
Chapter 931

hk919 A large ticket holder can prove it to me!

May 3 12 Day, Children’s Day.

The phone of Shuangqing City Police Department hit the top of Shi Lei’s cell phone, and the other party said a big pass. Shi Lei had not had time to answer, and the living room came knocking.

Izual’s cold voice reminded: “Sr, System automatically determines, there are four Police Force outside the door, and currently waiting for you.”

Jingya Garden’s Building Ten, the top 3-Layer building, was all purchased by Shi Lei with all kinds of identity, ensuring maximum safety. Even if some unexpected circumstances occur, Shi Lei can also enter the following two layers through the escape passage, and escape with ease.

Four police forces outside the door, Izual through the Word Recognition Engine, determine their identity, so they are letting them through the blockade, up to the twenty floor. Otherwise, the average person does not enter the authority of the twenty floor.

Shi Lei hangs up the phone, and his mouth sings out with a hint of disdain. ‘Is it so fast? I am afraid it is a bit of a point, call me! Could it be Shuangqing City Police, no, it should be Jia Zhengchun, the old Ghost, thinking that I have to run away? Hēi hēi, he is too sorry for me! ‘

Shuangqing City is Shi Lei’s Old Nest. How can Shi Lei escape?

Knocking on the door again, Shi Lei didn’t open the door immediately, but through the loudspeaker outside the door, he replied to the four waiting for Police Force: “You wait a moment, I just get up, wash and change clothes!”

Shi Lei’s really got up. He slowly washed the accomplish in the bathroom, and then put the Major official certificate of the Rongcheng Military District and the qsz92-style pistol allotted. At the same time, a button recorder was also prepared for the secret, hidden in the gapbetween the belts. [

Everything was ready, Shi Lei opened the security door, four Police Force outside the door, two of them glare like a tiger watching his prey looking at Shi Lei, the other two with a smile. Obviously, the four Police Forces are not all the way. It should be that Bai Qiang has arranged two people, and Jia Zhengchun has arranged two people.

The reason why Bai Qiang wants to arrange two people is to prevent Shi Lei from being the person of Jia Zhengchun, and on the way to Shi Lei under the Black Hand!

Shi Lei nodded to the two smiling Police Forces and then asked: “Police Officer, don’t know if I am going to the Police Department, is there anything?”

Shi Lei certainly knows what it is like to ask him to go to the Police Department, but Shi Lei must pretend not to know! Otherwise, wouldn’t it be that the silver in this place is three hundred and two?

“Can be told! The superior order must take you back!” A young Police Force who looks twenty five or six, said with a slapin the face. Obviously, he is the personnel of Jia Zhengchun, and will definitely not give Shi Lei a good face.

Shi Lei smiled and said: “If I don’t go back with you?”

Two Police Forces belonging to the Jia Zhengchun series immediately became nervous. They were coldly snorted and said: “Do you want to violently resist against the law?”

“violently resist against the law? A big hat! I don’t know which law I violated. Why do you say that I am violently resist against the law? Which law law do you follow?” Shi Lei asked.

Two Police Forces under Bai Qiang, and the mud advised: “Mr. Shi, we just ask you to go to the routine investigate, please rest assured, we will be responsible for your safety.”

This sentence concealed the “shot” out, Bai Qiang will certainly protect Shi Lei’s opinion, as long as Shi Lei went to the Shuangqing City Bureau, Bai Qiang will not let him have an accident.

“If that’s the case, let’s go!” Shi Lei followed the four Police Forces into the elevator and took the elevator to the Main Level.

Two Police Forces belonging to Jia Zhengchun, trying to get Shi Lei to take the police car, can Shi Lei be willing? The police car’s Safety “sex” is not guaranteed. In the event of a traffic accident, who is Shi Lei looking for?

What is a traffic accident, that is a harmful solution that Shi Lei likes very much!

Under Shi Lei’s insistence, the two Jia Zhengchun subordinate’s Police Force chose to give up, and their expressions seemed to be sighed in relief, as if there were some regrets.

Shi Lei is driving the white Porsche Cayenne. There are two Police Forces in the back seat, one Bai Qiang, and one Jia Zhengchun subordinate. They are responsible for ‘Companion’ Shi Lei to prevent Shi Lei from finding Directions to Shuangqing City Police Department. [

From Shuanghu District to Beiyu District Shuangqing City Police Department Headquarters, it took nearly 30 minutes to drive. Shi Lei walked into the Bureau Chief Office of Shuangqing City Police Department under the guidance of four Police Force.

In the Bureau Chief Office, there are six people, and Shi Lei knows four. They are Bureau Chief Bai Qiang of Shuangqing City Police Department and Bureau Chief Zhong Weijian of Shuangqing City National Security Agency. Shi Lei This is the first time to officially meet with Zhong Weijian. I used to know Zhong Weijian from the data, and I didn’t know it with Zhong Weijian.

Bai Qiang and Zhong Weijian, sitting on the leather sofa on the left, opposite them are Xie Nanfeng, Shuangqing City Responsible for Economy’s solid authority Vice-mayor, and Xie Nanfeng’s secretary, standing behind Xie Nanfeng.

In addition to these four people, the first leather sofa in the middle, sitting on a spirited old man, if Shi Lei did not guess wrong, that person is exactly as stated Dragon Rise’ Plan DIRE ct Authority, which is Jia Zhengchun.

Jia Zhengchun is also standing behind a middle-aged man. This is Jia Yachunchun’s assistant and bodyguard. He is an armed personnel of the human potential research institute. He is one of the successful people of the human potential plan and subordinate plan. It is similar to the sword double. But not the Dragon Rise’ Plan.

Bai Qiang watched Shi Lei walk into the Office door, apologizing on his face, and then took the initiative to say: “Shi Lei, you are coming, hurry to find a place to sit, we have something, want to discuss with you.”

Shi Lei turned his eyes and responded to Bai Qiang first, then deliberately rushed Xie Nanfeng with a smile, holding Xie Nanfeng’s thoughts, sitting next to Xie Nanfeng, and volunteering to say Xie Nanfeng: “Mayor Xie, good morning.” what!”

Xie Nanfeng corner of mouth twitching, the face expression responded: “Well, good morning!”

“Hey, Mayor Xie, are you yesterday in gold and jade in glorious splendor? How do you have a spirit to the Police Department today? Could it be that the service of gold and jade in glorious splendor is not in place, Mayor Xie is looking for Bureau Chief Bai to support the field? If this is the case, let me know, I must help Mayor Xie to get back to the game. The group of small things is really awkward, even Mayor Xie has to hang!” Shi Lei deliberately made a look of indignation, as if he How good is the relationship with Xie Nanfeng.

Xie Nanfeng’s face “color” turned red, as if there was a spring under the buttocks, and stood up violently, shouting Shi Lei, roaring: “Shi Lei, what do you say in the chaos? When do I go Gold and jade in glorious splendor? Believe it or not, I swear you?”

In the face of the violent Xie Nanfeng, Shi Lei said indifferently: “Mayor Xie, don’t be nervous, just make a joke, active and active everyone’s dull atmosphere, you don’t have to care too much.”

Xie Nanfeng coldly snorted, sitting down again, he knows that now with Shi Lei, there is no meaning, Shi Lei will not have any actual loss.

“ke ke, well, no jokes, now we are starting to talk about business!” Jia Zhengchun, who was sitting in the first place, made two coughs to attract everyone’s attention.

He looked at Shi Lei with a kind smile on his face, as if there was no harm at all. However, those who are familiar with Jia Zhengchun know that he is a “Ghost” old Ghost who can’t vomit!

“First introduce myself, I am Jia Zhengchun, from Capital City, and I am currently responsible for the work of the National Security Project aspect.” Jia Zhengchun looked at Shi Lei and introduced his own situation in a vague way.

When introducing himself, Jia Zhengchun concealed Shi Lei and wanted to analyze whether Shi Lei knew his real identity from Shi Lei’s expression.

However, life is like a play, it depends on acting. Shi Lei’s acting is called King of the Screen Level. When Jia Zhengchun introduced himself, Shi Lei looked casually. When Jia Zhengchun introduced it, he only said with a smile: “old man, for a long time, you still didn’t make it clear. Forget about it, I also You don’t need to know what identity you are, anyway, if you have anything, just say it!”

“Right, I also brighten my identity, I am the EO of Dream Entertainment Company, Rongcheng Military District is editing Major, mCompany High Grade Engineer!” Shi Lei brightened her identity.

mHigh Grade Engineer What is completely Shi Lei’s self-styled, anyway, mCompany is currently the absolute holding Child Company in the Mirror Science and Technology system, and is split into four parts.

As a stockholder of Mirror Science and Technology, Shi Lei holds a fifteenth share of Mirror Science and Technology. Will mCompany still be a boss of his own, and not give him a high Grade Engineer identity?

In fact, Shi Lei’s three identity, the most powerful identity, or the Rongcheng Military District is the Major, which represents the military’s identity, and the Rongcheng Military District is the back of Shi Lei’s.

Jia Zhengchun, who smiles and looks at Shi Lei, in the heart, is somewhat jealous of the identity of the Rongcheng Military District. This is not because Jia Zhengchun is afraid of a major identity, but Shi Lei’s age, plus he is a Freedom event, not reported in the Rongcheng Military District. These reasons add up to the cause of Jia Zhengchun’s concern.

“It turned out to be Major in the Rongcheng Military District!” Jia Zhengchun said in a slightly disdainful tone. “Major Shi, I have an issue, I want to ask you. Yesterday, where are you?”

Shi Lei squinted at Jia Zhengchun and deliberately asked Bai Qiang in a significant tone: “Bureau Chief Bai, what is the identity of this old man? How do I feel that he is hanging?”

When I asked this question, it was Bai Qiang, or Zhong Weijian, or Xie Nanfeng. All of them had the impulse of rolling one’s eyes. This is not because Jia Zhengchun is hanging, but Shi Lei is very hoisted.

Bai Qiang pretended to have a severe cough, quickly and covertly glanced at Jia Zhengchun and found that Jia Zhengchun didn’t even have a pissed, only started talking: “Shi Lei, don’t impudent, this Mr. Jia’s identity is very honorable, he asks you, What do you answer.”

As if to strengthen his tone, Bai Qiang continued: “Shi Lei, remember, honestly answer, sit next to me, but the National Security Agency’s Bureau Chief, National Security Agency is what “sex”, I think Do you know Right?”

At Xia Nation, if something is related to Nation Safety, it is definitely not a simple matter!

Shi Lei pretending to be scared, “National Security Agency’s Bureau Chief?”

Zhong Weijian looked serious and nodded solemnly.

Only Bai Qiang was smiling. He could see that Shi Lei was just being pretended to be scared. If Shi Lei was so easily, he was scared. Is he Shi Lei?

Jia Zhengchun didn’t know, he thought that Shi Lei was really scared, so he asked again, “Major Shi, where are you yesterday night?”

Shi Lei showed a polite look and asked very friendly: “Mr. Eldest Jia, I am in the night at Shuangqing City, Shuanghu District, Emerald Lake Business District, Thrill Bar.”

“You lied!” Jia Zhengchun suddenly changed his face, and the kind smile disappeared, revealing a gloomy expression.

Jia Zhengchun’s fast-changing skill, scared a lot of people, let them “show” out of the flaws, but Shi Lei was not scared, but frowned, “showing” a eager to prove the “color” of the god, trying to defend Road: “I don’t have a lily!”

“You don’t have a lily?” Jia Zhengchun’s face “color” is still gloomy. “Do you have any proof?”

Jia Zhengchun is a high-ranking person for a long time. When his expression is gloomy, there is a majesty that cannot be said. If it is an ordinary person, it has long been scared by the expression of Jia Zhengchun, and then Jia Zhengchun asked what, it must be like a bamboo tube, the whole huā lā huā lā shakes out.

But is Shi Lei the kind of average person who is easily scared?

Shi Lei definitely nodded. “I am a frequent visitor to Thrill Bar, down to the doorman, up to Boss, all know me. From yesterday at 6 o’clock in the evening until 0 o’clock in the morning, I have been at Thrill Bar!”

“Is it?” Jia Zhengchun’s face showed a playful expression.

“If you don’t believe it, a big ticket holder can prove my rhetoric and prove that I Yesterday is at Thrill Bar!” Shi Lei is still a demeanor, giving a faithful and honest image…

(To be continued.)

〖∷update fast ∷: pure text ∷ 〗