
Chapter 879

hk867 maliciously provokes trouble!

Nanchao Nation is one of Xia Nation’s neighbors, with a territory of only one-sixteenth of Xia Nation and a population of about one-sixth of the weight of Xia Nation.

If it is not a particularly bad existence of mathematics, I am afraid it can be easily calculated. Nanchao Nation has a smaller per capita land area than Xia Nation.

However, it is such a small Nation that lacks a small object, but created a series Miracle, becoming a Developed Nation that has been recognized by the whole world and recognized by the whole world!

That’s right!

Nanchao Nation is Developed Nation! It is recognized as Developed Nation by World Bank, International currency fund Organization, and even Li Jian Nation’s Central Intelligence Agency.

According to the Ranked Human Development Index, Nanchao Nation has long been in the trend of the former twenty, while Xia Nation’s Hong Kong and Ao Island have long occupied the Top 10 status. As for the main body of Xia Nation, for some reason, it is always floating around a hundred.

High Degree Developed Nanchao Nation, the policy that underpins Nation’s economic lifeline is the ‘export-led’ strategy. Nanchao Nation relies on all kinds of advanced technologies to create World-leading products and then dumps them all over World to sustain Nation’s economic development.

Nanchao Nation’s most famous company, excellent as stated, the famous Samsung. Later generations, the cell phone made by Samsung won the highest market share in the whole world. Even the phoneseries cell phone made by ppleCompany did not end the rise of Samsung. [

However, Shi Lei’s target this time is not Samsung for the time being!

As a Large-scale semiconductor electronic industry group with a market value close to Hundred-billion, Samsung is in the electronic defense aspect. If there is nothing extraordinary, can they succeed?

Every World Giant type business. Especially the electronic industry, their Network Defense, is absolutely not the same. At least one World Summit Grade Expert will be available.

Most of these World Summit Grade Experts are the Security SpeCIA list of the “Government” aspect. The Security SpeCIA list of these “Government” aspects has selected some well-known companies to work part-time. Because of the Security SpeCIA list of “Government”, it is not an unobtrusive Hacker. They can appear in life. You can open and aboveboard to do some Cyber ​​Security related things.

therefore. The helm of a well-known company can make a face-to-face conversation with Freedom’s appointment with Security SpeCIA list. Everyone’s identity can be known. Therefore, well-known companies do not care that these Security SpeCIA lists belong to “Government”, and they will not be afraid of these Security SpeCIA lists stealing the company’s Confidential Information.

Which World famous company does not have some secret power? If you know the Security SpeCIA list, do you dare to be a two-sided party? That is probably the rhythm of the Zhulian and the Nine!

In addition to these part-time Security SpeCIA lists. Only a handful of electronic industry groups have their own World Summit Grade Security SpeCIA list. According to Shi Lei, the Samsung Group has their own World Summit Grade Security SpeCIA list, and there is more than one! According to the official Angel Parliament, the Samsung Group has at least six World Grade Security SpeCIA lists, at least three of which are World Summit Grade’s Security SpeCIA list.

The rise of the Samsung Group. It is not unrelated to the Cyber ​​Security services provided by these Security SpeCIA lists!

Shi Lei The target of the invasion of Nanchao Nation is only four online game makers, not the giant monster of Samsung. As for the future, if there is a chance. Shi Lei will naturally not let go of the Samsung Group.

The time zone of Xia Nation is ut8, and the time zone of Nanchao Nation is ut9. Xia Nation Time At 11:30 in the middle of the night, Nanchao Nation is already at 0:30 in the morning. This time period is an absolute sleep time for Ordinary people. However, for Hacker, night provides them with the best cover.

The vast majority of Hackers usually like to act in the dead of night. It doesn’t mean that you have to act at night, but most of the Hacker is used to acting at night.

Shi Lei doesn’t have a fixed time preference. When Shi Lei wants to invade, it immediately invades with “sex”. Now Shi Lei is not in a good mood. He controls some of wnMiwang’s resources, crosses the network barrier between Xia Nation and Nanchao Nation, and enters the network of Nanchao Nation.

Participate in the Nanchao Nation of Anti-Dream Entertainment Great Coalition, a total of four. They are nexon, nsoft, neowz, smlegte. Among them, neowz and smlegte are absolute main forces. The two companies have a closer relationship with the Big Penguin Company, and they have invested more Hacker.

Shi Lei mainly wants to clean up the target, also neowz and smlegte. As for nsoft and nexon, Shi Lei just spent a little time, through their OffiCIA l Website homepage, invaded the Main Server, in the Main Server, invested in Moon Virus, and then ignored.

The danger of Moon Virus is very serious. By repeating the Low-level FormAT&T ing Hard Disk, the physical “sex” is destroyed. Hacker destroys computer EQ uipment, the most important target, exactly as stated Storage Equipment, which is Hard Disk. [

For the ordinary user, the important “sex” and value of computer storage equipment is far less valuable than the central processor pu, the motherboard, or the memory and the Graphics Card. After all, the price of a Hard Disk is only EQ uivalent to one third, or even less, of a pu value. Not to mention the high-end Atmospheric Top Level Graphics Card device, it is not a value comparable to a Hard Disk.

However, for enterprise users, the important “sex” of Storage Equipment is much higher than the value of the rest of the equipment. The data inside Storage Equipment is the really valuable thing.

There is a saying in the t world called ‘Hard Drive has Value, data price’. This proverb is very intuitive to reflect the value of data in the enterprise.

Nsoft and nexon’s Main Server store a lot of game development data. Moon Virus enters the two Main Company’s Main Server and quickly starts to screen the attack target.

Moon Virus’s attack mode for Server was adjusted to a certain degree by Shi Lei. Server’s Storage Equipment, usually a disk array group. Not a single Hard Disk.

The disk array group consists of multiple Hard Disks and runs the Hard Disk of the Server System. Usually does not exist in multiple Hard Disks. According to this special feature, Shi Lei changed the Moon Virus attack plan for Server, from the previous full disk array group attack to the filter attack.

Moon Virus will determine the number of disks in the computer, then resolve the System disk, protect the System disk, isolate other slave disks, and perform Low-level FormAT&T ing processing on the slave disks. When the Low-level FormAT&T ing slave disk. Moon Virus also sinisterly blocks the Hard Disk data feedback light, simulating the flashing of the Hard Disk data feedback light under normal conditions.

This insidious setting makes Moon Virus more harmful. Often between the sounds, you can destroy the server’s slave disk, and the Server’s Main System has no issue.

The main server of nsoft and nexon is the data stored in Moon Virus 蹂躏, the internal slave disk of the server. Was processed by Low-level FormAT&T ing.

Shi Lei finished processing nsoft and nexon, the other party’s Safety On-duty Personnel, they have not found their Main Server has been attacked. I have to say that Moon Virus has become more and more sharp, and the attack method is getting harder and harder to decrypt.

Although nsoft and nexon’s Main Server are completely killed by Moon Virus, Shi Lei knows. The loss of the two companies is not too big, their real Core data is stored in the Server that isolates the network environment. Online game makers are not the same as operators. They are not inseparable from the network environment. They can be in a closed environment. Develop and make games.

For the environment that isolates the network, Shi Lei is not completely incapable. Only Shi Lei is too lazy to be true with nsoft and nexonCompany. The main targets of Shi Lei are neowz and smlegte.

Xia Nation Time, late at night close to the early hours. The time of Nanchao Nation is already close to one o’clock in the morning. Shi Lei also entered the OffiCIA l Website of neowz and smlegte.

Online game maker’s Network Defense, compared to the online game operator, has a large section. The focus is different, and the network’s defense is not the same.

Shi Lei did not move the Main Server of the two companies this time. Because Shi Lei knows that there is no valuable data in the Main Server. For neowz and smlegte, Shi Lei’s tolerance is as tolerant as the other two companies. Destroying nsoft and nexon’s Main Server is not so much a breach of their data as it is to vent their anger.

Controlling the Main Server of neowz and smlegte, Shi Lei did not do any sabotage, but composed the Main Server of the two companies, plus a high-quality Zombie Server of Nanchao Nation, to form a temporary Small- Scale Server Cluster.

Shi Lei controls some of wnMiwang’s resources, injects this Small-scale Server Cluster, and then controls some of wnMiwang’s resources based on the Small-scale Server Cluster.

It is worth mentioning that Shi Lei does not specifically protect this Small-scale Server Cluster. In general, Zombie, which is under Shi Lei control, is usually protected by Shi Lei’s, in order to prevent the anti-tracking of the real paddress’s investigate by the rest of the Hacker or the anti-Hacker’s Security SpeCIA list.

If there is no safety protection, if you find the real paddress Hacker, it is definitely a big tragedy. Shi Lei did not set the safety protection measures this time. Did Shi Lei make a low mistake?

Shi Lei obviously can’t make this kind of low mistake, even if Shi Lei made a low mistake, Izual will remind Shi Lei and help Shi Lei to heal these small mistakes and mistakes.

However, Shi Lei or Izual did not care about the temporary Small-scale Server Cluster without the Defense System. There is only one possibility, Shi Lei deliberately!

Shi Lei is ready to use this Small-scale Server Cluster for malicious provocation…

(To be continued. If you like this work, you are welcome to come to the starting point, the monthly pass, your support, is my biggest motivation. Cell phone user please go to m to read.)

Ps: [Thank you for your appreciation] Dreams, enjoy 588 Pavilion Yu Loli, reward 300Imperial Guard Boss, and enjoy 100

[Enthusiastic] “The Lord of the Gods Profession”, the old book of Mt. Shan, can look at it, and then come to a ‘Great God’.

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