
Chapter 957

WS945 fierce and tough’s Worm Virus!

Before Shi Lei plan Nanyue Nation, Fei Lu Nation and Xia Nation, they created a dispute between the three countries in an attempt to divert Nanyue Nation’s attention from Meishan Island. This plan implement was very successful, and Nanyue Nation not only explained to ‘Comrade-In-Arms ‘Fei Lu Nation, but also faced pressure from Xia Nation.

In the network, three Nation’s Hacker World are ready for the Cyber ​​War. Fei Lu Nation’s Hacker World took the lead to Xia Nation, and Xia Nation’s Hacker World slammed back, leaving Fei Lu Nation unbearable.

At this critical juncture, Hacker World of Nanyue Nation suddenly entered the battle. However, after Nanousue Nation entered the battle, he directly went to Dream Entertainment Company in an attempt to win the Dream Entertainment Company’s network service.

Shi Lei in the heart thought that Nanyue Nation had broken his identity and was ready to retaliate against him. However, after Izual analyzed the offensive information of Nanyue Nation, Shi Lei denied this answer.

Nanyue Nation’s attack on Dream Entertainment Company, although very strong, is not the extent of Crazy!

If Nanyue Nation sees his identity, I am afraid I will do my best to attack Dream Entertainment, letting Shi Lei understand why the flowers are so red. Since Nanyue Nation has no life, it is a coincidence.

‘Coincidence? Why is Nanyue Nation attacking Dream Entertainment’s network? ‘Shi Lei thinks secretly.

After thinking for a few minutes, Shi Lei thought of a possible “sex”. Perhaps the Dream Entertainment Company tree Big Move wind has become a striking option among the Four Great network. [

‘Damn, isn’t the guy at Nanyue Nation wanting to steal the technology of Dream Entertainment Company? ‘Shi Lei thought depressed. Among the Four Great networks. The Large-scale Business Company Internal Network is also an intrusion object that Hackers love.

Invaded the Internal Network of Large-scale Business Company. If something is discovered, it may be a blackmail. Moreover, the Large-scale Business Company’s Internal Network, Safety Defensive Power, although very powerful, but those Security SpeCIA list, most will not chase after the fight, as long as Hacker escapes, they will not bother to chase.

This time. Nanyue Nation’s Hacker World, indeed, as Shi Lei guessed, made Dream Entertainment the primary target. This is not a good bullying for Dream Entertainment Company, but a great reputation for Dream Entertainment Company.

Dream Entertainment Company is currently well known throughout the world!

Dream Entertainment Company is so famous for a number of reasons. First, Dream Entertainment Company, developed and operated a full World First fashion game. Although First Generation is a “sports” platform. “Fucking” is not very good, but Brave’s World has a very large gravity for Gamer.

Second, Brave’s World, First Period Martial World Struggle for Power Competition, operated by Dream Entertainment Company, created the highest record for e-sports bonuses. First Place received the 3 Million US Dollar bonus, this thing. Let Top World’s Top Level eSports Gamer all go to Brave’s World. As this batch of Gamer enters Brave’s World, they will surely drive more people into the Brave’s World family.

Third, Dream Entertainment Company acquired mCompany and instantly became famous in the whole world. As a game developer. Dream Entertainment Company has reversed the acquisition of upstream hardware manufacturers. mCompany is not only a central processor manufacturer, but also a manufacturer of Graphical Graphics Card devices.

So come. Dream Entertainment Company’s integration from upstream to downstream significantly promoted its ability to resist risks and complemented the industry chain to complement its own products.

The Graphical display EQ uipment card produced by mCompany can be optimized for games developed by Dream Entertainment Company and vice versa. This kind of “sex” means, as long as Dream Entertainment Company’s game development can touch people’s hearts, then mCompany’s Graphical display EQ uipment card, can’t sell it?

Together with Brave’s World, as a game of World First, it brings a huge amount of popularity to the Dream Entertainment Company. For a variety of reasons, Dream Entertainment Company is already a Large-scale Business Company and a successful Business Company. It is one of the best in its kind!

It is for these reasons that Dream Entertainment Company became the target of Nanyue Nation Hacker World, and Nanyue Nation Hacker World attempted to defeat Dream Entertainment Company, destroying the image of Dream Entertainment Company erected throughout the world.

It’s a pity that Hacker World of Nanyue Nation, I don’t know how powerful the Dream Entertainment Company’s Defense System is!

Shi Lei quickly typed in multiple lines of source code, let Izual verify the implement. When Izual implemented the source code, the Security Entertainment System of the Dream Entertainment Company system, that is, the Defense System, the priority promoted to the highest, origin in Nanyue Nation. Invasion, the fundamental law into the Dream Entertainment Company.

‘Nanyue Nation’s clown, with your junk technology, wants to capture Dream Entertainment? ‘Shi Lei in the heart.

Nanyue Nation’s Hacker World army, the intrusive computing resources exceeded 300tflops, such a huge amount of computing resources, still did not cause Dream Entertainment Company’s defense crash. [

The organization’s attack on the Nanyue Nation Second Generation Hacker Organization Star of Annam only felt the collapse. Star of Annam is the only Second Generation Hacker Organization of Nanyue Nation, which is naturally the leader of the Nanyue Nation Hacker army.

As for the First Generation Hacker Organization of Nanyue Nation? According to Shi Lei’s, the total number of First Generation Hackers of Nanyue Nation is very limited. Both hands can count, more than half of them work for Nation, and the network that Defense Nation focuses on protects. How do they get away?

Star of Annam’s Leader, the name on the Internet is ‘Big Pineapple’, I don’t know the name, is it because Nanyue Nation is rich in pineapple?

Big Pineapple led the Hanker army of Nanyue Nation and was blocked by Dream Entertainment’s Defense System, which made Big Pineapple very faceless. Big Pineapple’s technology is very good, even with the Black Blade, looming to the standard of World Exceed Class.

Not only that, Big Pineapple is in the Worm Virus aspect, and the technology is at the level of World Summit. Big Pineapple is very good at making Worm Virus, and his Worm Virus has almost no way to crack it.

Worm Virus is a very dangerous “Virus”. It is not the same as Ordinary Virus. Ordinary’s Computer Virus needs to run the rest of the program to spread infection. If there is no host program, most of the computer Virus runs at all. However, Worm Virus is not needed!

Worm Virus is a program of its own, it likes to copy itself, and then spread out through the network, thus expanding the amount of infection. Although Worm Virus is very harmful, Worm Virus is not harmful to a person who is not good at learning.

Star of Annam’s Big Pineapple is Worm Virus’s Specialist, and the Worm Virus he created will definitely cause a lot of damage. Well-known Worm Virus, after erupting on the Internet, often brings great economic losses.

For example, in 1999 year, Worm Virus, code-named ‘Beautiful Killer’, destroyed the network of the numerous “Government” department and forced some companies to close the network. This disaster, in the era of 1999, caused more than 12 billion US Dollar losses.

The following year, 2000 is a millennium.

Internet World Historically, Worm Virus has caused the greatest loss of a disaster. 2000 5 first appeared in the month, and the outbreak of ‘Love-Worm Virus’ led to countless users being infected, and the direct economic loss exceeded the Ten Billion US Dollar!

One year after the millennium, a Worm Virus named ‘Red Color’ code, on the Internet, formerly caused the Internet to smash, the direct loss is countless.

Developers of the ‘Red Color’ code also have technical discrimination against the Xia Nation and Treasure Island Province regions. The computer user in the non-Xia Nation and Treasure Island areas is infected with the ‘red color’ code. After the ‘red color’ code ‘determine’, the ‘red’ color code ‘Virus’ is not infected, ‘red color’ The code ‘Virus’ will automatically create three hundred malicious threads.

If the red color code determines, and the computer’s default language is Xia Nation, the malicious thread will suddenly increase to six hundred. After the creation of the red color code Worm Virus, it will rely on each Worm Virus thread to destination with a randomly assigned paddress, thus passing the Worm Virus thread to the corresponding paddress in 100 milliseconds. Send a Virus infection data package close to 4m.

With such a huge data business, it’s no wonder that the Internet is almost at a risk of crashing!

In the 12 month of 2001, the most famous ‘Resume’ in Worm Virus appeared and continues to appear. Resume’s Worm Virus caused a loss of several Ten Billion US Dollars.

This shows that the harm of Worm Virus is very huge!

Nanyue Nation’s Second Generation Hacker Organization Star of Annam, Leader Big Pine apple is the World Top Level Worm Virus maker. Nanyue Nation’s Hacker army, can not attack the Dream Entertainment Company’s defense, Big Pineapple finally can not help but shot.

The advantage of Big Pineapple is Worm Virus!

In a quiet room, Big Pineapple inserts a u disk into the usb interface of Notebook Computer. The u disk is quickly read. Big Pineapple uses an external mouse to copy one of the files. The Notebook Computer above.

Big Pineapple is a middle-aged uncle that looks a bit cumbersome. He wears the same thick glasses as the beer cover. When the file is copied, the Big Pineapple reveals a strange smile, then double-clicks to open the file. .

This one file, exactly as stated Big Pineapple, was previously researched by Worm Virus. This Worm Virus is much more powerful than Ordinary’s Worm Virus, especially the highly contagious “sex”, far from the Ordinary Worm Virus.

This is the Big Pineapple, the back hand of the Worm Virus Specialist…

(To be continued. If you like this work, you are welcome to come to the starting point, the monthly pass, your support, is my biggest motivation. Cell phone user please go to m to read.)

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