
Chapter 961

hk949 Stinger, Gold Ore Secret!

Nanyue Nation, National Security Agency.

National Security Agency’s Bureau Chief Nguyen Hong is five years older than Chen Guang. Nguyen Hong also has some physical defects, which is more serious than Chen Guang’s baldness. Nguyen Hong is a one-eyed dragon.

When Nguyen Hong was young, he participated in the official combat operation and lost one eye. Since then, Nguyen Hong has worked hard to study Network Technology, human psychology, and black science, and eventually became the Bureau Chief of the National Security Agency.

Now, the National Security Agency’s Internal Network faces a powerful Hacker invasion, and Nguyen Hong is standing behind Chen Guang and asking about the situation. If the Hacker is too powerful, the National Security Agency law, Nguyen Hong can only choose to cut off the National Security Agency external network Physical ConNEC tion.

“Big Brother Hong|Kang, the current situation is not very good!” Chen Guang is a bit frustrated. “The power of the invaders is very strong. Our Defense System is under tremendous pressure. The Main Server’s computing resources are already suffering. I can’t stop, I have ordered four groups of standby servers to be enabled, and Remote Assistance System is also enabled.”

“Who is the other person?” Nguyen Hong asked cautiously.

In Chen Guang’s tone, with a gloomy, “Big Brother Hong|Kang, so far, we have no clues to investigate to any other identity, nor have we found the other party’s connection paddress, let alone the real paddress.”

Nguyen Hong has a shock on his face. He knows that Chen Guang has the strength of World Grade’s Hacker. If Chen Guang can’t find any clues, is the other party’s strength higher? [

“Old Chen, you mean the strength of the other side…” Nguyen Hong did not say it, there are other people around them. In the event that the news spread, the morale of the National Security Agency hit. It will be quite heavy.

The World Summit Grade’s Hacker seems to be more in the whole world. For Little Nation, the World Summit Grade Hacker is a legendary Myth.

Hacker also has Inheritance, and only a handful of Genius in Genius is likely to be self-taught. All the way to the World Summit Grade. This kind of person is very rare in the whole world.

Nanyue Nation’s Nation population denies the chances of Nanus Nation’s emergence of this Genius. Nanyue Nation has no external force to help their Hacker World, so Nanyue Nation does not have a World Summit Grade Hacker!

If the World Summit Grade Hacker invades the network of Nanyue Nation, Nanyue Nation can only rely on the huge number of people, plus the hardware “sex” in the face can fight against it. It is only possible to block the Hacker of World Summit Grade. otherwise. They have no chance at all to block the Hacker of World Summit Grade.

“Yes! From the other party’s form of invasion, I have broken it out, the situation is what you guessed.” Chen Guang in the heart has some sighs, he has reached the World Grade Hacker standard for a short time, but there has been no breakthrough through this Phase . The reason is exactly as stated Chen Guang has no idea how to break through, do not know which direction to work hard. I don’t know what technology to learn.

Today, facing a World Summit Grade Hacker, Chen Guang in the heart has both worries and excitement. The reason is because he is afraid of the Defense System of the Nanyue National Security Agency. This World Summit Grade Hacker can’t stop the secret data leaking. As for the reason for the excitement. It is a positive confrontation with a World Summit Grade Hacker. He is trying to learn a little about World Summit Grade Hacker from this confrontation!

Nguyen Hong’s face “color” has become a bit ugly, “Old Chen, can we block it? If we can’t stop it, cut off the Physical ConNEC tion with the Internet as soon as possible to ensure our confidential data Safety!”

Chen Guang thought for a while, but before he answered, he was a competent subordinate of the subordinate, loudly: “Chief Manager Chen, not good, not good, the attack strength of the attacker suddenly promoted, more than 900tflops !”

“What?” Chen Guang’s face “color” drastically changed, “900tflops! How is this possible, how is this possible!”

The amount of computing resources of 900tflops is really terrifying a little bit!

Nguyen Hong’s face is also quite unsightly, although Nguyen Hong’s technical strength is only the extent of Quasi Exceed Class. But he is also a First Generation Hacker, knowing a lot of Hacker World common sense.

For example, the Hacker that can call 900tflops is almost non-existent! Except for one case, it is the official Hacker. Only Critical’s Hacker makes it possible to call such a powerful resource.

Otherwise, even if it is the World Summit Grade Hacker, it is impossible to gather 900tflops resources. After all, even a World Summit Grade Hacker, all the Supercomputers of the Worldwide Top 10, can’t gather so much computing resources.

Black Supercomputer can’t be used on a large scale. For example, a Supercomputer with 200tflops, after the black come, the daily call is up to a hundred percent of the standard. Once this warning line is exceeded, it is very easy to find. [

Of course, if the daily workload of this Supercomputer does not occupy too much computing resources, then how to use it. However, how can an organization that generally owns a Large-scale Supercomputer spend huge sums of money to build a Large-scale toy?

This kind of thing is impossible at present. As for whether there is any in the future, please see the Supercomputer tnhe of Worldwide First, after spending a lot of money on manufacturing, how much is applied, it is really a big issue!

In all these cases, Nguyen Hong and Chen Guang of Nanyue National Security Agency can only think of Shi Lei as the ‘Official ‘Hacker of other Nation.

“Come on the network Physical ConNEC tion!” Nguyen Hong snorted.

Chen Guang looked at the computer screen and smiled. “Big Brother Hong|Kang, it’s too late, our Defense System has been torn by the other side!”

“Damn! So fast!” Nguyen Hong also expressed Nai, “Old Chen, since the other party has broken our Defense System, is it better to cut Physical ConNEC tion?”

“Big Brother Hong|Kang, you see here, the other party has placed Worm Virus in our Internal System. I am currently analyzing the Worm Virus Core and seeing what harms it is.” Chen Guang captured A Worm Virus prototype that is currently analyzed.

As a World Grade Hacker, Chen Guang is not even able to catch a Worm Virus.

When he began to analyze the hazards of the Worm Virus prototype, Chen Guang “exposed” a feeling of such a feeling, “Big Brother Hong|Kang, this Worm Virus has a network communication protocol, once it is connected to the Internet environment, It will automatically erupt, and it is the outbreak of Destroy.”

Nguyen Hong also knows the network communication protocol, which is some of the clever Hacker, all means. Nguyen Hong can’t make it, but Chen Guang can make it.

“Also in other words, can’t we disconnect the Internet now? Can we disconnect the main power supply and let all devices fail?” Nguyen Hong said with some uncertainty.

“Possible! Just how much damage we have to disconnect the main power supply? After Big Brother Hong|Kang, even though power failure, we also completely remove this Worm Virus.” Chen Guang analyzed.

“What do we do now?” Nguyen Hong has an advantage, that is, absolutely no pedestrians to guide insiders. It is a tragic mistake for laymen to guide insiders!

Chen Guang’s face “color” “lu” has a hesitant god “color”, “Big Brother Hong|Kang, we may have lost this time. We must now find ways to reduce our losses!”

“Is there any way?” Nguyen Hong is more calm. “As long as the Core Secret is not leaked, we can accept other losses.”

“So, I am in the heart is a bit of a bottom!” Chen Guang quickly tapped on the keyboard, “Big Brother Hong|Kang, don’t idle, come and help!”

Nguyen Hong opened an office chair and sat next to Chen Guang. According to Chen Guang’s instructions, he started working on the Worm Virus that appeared in the Internal Network.

Shi Lei’s Stinger Worm Virus has successfully entered the Nanyue National Security Agency Internal Network, and Shi Lei’s primary task for Stinger Worm Virus is not to destroy, but to find confidential data. As long as the International Network of Nanyue National Security Agency does not disconnect from the Internet, Stinger Worm Virus will not automatically erupt.

“Sr, Worm Virus hacked into the Second Level privacy space of the Nanyue National Security Agency Internal Network, and no significant information was found.” Izual prompted Shi Lei.

The Internal Network of Nanyue National Security Agency is also divided into Security Levels, and the corresponding authority can open the corresponding Security Level space. Stinger Worm Virus has now compromised First Level and Second Level privacy.

Izual will automatically extract the documents that are important and pass them to Shi Lei. Shi Lei will also manually filter them once. So far, Shi Lei has not found any documents of any significance.

‘Damn Nanyue Nation, on how you hide important documents, I will find the files you want to hide! ‘Shi Lei in the heart smirked.

Nanyue Nation, National Security Agency.

Chen Guang and Nguyen Hong defense attacked Shi Lei’s and cleaned up the Internal Network’s Worm Virus. They had a feeling of being too busy and couldn’t stop!

“Big Brother Hong|Kang, suffered, the other’s Worm Virus has broken the Second Level defense, we have to speed up!” Chen Guang prompts.

Nguyen Hong’s technical strength is not good, he said with a bitter smile : “Old Chen, can we block each other?”

Chen Guang didn’t mean that he could, and he didn’t say no, just started talking: “Big Brother Hong|Kang, don’t think too much, we will work hard now, or else the loss will be big!”

Jingya Garden.

Izual prompts again: “sr, Worm Virus enters the Third Level defense space and finds suspicious encrypted files, please check!”

Shi Lei immediately looks at the suspicious file, the title of the file is [Border Gold]…

(To be continued. If you like this work, you are welcome to come to the starting point, the monthly pass, your support, is my biggest motivation. Cell phone user please go to m to read.)

Ps: The monthly ticket and the reward are not, can the ticket have Right?

〖∷update fast ∷: pure text ∷ 〗