
Chapter 960

hk948 deep invasion!

On June 4, at 0 am; Nanyue Nation, National Security Agency, Internal Network.

Shi Lei uses the ‘relieving a besieged ally by attacking the home base of the besiegers’ approach, attack Nanyue Nation’s National Security Agency Internal Network, the power of the original attack Dream Entertainment Main Server Supercomputer Origin, Nanyue Nation Cyber ​​Security, All attracted back.

Originally Dream Media’s Main Server, Supercomputer Origin, with a computing resources attack of almost 500tflops, this level of attack, wnMiwang has been under a lot of pressure.

Fortunately, such a huge amount of attack is also provided by distributed computing resources. Otherwise, wnMiwang definitely can’t stop!

Shi Lei, with one person, blacked out the OffiCIA l Website of Nanyue National Security Agency, posing a temptation to attack the National Security Agency’s Internal Network.

After the return of Cyber ​​Security personnel of Nanyue Nation, Shi Lei still has no opportunity. Even if many Cyber ​​Security Specialists of Nanyue Nation return, Shi Lei is not afraid.

Nanyue Nation’s Cyber ​​Security Specialist did return to the country and invested in protecting the National Security Agency’s Internal Network. As a result, the National Security Agency’s Internal Network, the defense force has been promoted a lot, and Shi Lei has to face more Safety Defensive Power, as if it seems rough, Shi Lei wants to invade the National Security Agency Internal Network more difficult. .

In fact, this kind of situation has also existed for Shi Lei. Standing in Shi Lei’s perspective, the Kenya Security Specialist of Nanyue Nation returned to the National Security Agency’s Internal Network, and Dream Entertainment’s Main Server Supercomputer Origin got relief. Thus, wnMiwang’s computing resources are freed, and Shi Lei can call wnMiwang computing resources. Attack the Internal Network of the Nanyue Nation National Security Agency. [

Overall, Dream Entertainment and Nanyue Nation Cyber ​​Security Specialist are basically at the same starting point, but Shi Lei has saved Supercomputer Origin!

Jingya Garden.

Shi Lei puts his hands on the keyboard and quickly types the line source code. Shi Lei currently analyzes the flaw of the Nanyue National Security Agency Internal Network. Izual currently controls the safety of the entire Mirror Science and Technology system, wnMiwang runs at high speed, and the temporary method provides more assistance to Shi Lei. Izual also needs to be adjusted for a while. Only then can wnMiwang’s resources be integrated.

Izual’s “sex” can be subject to hardware “restriction”, Supercomputer Origin only has the calculation speed of 10tflops. If mCompany’s latest ‘gift’ Dream Entertainment that design theory calculates the speed of 320tflops Supercomputer assembly acccomplish, handed over to Izual control, then Shi Lei does not have to worry about what Main Server is Nanyue Nation attack!

It’s a pity that the Supercomputer, which is designed to calculate the speed of 320tflops, is temporarily put into service. According to mCompany’s estimate, this Supercomputer also needs June twenty days to assemble accomplish.

The assembly location chosen by Shi Lei was placed at Li Jian Nation. And just put in the mCompany Headquarters, 300tflops computing speed seems to be a lot at the moment, but Shi Lei knows the future development, this calculation speed is nothing at all in the future, also called Li Jian Nation domain.

Furthermore, Shi Lei attempts to adopt this approach. To show an attitude to the Xia Nation executives, that is, Xia Nation. If there is any unfairness to Dream Entertainment and Mirror Science and Technology, Mirror Science and Technology will not hang on the tree Xia Nation!

“Izual, what is the occupancy of wnMiwang?” Shi Lei asked Izual while typing source code information. About wnMiwang’s information.

Izual quickly answered Shi Lei, “sr.wnMiwang has integrated accomplish, idle computing resources, and has 980tflops in total, and System can be called at any time.”

Shi Lei 『露』 has a cold smile, “Izual, ready for wnMiwang all idle computing resources, will do the Defense System’s Security Level promoted to the highest, we have to play with Nanyue Nation’s National Security Agency!”

“yes, sr!” Izual responded to Shi Lei.

Shi Lei took the coffee cup on the computer desk with his right hand, and after taking a significant drink, he said to himself: “Nanyue Nation, I don’t believe, you don’t have any secrets!”

Nanyue National Security Agency, as a Nation intelligence agency, Shi Lei is sure that their Internal Network must have any confidential information. Shi Lei wants to use the power of wnMiwang to let Izual cooperate with him to break through the internal network defense of Nanyue National Security Agency, in which to find the information content needed.

Currently, Nanyue Nation’s Cyber ​​Security Specialist is fully protected by the Nanyue National Security Agency. Shi Lei wants to breakthrough defense. It is more or less difficult.

“Izual, a collection of wnMiwang’s computing resources, sent a deception to the Nanyue National Security Agency.” Shi Lei ordered Izual. The so-called phishing information, precisely as stated wnMiwang pretend to be a normal random network scanning test, although this is also a malicious query, most Defense System, will not pay attention to random network scanning heuristics. [

Izual, according to the Shi Lei’s command, began sending random network scans to the Internal Network of the Nanyue National Security Agency. As Shi Lei predicted, the Internal Network Defense System of Nanyue National Security Agency did not respond at all to random network scanning.

“Very good!” Shi Lei saw Izual’s temptation feedback. He immediately controlled wnMiwang’s computing resources and conducted a large-scale trial scan of the Nanose National Security Agency’s Internal Network.

As the Shi Lei’s scan progressed, the Internal Network of the Nanyue National Security Agency became slow. Its Defense System started automatically retriking the slow cause of the system.

The Nanyue Nation Security SpeCIA list, which was retired from Xia Nation, cautiously found the abnormality of the random network scan. Under normal circumstances, the frequency of random network scanning is very low. After all, the entire Internet is so large. Where can the Nunyue National Security Agency’s Internal Network be scanned frequently?

Nanyue Nation’s Cyber ​​Security Specialist, started investigate anomalous random network scanning frequency. They quickly determined. Nanyue National Security Agency’s Internal Network, which was under attack. then. The Cyber ​​Security Specialists of Nanyue Nation are waiting for the Shi Lei invasion.

“sr, random network scans have been discovered by the other party.” Izual prompts Shi Lei.

Shi Lei’s ten fingers on the keyboard, enter the last line source code, and then press the enter button, the source code just written, Izual verification. Izual quickly validated the accent and gave Shi Lei feedback information.

“sr. source code verified, is it implement source code?” Izual asked Shi Lei’s final command.

Shi Lei smiled nodded, “implement source code !”

About Worm Virus, Nanyue Nation’s Second Generation Hacker Organization, Star of Annam’s Leader Big Pineapple is a World Grade Specialist, and Shi Lei is not bad! Shi Lei also has a deep research on Worm Virus and may not have reached the standard of World Summit Grade. Can be absolutely not bad.

Big Pineapple can create a Worm Virus to deal with Xia Nation’s network. Shi Lei can also naturally manufacture Worm Virus, Shi Lei’s Worm Virus, which is no more than the color of the Big Pineapple.

The only thing worth pity, accurately as stated Nanyue Nation is not the same as Big Penguin Company, want to open the Worm Virus Express Extension. Shi Lei can’t learn from Big Pineapple’s solution.

Fortunately, the Worm Virus manufactured by Shi Lei is not prepared for large-scale extensions, but only for Nanyue National Security Agency. Worm Virus is not only highly infectious, but also has a high degree of penetration.

Worm Virus named “Stinger” by Shi Lei. With a very high penetration, Shi Lei has spent a lot of time. Created ‘Stinger’ to facilitate the internal network used to penetrate the high defense and destroy the data of the Internal Network.

‘Worm Virus is not my strength, but definitely not my weakness! ‘Shi Lei Looking at the screen of Number One Server, Izual currently injected source code into the Internal Network of Nanyue National Security Agency.

Stinger eroded the Internal Network of the Nanyue National Security Agency, but it was temporarily unsuccessful. The internal Network Defense of the other party was too high. Shi Lei was on the side of the conditions for Stinger Create. He ripped open the internal network defense of Nanyue National Security Agency. It’s just a small gap, enough to get Stinger in.

Stinger also entered the National Network of the Nanyue National Security Agency!

Nanyue Nation, National Security Agency. Location, confidentiality.

In a mysterious Underground Base, the Cyber ​​Security Specialists of Nanyue Nation are currently dealing with Shi Lei’s attack. One of the bald glasses is middle-aged, bare on the forehead, and densely covered with cold sweat.

The middle-aged boy, named Guang Guang, is the Chief Technician of the Nanyue National Security Agency and one of the few First Generation Hackers of Nanyue Nation, but turned into the Security SpeCIA list.

Chen Guang Forty-seven years old this year, baldness is just because of too tired to cause premature aging!

At this moment, Chen Guang was nervously watching the computer screen, and there was a shouting next to him: “Chief Manager Chen, the pressure we have continued to increase, has reached the 300tflops calculation amount of attack.”

Chen Guang is a Chief Technician at the Nanyue National Security Agency and is not married because Forty-seven is old. Therefore, the colleagues of the National Security Agency, dubbed Chief Manager Chen, mean the eunuch supervisor of the court.

For this kind of teasing, Chen Guang is also not pissed. Chen Guang’s temper is notoriously good, but there is no woman. Perhaps because Chen Guang put too much experience on Hacker’s offensive and defensive knowledge, let Chen Guang ignore other things. It is for this reason that Chen Guang’s technology has reached World Grade!

“Chief Manager Chen, the other party’s defense is still promoted, we are currently tracking the opponent’s attack origin, but we can’t find any paddress for the time being. The other party’s connection paddress also does the protection work!”

The Bureau Chief of Nanyue National Security Agency, named Nguyen Hong, is also the First Generation Hacker, except that the technical aspect is a little weaker, only to the extent of the Quasi Exceed Class. Nguyen Hong is in the Hacker technology aspect, and there is no Chen Guang. But Nguyen Hong has done a little better than Chen Guang, that is, Nguyen Hong is good at employing people.

It’s definitely not difficult to do things that you can’t. As long as you can find the person who is meeting, and use this person well, you can solve the issue!

“Old Chen, is the current situation good for us?” Nguyen Hong asked quietly.

(To be continued. If you like this work, you are welcome to come to the starting point, the monthly pass, your support, is my biggest motivation. Cell phone user please go to m to read.)

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