
Chapter 958

hk946 Worm Virus spread, Big Penguin shot!

Worm Virus is a very evil Computer Virus, which spreads in the Internet and causes losses that are immeasurable. The savvy Worm Virus will continue to mutate.

Just because Worm Virus is mutating, Internet Love’s ‘Love-Worm Virus’ and ‘Resume’ appeared six or seven years ago and are still active in Internet World. Even in the 2013 year, these two stubborn Worm Viruses are still active in Internet World and play their role.

Nanyue Nation’s Second Generation Hacker Organization Star of Annam, its Leader Big Pineapple, is a Worm Virus Specialist!

In the secret room of Nanyue Nation, Big Pineapple copied the lethal card from the u disk. That’s the Big Pineapple that took more than two years to prepare for Worm Virus.

This kind of Worm Virus, named by Big Pineapple: ‘blo’, has a very high degree of contagiousness and has a very intelligent way of mutation, unless Big Pineapple removes Worm Virus’s Core defense and asks Worm Virus to self. delete. Otherwise, it is difficult for external forces to clear the bloWorm Virus that is spread on the Internet.

The word ‘blo’ is similar to ‘Big Pineapple’, it is a very popular game, Big Pineapple chooses to name it, except for the similar relationship of transliteration, and he also likes this game of blo. .

Worm Virus Specialist’s wretched uncle Big Pineapple, with a glass cover of the same thickness as the beer, stared at the Notebook Computer’s Monitor, and he showed a wretched smile.

“Xia Nation. Hacker Union, you are ready to try my best!” Big Pineapple’s voice. With a cold, “Although our Hacker World of Nanyue Nation, without the power of your Xia Nation, but our Nanyue Nation can not be underestimated.”

For the Nanyue Nation Northern Combat Command, the occupation of Xia Nation AIRE n Island was destroyed, and the information of Fei Lu Nation’s Nine No. 10 military naval vessel in AIRE N Island was destroyed. Big Pineapple is not guessed. It is Hacker. for. The relationship between Nanyue Nation and Fei Lu Nation is not bad. Both Nations have the same Big Shot.

AIRE n Island was occupied by Fei Lu Nation, not because of how good AIRE n Island is, or how rich the resources of the property, but what Li Jian Nation Big Shot requires.

If you don’t have Li Jian Nation Big Shot behind, Nanyue Nation and Fei Lu Nation don’t dare to fight against Xia Nation Old Big Bro!

Is it true that the truth is still at this level?

Xia Nation, Fei Lu Nation, and Hanyue Nation’s Hacker World have started. The truth has become unimportant, and the important thing is the confrontation of strength. The big fist is Uncle, and it’s the winner! As for the loser, there are no qualifications to say any reason and excuses!

History, written by the winner!

Big Pineapple On the Notebook Computer, make the final settings for bloWorm Virus. Including the attack target, the attack method, and so on. bloWorm Virus’s attack target filter mode takes a dual mode decision. The first way to determine is that bloVirus will first determine the local paddress of the infected computer, and thus the corresponding country of the user according to paddress.

If it is a paddress of the Xia Nation area. Worm Virus will break out and destroy Computer System files. Will also destroy the user’s data information, the basic purpose of bloWorm Virus, exactly as stated will destroy the user’s entire Computer System, ruined, thoroughly repair.

In addition to the paddress determine country, the bloWorm Virus’s Second method of determination, reference to the ‘red color’ code ‘Worm Virus’. When the computer is infected with bloWorm Virus, bloWorm Virus will automatically determine the system default language of the computer.

If the computer’s System default language, Xia Nation simplified, Xia Nation traditional, then bloWorm Virus, will quickly infect the computer, waiting for the user to trigger Virus, waiting for the computer to completely destroy.

Star of Annam’s Leader Big Pineapple, right hand Levitate above the enter key of the notebook keyboard, once he presses, bloWorm Virus will automatically enter the Internet, and enter the Xia Nation’s Internet area according to the predetermined address.

The source of the Big Pineapple selection is very clever. First, the distribution channel, he bloWorm Virus is mounted in Xia Nation’s famous Instant Messaging Application Big Penguin user system. Big Penguin Company’s defense is very strong, can Big Penguin Company be no longer, and it is impossible to protect every user’s Safety Right?

Big Pineapple is not an official copy of Big Penguin Company’s Official Server, but is applied to become a user of Big Penguin Company, then apply to enter some of the groups created by users themselves, and then spread bloWorm Virus into the space of QQ|Penguin group.

bloWorm Virus will propagate autonomously within the QQ|Penguin group, infecting the computer of each group member through the group member association of the QQ|Penguin group. Then use the computer of these group members to infect the other group spaces corresponding to each group member, and the friends of each group member. Then, based on the friends of each group member, infect friends’ friends, and so on. With Big Penguin Company’s huge user group, bloWorm Virus will spread through most of Xia Nation’s network in a very fast time. .

To be on the safe side, Big Pineapple has also added other means of communication, which is disguised as a software that netizens are interested in, tricking netizens into downloading the bloWorm Virus program themselves. [

Big Pineapple disguised bloWorm Virus software as a ‘sneak peek’ software, which can be used to sneak a peek at the QQ|Penguin software friend’s camera through this software.

This kind of software did exist in the 2007 year. Some Shithead people who don’t know the truth can easily get the trapof Big Pineapple, or they are killed by their own in the heart. Installed the so-called voyeur software, which is actually bloWorm Virus.

Once bloWorm Virus is installed, attempting to peek at QQ|Penguin friends through bloWorm Virus, then bloWorm Virus will infect QQ|Penguin friends by chance. Thus, like the First infection method, the rest of the computer EQ uipment is quickly infected by QQ|Penguin software.

bloWorm Virus mainly relies on QQ|Penguin software to spread. But it is not to say that bloWorm Virus can only be transmitted by QQ|Penguin software. bloWorm Virus can also rely on Email, as well as some social network propagation.

For example, blogs, network chat rooms, or Forums can be the channels of bloWorm Virus. A computer user infected with bloWorm Virus, if I browsed a blog and replied. Then bloWorm Virus will follow the user to enter the blog and stay on the blog.

The rest of the computer users who are not infected with bloWorm Virus will be affected by bloWorm Virus if they also browse the blog infected with bloWorm Virus.

In a variety of ways, Big Pineapple’s bloWorm Virus will be in a few hours. Infecting a lot of computer users, causing very serious consequences.

On June 3, it was close to the early morning.

Xia Nation, Nanyue Nation, Fei Lu Nation, and three Nation’s Hacker World are almost reached, mainly Xia Nation Hacker World, and need to face both Nanyue Nation and Fei Lu Nation. Two Nation’s Hacker World, and also the power of the Cyber ​​Security Department of both countries.

Nanyue Nation Second Generation Hacker Organization Star of Annam’s Leader, Big Pineapple’s Worm Virus blo, after more than two hours of continuous spread, has infected more than 10 Million computer EQ uipment.

This is a very exaggerated data. In less than three hours, it has infected more than 10 Million computer EQ uipment. Once this 10 Million desk computer EQ uipment. What are the serious consequences of being hit by Destroy?

Perhaps the Ordinary people don’t care about the loss of data. However, for enterprise users, or “Government” users, the important “sex” of data far exceeds the value of computer hardware itself.

Jingya Garden.

Shi Lei doesn’t care about Hacker War on the Internet. He is concerned about the flight path of five The Steel and Iron. Five of The Steel and Iron ship five N235 Metals, each with a powerful plastic bombing on top of The Steel and Iron. What happened to The Steel and Iron, which led to the timely and accurate arrival of Shuangqing City, which was enough to blow up The Steel and Iron into slag, thus destroying the data on N235 Metal.

“Izual, five The Steel and Iron, how long is it expected to arrive in Shuangqing City?” Shi Lei once again asked Izual, this issue, Shi Lei has asked many times.

Izual will pay for the specific time, all forget about it. “Sr, Steel and Iron Number One, will arrive in four hours; Steel and Iron No. 2, expected to land after four hours and seventeen minutes; The Steel and Iron No. 3 to Steel and Iron No. 5, around Four hours and three 12 points to around four hours and thirty-nine minutes.”

The five The Steel and Iron took different flight routes, so the arrival time was different. If there is any accident in the middle, Izual will temporarily change the flight direction.

“sr, on the Internet, retrieve to an unknown Worm Virus, do you capture it?” Izual prompts Shi Lei, interrupting Shi Lei and continuing to ask about the Steel and Iron and N235 Metal.

“Hey?” Shi Lei was a little surprised. “Unknown Worm Virus, is it a variant? Izual, capture the unknown Worm Virus and place it in the Sandbox Environment for research!”

“yes, sr!” Izual responded to Shi Lei.

After a while, Izual successfully captured the unknown Worm Virus, which is the bloWorm Virus released by Big Pineapple. Izual followed Shi Lei’s command to implement the bloWorm Virus into the Sandbox Environment for exhaustive infection analysis in a variety of situations.

Izual adjusts the mode of the Sandbox Environment, let bloWorm Virus enter the Sandbox Environment, and see what bloWorm Virus will cause.

After more than ten minutes of analysis, Izual gave Shi Lei the answer, “sr, has extracted the Core Signature Code of unknown Worm Virus, which will infect Computer System, destroy computer storage data, and force modify computer Hard Disk data to drive The damage to the Hard Disk has been reached. System has automatically adjusted the defense mode, wnMiwang user, Brave’s World City Supported Server Cluster, which will all immunize the unknown Worm Virus.”

“Izual, tracking the Internet, how many unknown Worm Virus infection origins, follow the Core Signature Code to track!” Shi Lei issued the order again.

(To be continued. If you like this work, you are welcome to come to the starting point, the monthly pass, your support, is my biggest motivation. Cell phone user please go to m to read.)

Ps: Big Brother Ma: Dare you not to black me?

〖∷update fast ∷: pure text ∷ 〗