
Chapter 932

hk920 iron proof as solid as a mountain , Shi Lei sophistry !

Shuangqing City, Beiyu District, Police Department Headquarters, Bureau Chief Office.

Jia Zhengchun looked at Shi Lei with a sullen face. He didn’t believe what Shi Lei said. This is not Shi Lei. It seems that it is like saying a lie, but in the hands of Jia Zhengchun, it is very precise. evidence.

“Shi Lei, do you know the law of our country?” Jia Zhengchun did not refute Shi Lei, but instead converted a method, and Hope can let Shi Lei admit it.

Shi Lei in the heart Sneer, Xia Nation’s law? Is it ‘satisfying from the wide, sitting on the bottom; resisting strictness, going home for the New Year. ‘

“I don’t know!” Shi Lei shook his head directly and said that he was a blind man and didn’t understand law at all.

Looking at Shi Lei’s performance, Bai Qiang almost laughed!

Bai Qiang and Shi Lei are also old-fashioned. After a period of contact, Bai Qiang certainly knows what kind of person Shi Lei is. If Shi Lei is law blind, is there still a legal blindness?

‘Jia Zhengchun This old thing, hey, dare to let Old Zhong clamp me up, let him and Shi Lei have a good deal, feel Shi Lei’s difficult! ‘Bai Qiang in the heart, thinking about it.

Shi Lei is a headache in the Pocket Force world of Shuangqing City. This is not a good relationship between Shi Lei and Bai Qiang, but it has caused Bai Qiang to engage in malpractice and deliberately shield Shi Lei’s mistakes. Instead, Shi Lei’s means are very clever, so that the Elites in the Police Force community can’t grasp Shi Lei’s handle. [

Even if Shi Lei left some evidence, then the evidence is definitely not an ironclad evidence. The law plays a key role in “sex” and the law forms a chain of evidence.

In the recent unsettled case of a series of Shuangqing City Police Force, it is only necessary to find Shi Lei. Because they are almost all related to Shi Lei, but unfortunately there is no evidence.

Bai Qiang took the tea cup in front of him and took a significant drink to suppress the inexplicable mood, so as not to accidentally laugh.

Jia Zhengchun stared at Shi Lei and explained: “Shi Lei, I will tell you first, our law of Nation, if it involves the incident of personnel casualties, the relevant suspect personnel will be tightly controlled by Police. In addition, once the suspect personnel is confirmed Exactly as stated, the highest sentence is the death penalty.”

Shi Lei pretends to reveal a “flaw” of fear.

Jia Zhengchun is very satisfied with Shi Lei’s expression. He doesn’t know Shi Lei. He thinks that he really scares Shi Lei. He continues to start talking: “But we have a law rule, Nine self-sufficient personnel, can get the corresponding Crime relief. For example, the death penalty can be reduced to imprisonment, while the prison term is good in prison, it can be reduced to a twenty year of imprisonment; if the performance in prison is very positive, the sentence of the sentence can be reduced to fifteen years, or It’s ten years; then further lower the penalty, it’s possible that after a few years, it will be released.”

Shi Lei exaggerated the expression of the horror of the god “color”, “What? Our law is so dark? Even the death penalty can be converted into a few years in prison?” He looked innocent, as if he really did not know, Let Jia Zhengchun be very depressed.

Bai Qiang is looking at the cramps on the side, Xie Nanfeng is indifferent, in the heart, laughing at the secret thought: ‘Idiot,Elderly Jia Ghost is not so good, so I will have a good look! ‘

Jia Zhengchun’s corner of the mouth twitched, wrinkled face with a hint of anger, “Major Shi, I see you are If you haven’t seen the coffin, then you can’t shed tears !”

Shi Lei still stupidly said: “What is you haven’t seen the coffin, then you can’t shed tears ?”

“Hēng!” Jia Zhengchun has been completely confirmed, Shi Lei is playing with him, his right hand is erected, gestures behind the assistant, and takes out the prepared data.

“Shi Lei, look at it yourself!” Jia Zhengchun threw a stack of photos on the coffee table, and no longer called Shi Lei “Major Shi,” apparently the rhythm of turning his face.

Shi Lei took the stack of photos with great interest. First Zhang is a mountain bike. On the mountain bike, there are some hole marks. It is a mountain bike abandoned by Shi Lei and Jianshuang.

The next dozen photos, all of which are photos of the shoe prints, and some data records of the shoe prints, Shi Lei smiled and looked at the photos, and the face “color” did not change at all.

Shi Lei’s expression is completely beyond the expectations of Jia Zhengchun. He originally thought that Shi Lei’s face color would change at least. Shi Lei looked at the photos as if they were watching the scenery. There was no tension or a surprised expression. . [

“Hey, this place is good!” Shi Lei pointed to the photo, he and the sword double yesterday hidden near the ficus vIRE ns, the huge ficus vIRE ns. “These ficus vIRE ns, I like it very much!”

Jia Zhengchun is too lazy to answer Shi Lei, just coldly snorted and said: “Continue!”

In the latter photo, there were eleven body corpses, including four ambushers at the Dragon Rise’ Plan First Division, e135 police Helicopter drivers, and six fully armed Special-type fighters. And, there are more than twenty, e135 police with Helicopter crashed photos.

Shi Lei said with a smile : “Who are these guys? How are all dead and upturned? Did they meet the Drug Lord? I heard that the recent drug trafficker of Shuangqing City is quite awkward!”

“impudent!” Jia Zhengchun looked at Shi Lei angrily. He didn’t think that Shi Lei was so sloppy, it was a hippie smile, and there was no formality!

“Shi Lei, the shoe print in the photo, one of the shoe prints is exactly the same size as your shoe print. Can you dare to admit it?” Jia Zhengchun asked.

Shi Lei didn’t nod, didn’t shake his head, and kept silent.

“啪啪pā~” Jia Zhengchun patted the palm of his hand. Outside the Bureau Chief Office, two Police Forces who had just gone to Shi Lei’s residence came in. They had a large white paper in their hand and a pair of shoes on it. .

Jia Zhengchun explained: “Shi Lei, this is the latest shoe print we collected when you got out of the elevator. After a period of careful comparison, your shoe prints and the shoe prints in the photo, completely Consistent. What other arguments do you have?”

Shi Lei looked like a stupid, silly looking at Jia Zhengchun, as if by the evidence of the other side, Jia Zhengchun laughed loudly, as if he had won.

Only Bai Qiang looked at Shi Lei with ease and he knew that Shi Lei had a backhand.

“Mr. Elderly Jia, you collected my shoe prints, just to compare, is my shoe print consistent with the photos? Now the comparison results are coming out. My shoe prints are exactly the same as the photos. I would like to ask this. What did you explain?” Shi Lei asked.

Jia Zhengchun did not speak, Xie Nanfeng said to him: “This shows that you have been to the crime scene!”

“Oh, a shoe print, I decided to come out, I have been to the crime scene? Mayor Xie, is there any other evidence?” Shi Lei hēi hēi said with a smile: “If you make such an arbitrary judgment, can I argue? , saying that someone else deliberately collected my shoe prints, and then planted it?”

Shi Lei glanced at the two Police Forces belonging to Jia Zhengchun and sneered: “After all, collecting a person’s shoe print is a very simple matter. As you collect my shoe prints, I don’t know when it happened. Things!”

In fact, Shi Lei knows!

When entering the elevator, Shi Lei was keenly aware that there was an issue inside the elevator and some powder on the ground. When it came out of the elevator, Shi Lei noticed that there were some issues on the floor and the powder on the floor inside the elevator, along with his footsteps. On the floor of the floor, a perfect shoe print was printed.

Shi Lei just pretends to be ignorant, and in turn uses this to refute Jia Zhengchun’s theory.

Jia Zhengchun’s face is very ugly, and the skin is like a dead old tree pole. Shi Lei retorts it very hard. They can easily get Shi Lei’s shoe print features, and others can naturally get it, thus framing Shi Lei.

Fortunately, Jia Zhengchun has other evidence!

“Shi Lei, even if the shoe print features can be imitated, can be genetic, you can’t fake Right?” Jia Zhengchun got a report from the assistant and threw it in front of Shi Lei.

This is a Gene Identification report, the personnel of the Shuangqing City Police Department, found an inconspicuous hair at the secret exit of the Dragon Rise’ Plan First Division, and carried out Gene Identification, confirming that it is Shi Lei’s hair.

“Shi Lei, what do you have to say?” Jia Zhengchun pleased’s smile, sweeping away the previous trend.

“Mr.Elderly Jia, I have something to say!” Shi Lei answered affirmatively, then stood up and bent forward to lean forward, whispering: “Mr. Eldest Jia, I want to tell you quietly!”

Jia Zhengchun suddenly in the heart Fantasy, Shi Lei will be soft. From the evidence he collected, Shi Lei has a very big suspicion. It can even be said that Shi Lei is one of the two personnel who appeared at the crime scene. Another person, naturally accurate as stated sword double.

“Do you have anything to say? Let’s talk about it!” Jia Zhengchun ignored Shi Lei’s request for a small talk, but shouted loudly, so that Bai Qiang, Zhong Weijian, and Xie Nanfeng could all hear it.

Shi Lei shook his head. “Mr.Elderly Jia, my Hope only tells you alone. Rest assured, you will be very satisfied, what I will say right away.”

Jia Zhengchun thought that Shi Lei would say something to bribe him. He smiled in the heart. In Bai Qiang’s Office, Jia Zhengchun had already arranged sophisticated eavesdropping instruments. On the small voice of Shi Lei, they would all be The eavesdropping instrument is recorded, this is a proper bribe evidence!

“What do you want to tell me?” Jia Zhengchun did not refuse, just looked at Shi Lei.

Shi Lei hēi hēi smiled, “Mr. Elderly Jia, you are close, I will only tell you one person!”

Jia Zhengchun no longer hesitated, he got up from the leather sofa and was close to Shi Lei. “You say, what is it.”

“hēi hēi, the thing I want to tell you is, this is the case!” Shi Lei’s right hand, grabbed the few hairs of Jia Zhengchun, and then pulled it hard.

Jia Zhengchun cry out in surprise, suddenly stood up straight, shouting Shi Lei, dissatisfied big shouted: “Shi Lei, what are you doing?”

Shi Lei shook his right hand, between the thumb and forefinger, a few gray hairs, not too obvious.

“Bureau Chief Bai, recently we Shuangqing City, is there any evil “sex” murder case? I found the murderer!” Shi Lei deliberately asked Bai Qiang.

Bai Qiang cooperated: “Yesterday has a bad murder case!”

“Hey? Where? I have to throw these hairs in, and then you can catch the murderer! After all, the murderer left the genetic evidence at the crime scene!” Shi Lei said in a mocking tone. .

Jia Zhengchun finally understood that Shi Lei was completely mocking him. It was just the genetic evidence of a hair. It was determined that Shi Lei had been to the crime scene. It was so funny!

“Mr. Eldest Jia, don’t you run away quickly? Wait a minute, Shuangqing City Police, if you have solid evidence, you can become a murderer. When will you not run?” Shi Lei looked at him with scorn Jia Zhengchun.

Jia Zhengchun Want to fight Shi Lei? It’s not a Shi Lei’s opponent!

〖∷update fast ∷: pure text ∷ 〗