzling fried rice on the street will put MSG, but for ours, we don’t actually need to put MSG. We can pour in a little broth instead of MSG. There is also the sauce for the sizzling fried rice. Remember, it’s best to prepare the night before."

   Lin Ruifeng remembered, because the things taught by the master are really full of dry goods.

   When the roast goose and roast duck were about to be out of the oven, three little girls Feng Ruoruo, Yang Xiaoxi and Chen Yaofei ran hand in hand.

   "Dad, daddy, here we come."

   The three little girls ran up to the cart, standing outside the cart and shouting to Father Feng inside.

  When the little girls entered the small market, they were a little confused at first, because although the small market is not very big, it is still a bit spacious for children.

   And the little girls have never been here, and don\'t know where Feng Yifan is setting up a stall?

   So they couldn\'t find the direction at first.

   In the end, Feng Ruoruo thought of his father’s cart, and then he took two good friends and started running around the small market looking for his father\'s cart. He quickly found a place.

   Standing in front of the cart window, Feng Ruoruo proudly told her father about the search process.

   "Hee hee, Dad, if you are not very smart? Thinking of your cart, then we will find you soon."

   Feng Yifan smiled and responded to his daughter: "Okay, if our family is really smart."

   Chen Yaofei asked curiously: "Papa Feng, how did you and Uncle Xiaolin get in?"

  Following Feng Ruoruo and Yang Xiaoxi also reacted, and found that they were blocked outside, and the cart isolated them from Father Feng. The three little girls were suddenly unhappy.

   Feng Ruoruo directly stretched out his hand and grabbed the cart window and said, "Dad, you take me in."

   Feng Yifan hurriedly reached out to stop his daughter: "Don\'t, you can\'t get in like this. The big iron plate here is very hot, and there is a lot of oil. You come in from the side, and Dad will open the door for you."

   closed the door of the cart used as a block, and a gap was immediately revealed, and the three little girls entered the stall smoothly.

After    came in, the various things inside made the three little girls full of curiosity.

   Feng Yifan pulled the three little girls away from some ovens.

   "You can\'t get close to this. This is an oven. It\'s very hot. The three of you should stay away."

   The three little girls were also very obedient, staying away from the oven obediently, wandering around Feng Yifan, full of curiosity about the various things inside.

   Soon the three little girls saw the front window of the cart, and found that standing inside the cart, through that window, it was as interesting as a small window for shopping in their kindergarten.

   Feng Ruoruo stood in front and said, "Ah, you can sell things here. It\'s so interesting, just like a kindergarten."

   Yang Xiaoxi smiled and said: "Yes, yes, we are selling things together now."

   Chen Yaofei followed and said: "Today, Ruoruo, Xixi and I are all sellers."

   Lin Ruifeng couldn\'t help but smiled and said, "You three are small bosses, and Master is the big boss."

   Feng Ruoruo looked at Uncle Xiaolin and said, "Then Uncle Xiaolin, are you the boss?"

   Yang Xiaoxi then added: "Ruoruo\'s grandfather is the old boss."

   Chen Yaofei suddenly laughed: "Hahaha, old, boss..."

   Chen Yaofei repeated this, so Feng Ruoruo and Yang Xiaoxi also laughed. The three little girls laughed like bells in the booth, which also attracted the attention of the stall owners in the market.

   Seeing Feng Yifan\'s happy atmosphere here~www.novelhall.com~ really makes many bosses envious.

   took three little girls to play, and Feng Yifan did not forget the geese and ducks in the stove.

   About the time it was almost time, he walked over and took a serious look, making sure that it had been baked and said to the apprentice: "Ruifeng, you take the three of them aside, don\'t get burned by things."

   Lin Ruifeng also hurriedly pulled the three little girls back to the corner, avoiding the oven and Feng Yifan, so that Master could smoothly take out the roast goose and duck.

After    was taken out, Feng Yifan also hung roasted goose and roasted duck beside the char siu.

  The fragrant smell of grilled meat, mixed with the aroma of fruit and wood, is really mouth-watering.

   After seeing Feng Yifan hanging it up, there was a baking tray underneath. The fat dripped on the baking tray, which really made people have the urge to hold a whole gnaw.

   Feng Yifan first peeled out the sealing pin under the goose body, so that the soup inside the goose flowed like a baking tray.

   Clean up the soup again to remove the excess green onion and **** in the soup.

   As for the broth of the roast goose, it is also served in a bowl. This is the key condiment for the roast goose and the roast goose fried rice.

   Feng Ruoruo leaned over at this time, and her little hand gently pulled her father\'s back: "Dad, can we eat it?"

   Hearing her daughter\'s question, Feng Yifan turned to look at her daughter, and Yang Xiaoxi and Chen Yaofei looked forward to it, and even Lin Ruifeng was looking forward to it.

   Feng Yifan said to everyone seriously: "I can\'t eat it now, because it\'s too hot now."