
Chapter 878

Both hk866 inside and outside, the sword refers to Nanchao Nation!

May twenty day, Twenty-three point.

Although the time is already 11 o’clock in the middle of the night, Internet World in the Xia Nation area is full of enthusiasm. In the QQ|Penguin chat communication group, Chief Ma’s ‘great achievements’ are discussed.

Numerous male “sex” QQ|Penguin users, chose to support Chief Ma, and even made Chief Ma an idol, think that Chief Ma is a real man, dare to open his own love to the whole world.

Some male “sexual” netizens posted in the major forums, and the relationship between ‘Boss and the secretary’ was ridiculed. This simple and complex relationship is mostly divided into two states.

There is something to do with the secretary, nothing to do…

The seNSA tional news of Chief Ma and the female secretary seems to have not only produced any negative effects in the circle of male “sexual” netizens, but has made Chief Ma very popular.

However, seNSA tional news is not without negative effects. At least, some female “sexual” netizens are very disgusted with Chief Ma’s behavior. In particular, after a certain “enthusiasm netizen” published the fact that Chief Ma was married, it was immediately condemned by the female “sexual” netizens who were numerous.

Dongguang Province, Shenzhen. [

Chief Ma accompanied the female secretary, at a luxurious 5★ Guesthouse, doing some of the behavioral simulations of the more harmonious Love Action Art movie. However, just as Chief Ma was making the final impact, the pretty shy female secretary, currently happy and low “吟”…

The cell phone placed on the bedside table suddenly rang. The sudden ringing of the ring, scared Chief Ma’s Little Brother, it suddenly became soft, just a step away from Jun Jun!

Chief Ma’s face is not good coldly snorted, in the heart cursing the people of the call. You can look at the Caller ID by Chief Ma, and the face “color” has changed again. Caller ID is an English word ‘wfe’, which is the ‘wife’ opinion.

“嘘~” Chief Ma picked up the phone and turned to make a buzzing action to the female secretary. Then he adjusted the voice and simulated the accent after the drunk, and then pressed the answer button.

“Hello? Old Ma, where are you?” Chief Ma’s wife is Li Dan, and formerly and Chief Ma have a romantic past. But in the middle age, the relationship between Chief Ma and Li Dan has gradually become a gap.

Especially after a beautiful female secretary appeared next to Chief Ma, Chief Ma suddenly felt that life was full of sunshine, as if he had found the frivolity of formerly young.

In the face of his wife’s inquiry, Chief Ma in the heart snorted, but Chief Ma was dealing with his wife’s checkup. Already done quite well. I only heard the sound of Chief Ma, with a hint of “forced” really drunk, the mouth is slightly unclear: “Wife, I am drinking regularly, I will be back soon!”

“Drinking?” Li Dan’s tone was a bit cold, “Old Ma. I’m afraid you are not drinking Bar?”

Ma Huatang’s face was “exposed” with a surprised expression, but it was very calm and still kept a slight state. “Wife, I am really drinking!”

“Old Ma. How many numbers are today?” Li Dan’s tone was a question.

‘Number? ‘Ma Huatang thoughts sharply. ‘What is an important day today? wrong! Not my wife’s birthday, nor my birthday, nor the child’s birthday and wedding anniversary. What is important today? ‘

Ma Huatang, who can’t understand, can only answer conservatively: “Wife, today is the twenty day of May, is there anything special?”

Li Dan listened to Ma Huatang’s answer and even laughed. “Old Ma, today is the twenty twenty day, isn’t it important to you?”

“What is important to me?” Ma Huatang clearly felt that his wife knew something, but was not sure what it was.

“Old Ma, you and my husband and wife, why bother to play? You and your little secretary together Right?” Li Dan directly broke the truth of the matter. [

Ma Huatang was shocked!

The things he is with the little secretary should not be known at all. After all, their work at 5★ Guesthouse tryst was very confidential and there was no flaw at all.

Before coming to the Guesthouse, after work, Ma Huatang drove himself in a very inconspicuous car to the Underground garage of 5★ Guesthouse, while the little secretary also drove another car that was not her daily use, with Chief. Ma came to 5★ Guesthouse at different times.

Tryst’s 5★ Guesthouse, the opening record is not the identification certificate of Ma Huatang and the small secretary himself, but two other related personnel, and the room that is handled is only two adjacent rooms.

Ma Huatang and the small secretary entered the adjacent two rooms respectively. Inside the two adjacent rooms, there is a hidden door that can connect the adjacent two rooms and then the two room roles. You can pass the song.

The whole tryst process, so secret, Ma Huatang in the heart, the wife, impossible to know!

“Wife, what are you talking about, I am really drinking with Company’s friend!” Chief Ma added a little more to make his words stronger: “Wife, do you want to talk to Old Zhang?”

Under normal circumstances, even if Li Dan suspects that Ma Huatang has an issue, Li Dan will be relieved if he has a phone call with the rest of the company to prove that Ma Huatang is not fooling around.

Big Penguin Company’s Old Zhang is naturally not around Ma Huatang, but Chief Ma’s cell phone has built-in special software that can connect the two phones. Chief Ma has long colluded with Old Zhang. As long as Chief Ma calls Old Zhang, Old Zhang will cover Chief Ma and help Chief Ma to get through.

Li Dan sneered. “Old Ma, I underestimated your shame. You have already opened to the public on your own Web Portal. Do you still need to think about my feelings?”

“What open to the public? What Web Portal?” Ma Huatang This is really a bit “touch” unclear. When did he open to the public on Web Portal?

Li Dan listened to Ma Huatang’s tone and felt that Ma Huatang’s tone was not like it. She asked suspiciously: “Old Ma, you really don’t know what the Web Portal homepage is?”

Li Dan introduced Ma Huatang open to the public and introduced it briefly.

“I really don’t know what it is!” After Ma Huatang replied, she immediately thought of a possible “sex”. “Wife, it may be that the Web Portal has been Hacker attack. Deliberately framed me!”

Listening to this explanation, Li Dan believed a little bit. After all, Li Dan also heard about Hacker. “Old Ma, your own Signed In Big Penguin’s OffiCIA l Web Portal, see what it is!”

Ma Huatang responded: “Wife, don’t hang up, I will use a laptop to see it!” Ma Huatang opened Notebook Computer. A quick look at the Big Penguin Company Web Portal.

When Ma Huatang looked at the ‘heavyweight’ seNSA tional news on the Web Portal homepage, his face “shows” the expression of “didn’t know whether to cry or laugh”. How could he be so high-profile? Even if he really likes the little secretary, Ma Huatang will not make such a special thing.

“Wife, this is indeed the invasion of Hacker!” Chief Ma first defined this matter and put all the responsibilities on Hacker. “I don’t know what Hacker is. It made such a vicious and false news. This is the filth against our Big Penguin Company. These Hackers want to discredit our Company!”

Li Dan’s tone reveals a feeling of sighed in relief. “It turned out to be Hacker attack!”

Ma Huatang is really sighed in relief, it seems that his explanation has been successfully dealt with the past, “Wife. I immediately arranged the Technical Department of the Company, for the incident of Hacker invasion, carry out related investigate. I will investigate out Who is framed me, then sue him and sue him for sin!”

“Is it?” Li Dan’s answer. There are some feelings of absent-mindedness.

Chief Ma thought that Li Dan was thinking about what Hacker had invaded Big Penguin Web Portal. He comforted: “Women. Don’t worry, Company, I will handle it all right!”

However, the next moment, Chief Ma immediately knew how wrong he was!

“dīng dōng ~ ”

Chief Ma and the small secretary tryst’s Room, the doorbell sounded. The Chief Ma is absolutely certain and ok, he placed a DND tag outside the Room. Also in other words, now pressing the doorbell’s personnel, definitely not what room service.

Chief Ma made a look to the little secretary, indicating that the little secretary first dressed and went to see who was outside the door. But before the little secretary got dressed, the voice of Chief Ma’s wife, Li Dan, came from the handset of Chief Ma cell phone.

“Old Ma, I am outside the door, you are opening the door now!” The doorbell was ringing, and it was Ma Huatang’s wife Li Dan!

I have to say that all this is a coincidence. Chief Ma doesn’t know the seNSA tional news of Web Portal at all. Shi Lei doesn’t know that Chief Ma really has a leg with the little secretary. He just relies on the photos of the two people. The test.

Ma Huatang, or Shi Lei, did not think of the wife of Ma Huatang, who even came to the door, and just caught the “rape” in the bed blocked Ma Huatang Chief Ma!

This is a coincidence of marvel, destined for the tragedy of Chief Ma!


Jingya Garden.

Shi Lei is still unaware of Chief Ma’s tragedy. After cleaning up Chief Ma, he started to work under Black Hand on the other five online game operators of Xia Nation. Lessons learned from the remaining five online game operators, Shi Lei has no too much toss, and naturally it is impossible to do what is not discovered like the Big Penguin.

For the five online game operators of Xia Nation, Shi Lei controlled wnMiwang, with powerful resources, directly captured the main server of the five online game operators, and they played the online game of their respective leaders, and the service was suspended. phenomenon.

Shi Lei didn’t delete their game data without evil, and didn’t plant Trojan Horse in Server. It just forced the other game’s Main Server to disconnect from the network. It was a little lesson.

The main offender is Chief Ma of Big Penguin Company, and Shi Lei is too lazy to care too much with the other five online game operators. After all, everyone is a compatriot of Xia Nation, and more or less have some preferential treatment and care.

As for Nanchao Nation?

Shi Lei just wants to say Nanchao Nation’s four online game makers, don’t want to run away!

(To be continued. If you like this work, you are welcome to come to the starting point, the monthly pass, your support, is my biggest motivation. Cell phone user please go to m to read.)

Ps:mrm:youtofmysght,butneveroutofmYM n

〖∷update fast ∷: pure text ∷ 〗