Hardcore Chef Dad

Chapter 491: The first stall

Just as Feng Ruoruo hugged her grandma and yelled not to leave her, the front door of the Su Ji restaurant was knocked from outside.

Feng Yifan could only abandon the persuasion of his daughter first, got up and walked over to open the door of the restaurant.

Open the door, standing outside the door is his father Feng Jiandong, who rushed over early in the morning, and some vegetables that he had pulled over with a cart.

Seeing his son opening the door, Feng Jiandong immediately smiled and stepped into the door and said: "I heard it outside, our little baby Ruoruo seems to be making people."

The grandmother hugged the little granddaughter and said, "Ruoruo quickly see who is here."

Feng Ruoruo raised her head and saw her grandpa coming in. The little girl was taken aback for a while and suddenly said with a mournful face: "I don\'t want grandpa to come, I don\'t want grandpa to come."

Su Ruoxi heard her daughter\'s words and immediately said with a straight face: "Ruo Ruo, you can\'t say that. Hurry up and apologize to grandpa."

The little girl shrank aggrievedly in her grandmother\'s arms, burying her little head in her grandmother\'s arms and couldn\'t come out.

Su Ruoxi\'s expression became worse when she saw this situation.

"Feng Ruoruo, are you getting more and more disobedient? Is it because my father came back for a while, and my grandma was at home every day, and no one cares about you, you start to become lawless? Do you know if talking to grandpa just now was wrong? Hurry up and apologize to Grandpa."

Hearing her mother\'s angry words, the little girl poked her head out of her grandmother\'s arms.

The little girl looked at grandpa first, and said with tears: "Grandpa I\'m sorry."

After the apology, the little girl continued: "Grandpa, can you not take your grandma away? If you don\'t want your grandma to go, if you want your grandma to accompany Ruoruo."

After hearing the little granddaughter\'s words, Lu Cuiling calmed down softly: "Well, grandma knows that if it is not intentional, if grandpa is not allowed to come, she is afraid that grandpa will take grandma away, right?"

The little girl nodded in her grandma\'s arms, then looked at her with tears and said, "Grandma, you have to go, Ruoruo will sleep with you every night from now on."

After listening to the little granddaughter\'s words, Lu Cuiling was also very excited.

At this time, the grandfather asked a little strangely: "What\'s the matter? Why is grandma leaving? Grandpa is not here to take grandma away, grandpa is here to visit Ruoruo."

Hearing what grandpa said, Feng Ruoruo immediately raised her head and looked at grandpa with surprise on her small face.

"Really? Grandpa, didn\'t you come to take grandma away?"

Feng Jiandong smiled and said, "Of course not. Grandpa came to see Ruoruo. Then Ruoruo\'s father is going to set up a stall? Grandpa sent very fresh vegetables."

With that, Grandpa turned to point to the father who pulled the carts full of goods into them.

Feng Ruoruo took a look and immediately became happy: "There are so many dishes. Grandpa is so amazing. I brought so many dishes to my father alone."

After complimenting her grandfather, the little girl looked at her grandma again: "Grandpa didn\'t come to pick up grandma. Grandma, don\'t leave."

Lu Cuiling was also a little helpless. She really loved her little granddaughter and wanted to stay and take care of her little granddaughter.

However, Lu Cuiling couldn\'t just stay with the things that had been said.

Moreover, if she does not go back to clean up, when the time comes, her son and daughter-in-law will return with their granddaughter and in-laws, and there will be no suitable place to live.

Lu Cuiling leaned in her granddaughter’s ear and whispered, “Ruoruo, grandma is going back to clean up the house for Ruoruo, mom, dad, and grandfather. Otherwise, when Ruoruo has a holiday, you will have no place to live when you go back. Sleeping in a very dirty room without even a quilt."

The grandmother said so, and the child Feng Ruoruo fell into thinking for a while.

Su Ruoxi next to her also said to her daughter: "Grandma goes home with grandpa first, and then we wait for Ruoruo to have a holiday, and let my dad take us back. Then we can live in grandparents\' house, so grandma needs to go back and clean up the house for us. ,right?"

With the words of grandma and mother, Feng Ruoruo gradually understood.

After thinking for a while, the little girl said: "Grandma, then you clean up the house and come back to stay with Ruoruo."

After hearing what the little granddaughter said, Lu Cuiling said with a smile: "Grandma won\'t come back, because if you have a holiday, you will go to your grandparents\' house with your parents and grandpa, so grandma is waiting at home for Ruoruo to go."

Feng Ruoruo thought for a while and said, "But, Dad is going to take Uncle Xiaolin to set up a stall."

Su Ruoxi said next to him: "My father taught Uncle Xiaolin to set up a stall. After teaching Uncle Xiaolin, we can go and let Uncle Xiaolin do business by himself."

Feng Ruoruo thought about it for a while, and finally nodded his head: "Okay, then."

After agreeing, the little girl looked at her father and said, "Then father, you have to teach Uncle Xiaolin quickly, and then we can go to grandparents\' house quickly."

Feng Yifan smiled and looked at Lin Ruifeng and said, "Then you want Uncle Xiaolin to learn as soon as possible."

Lin Ruifeng heard Master’s words and quickly said: "I must work hard."

Su Jinrong said, "Don\'t, be anxious, study hard."

Lin Ruifeng was taken aback for a moment, and then nodded to Su Jinrong: "I know, I will definitely follow the Master and study hard. I won\'t be impatient."

Feng Yifan smiled and patted his apprentice and said, “It’s okay. The things I taught you are not difficult. With more than two months of foundation from you, I believe I can master it quickly. It\'s much simpler."

Feng Ruoruo didn\'t urge Uncle Xiaolin anymore, but hugged her grandma\'s neck and said, "Grandma, then you and grandpa are going back. Think about Ruoruo."

Lu Cuiling smiled and hugged the little granddaughter, and kissed the little granddaughter and said: "Okay, grandma must be thinking about Ruoruo every day."

Feng Jiandong said cheerfully: "Don\'t worry, you can\'t let grandma call Ruoruo every night to greet her."

Feng Ruoruo heard the grandfather say this, the little girl thought about it and said: "No, it\'s expensive to make calls. Grandma thinks Ruoruo is fine. You can call once a week."

Lu Cuiling smiled and touched her granddaughter\'s forehead lightly with her forehead: "This little money fan just can\'t bear to spend money."

Feng Ruoruo felt very funny when her grandmother held her head up, and she also pressed her grandma twice, and the little girl\'s silver bell-like laughter echoed in the restaurant.

Then the family continued to eat breakfast, and Feng Jiandong also sat down and had a bite together.

After breakfast, Feng Yifan pulled the fresh vegetables that his father had brought into the water room at the back of the kitchen. After some cleaning, he also chose a batch of them to put on the cart.

After Feng Yifan and his apprentice almost sorted out the carts and packed up the breakfast dishes, Zhao Daxia also rushed.

Seeing that the manpower was ready, Feng Yifan smiled and said, "Okay, let\'s go and set up a stall."

But at this time Feng Ruoruo held her father: "Wait a minute, wait a minute, Xixi and Feifei haven\'t come yet, dad, we have to wait for them to go together."

Su Ruoxi pulled her daughter over and said, "Well, let\'s let Dad, Uncle Xiaolin and Aunt Zhao go first. We will wait at home for Xixi and Feifei to come, and then go to find Dad, okay?"

Feng Ruoruo pouted and asked, "Why can\'t we go together?"

Su Ruoxi patiently explained to her daughter: "Because Dad and they are going to build the stove, there are so many preparations for work, so Dad must go first and prepare everything. If those things are not prepared, Dad’s business will be affected at noon. of."

After listening to her mother\'s words, the little girl finally nodded: "Well then, Dad will go first."

Feng Yifan waved with her daughter, then pushed onto the cart from the back alley, and led the apprentice and Zhao Daxia to the small market.

Although the trolley is relatively large, the van can be driven in in the alley behind the restaurant, so the trolley is naturally unimpeded. Of course, the premise of smooth traffic is that no other cars will appear in the alley.

It’s more troublesome to walk all the way from the back alley to the place near the junction, turning into the ancient street.

Because the cart is a little longer, it is a bit hard to turn around in the alley.

Faced with this situation, Feng Yifan also sighed helplessly: "Really, if the intersection of the alley can be left out, it will be much easier for us to get in and out."

Zhao Daxia helped to slowly adjust the direction of the cart while saying, "You can talk to the reconstruction department."

Feng Yifan felt that this was indeed a way: "Well, let\'s talk to the reconstruction department later."

After completing the turn, the cart turned into the old street, and met many shop owners on the old street who were going to set up stalls.

Seeing Feng Yifan pushing a large cart appearing, the bosses were all surprised.

"Yifan, are you Su Ji going to set up a stall today?"

Feng Yifan replied: "Yes, I went to set up a stall today."

A boss looked at the cart carefully and said: "Boss Feng, this cart is good, it can hold a lot of things, and it seems quite comfortable to push it to set up a stall like this."

Some other bosses also praised Feng Yifan’s great cart.

The boss also asked: "Chef Feng, what are you going to sell at the stall? Do you want to set up a stall over there to cook?"

Feng Yifan shook his head and replied: "No, cooking at the stall is definitely not good. We used to sell noodles and fried rice, and by the way, we sold some southern roast meat, mainly for easy-to-eat things."

Several bosses in the snack business on the old street were a little worried. They worried that Su Ji was also making snacks, which would cause their business to fail.

However, from Feng Yifan\'s car and what Feng Yifan said, it doesn\'t seem to conflict with everyone.

Everyone sells different things, and what customers want to eat when they come is a matter of personal preference.

Seeing that some snack owners looked bad, Feng Yifan smiled and said, "I only have so many things at noon and night. I will close the stalls when they are sold out. I have to take care of the children, and my father-in-law is not in good health. It’s too late, and it can be regarded as a boost for everyone to stimulate business."

Hearing what Feng Yifan said, the owners of several snack shops were relieved.

Thinking that if Su Ji closes the stall early, they can still enjoy the bonus that Su Ji attracts customers.

Pushing the car out of the old street, I happened to run into Yang Xiaoxi who was coming with his grandparents.

The little girl stepped forward and greeted her affectionately: "Hello, Father Feng."

Feng Yifan heard the voice and looked at the little girl to greet: "Xixi is good, why are grandparents coming with Xixi today? Xixi\'s father didn\'t come?"

Yang Xiaoxi immediately said, "Daddy Feng, my father is going to write a book, so I can\'t come here so early."

Feng Yifan suddenly understood that Yang Zhiyi should be at home to catch up on manuscripts again.

However, it seems that the presence of grandparents Yang Xiaoxi makes Yang Zhiyi and Li Feier a lot easier. At least Yang Zhiyi can write at home alone in the morning.

Feng Yifan said hello to Yang Xiaoxi\'s grandparents, and then said to Yang Xiaoxi: "Xixi, you and your grandparents will visit first. Ruoruo is waiting for you and Feifei at home."

Yang Xiaoxi asked strangely: "Then let\'s go to the restaurant, where are you going, Father Feng?"

Without waiting for Feng\'s father to reply, his grandfather said to help: "Feng\'s father must go to set up the stall first. Let\'s go to the restaurant first. After meeting Ruoruo and Feifei, we will go to Feng\'s father together."

Feng Yifan nodded and said, "Yes, you go to meet up first, and Father Feng will go to the booth to prepare. When you are all there, you can go to see Father Feng and you can do business directly."

Yang Xiaoxi obediently nodded and agreed: "Well, Feng Dad, you must be careful when crossing the road."

Feng Yifan responded to the little girl with a smile: "Okay, thank you Xixi."

They passed by with Yang Xiaoxi. When they crossed with Yang Xiaoxi, when she saw her raising her little hand, Feng Yifan gave the little girl a high-five.

After the high-five, Yang Xiaoxi was also very happy, smiling and pulling his grandparents into the ancient street.

Feng Yifan led his apprentice and Zhao Daxia across the road with the bosses who came out of the ancient street, and the group came to the small market with a stall opposite the kindergarten.

After making a circle, from behind the small market, I pushed the cart directly to the hanging stove yesterday.

The hanging furnace is naturally impossible to be stolen. Feng Yifan asked Lin Ruifeng and Zhao Daxia to move the carts down, and he went to open the hanging furnace to take a closer look.

After confirming that there was no damage inside and outside the hanging furnace, Feng Yifan took out the small furnace in the hanging furnace first.

Then he started to light a small stove next to him, lit the prepared fruit trees, and soon a scent of fragrance wafted out.

When the fire was strong enough, Feng Yifan hoisted the small furnace into the hoisting furnace.

Put on the lid of the hanging furnace, call the apprentice over, and give the apprentice a serious explanation.

"Ruifeng, you are optimistic. There is a thermometer here. You can see the internal temperature of the furnace. Usually the baking temperature should be above 200 degrees. You can control the temperature by opening the window on the furnace to cool down the inside of the furnace. The small wood-burning stove is brought up first to cool down."

Explain carefully to the little apprentice, and teach him how to use the hanging furnace.

After almost removing all kinds of goods from the cart~www.novelhall.com~ Feng Yifan pushed the cart to the front of the booth, opened the two doors under the cart, and formed a circle around the booth. Become a culinary circle.

Feng Yifan watched when things were ready, stood in the circle and smiled happily and said, "Well, that\'s good. From now on, this will be the place for us to fight."

At this time, the temperature of the hanging furnace over there has risen rapidly, almost reaching 200 degrees.

Feng Yifan took out the pork belly prepared at home, hung it on an iron hook and put it in the hoisting furnace for roasting.

"Let’s first come to the char siu, because the char siu only needs 200 degrees to cook. Remember to put a piece of soaked paper on it to prevent the head from being burnt."

After putting it in the hoisting furnace, Feng Yifan opened the lower furnace port to prevent the internal temperature from rising further: "200 degrees, bake for 30 minutes."

Lin Ruifeng also took notes seriously on the side.

Some other stall owners came over and saw that the master and apprentice of Su Ji started to get busy after they arrived. They couldn\'t help but look forward to it. What exactly will Su Ji do?